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Notes on the text

He might have said – можливо він сказав

I would not let – я не дозволяла (would is a modal verb expressing unwillingness when used with negation)

Half a dosen – декілька

The English nouns denoting a certain quantity are: a dozen дюжина, a score двадцять. Very often, especially when used in plural, they imply the idea of “a multitude”, “a lot of” and correspond to the Ukrainian багато, десятки.

I told you dozens of times.

There were scores of people in the square.

Correspondingly, half a dozen, half a score can mean “some”, “a number of”

Word combinations

  • to give smb. a wide berth – обходити когось десятою дорогою, триматися якнайдалі

  • to broach the scheme (subject, etc.)планувати, піднімати питання

  • all and sundryкожний, всі

  • to give smb. a startналякати когось, шокувати когось

  • to keep body and soul togetherзводити кінці з кінцями

  • to have a yarnвести розмову

  • to meet a demand (obligation)задовольняти потреби

  • on the spotна місці, одразу, негайно

  • at the rate ofзі швидкістю

  • for good (and all) - назавжди

Active vocabulary

  1. pang - a sudden sharp feeling, especially of painful emotion

  2. seize - to take something quickly and keep or hold it

  3. bitter - describes a person who is angry and unhappy because they cannot forget bad things which happened in the past

describes an experience that causes deep pain or anger

  1. blood - noun the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart, and carries oxygen and important substances to organs and tissue, and removes waste products

  2. frame a border which surrounds and supports a picture, door or window

frames the plastic or metal structure that holds together a pair of glasses

  1. fragile - adjective easily damaged, broken or harmed

  2. replica - noun an exact copy of an object

  3. furnished - adjective containing furniture or furniture of a particular type

  4. den - noun mainly US a room in a house or apartment, which is used for activities not involving work

  5. log - a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire

  6. devoted - adjective extremely loving and loyal

  7. disclose - to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden

  8. engaged - having formally agreed to marry

  9. accident - something bad which happens that is not expected or intended, and which often damages something or injures someone

by accident without intending to, or without being intended

  1. penniless - adjective having no money

  2. release - to give freedom or free movement to someone or something

  3. merchant - formal a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts, especially by trading with other countries

  4. promise - to tell someone that you will certainly do something

  5. berth - a bed in a boat, train, etc., or a place for a ship or boat to stay in a port

  6. suffer - to experience physical or mental pain

  7. fraud - the crime of getting money by deceiving people

  8. penitentiary - noun US for a prison (= building in which criminals are kept)

  9. roundabout - adjective not in a simple, direct or quick way

  10. employment - noun when someone is paid to work for a company or organization

  11. scheme - mainly UK an officially organized plan or system

  12. tender - adjective gentle, loving or sympathetic

  13. announce - to state or make known, especially publicly

to show that something is going to happen

  1. sundry - all and sundry mainly UK informal everyone

  2. wrap - 1. to cover or surround something with paper, cloth or other material

to cover someone with material in order to protect them

  1. scissors - plural noun a device used for cutting materials such as paper, cloth and hair, consisting of two sharp blades which are joined in the middle, and two handles with holes to put your fingers through

  2. customer - noun a person who buys goods or a service

  3. gee exclamation mainly US informal an expression of surprise or enthusiasm

  4. greasy - covered with or full of fat or oil

  5. fortune a large amount of money, goods, property, etc

  6. occasion - formal an opportunity or reason for doing something or for something to happen

  7. grasp - when you hold onto someone or something

  8. forger- someone who makes forged copies

  9. decent - socially acceptable or good

informal dressed or wearing clothes

  1. amazement - noun extreme surprise

  2. favour - the support or approval of something or someone

  3. bathe - verb to swim, especially in the sea, a river or a lake

  4. grove - a group of trees planted close together

  5. splash - the noise of something hitting or moving in water

  6. shallow - adjective having only a short distance from the top to the bottom

  7. hut - noun a small, simple building, usually consisting of one room

  8. vast - adjective extremely big

  9. seldom - almost never

  10. cruel - extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally

  11. harbor - an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter

  12. chuckle - to laugh quietly

  13. trivial - having little value or importance

  14. escape - to get free from something, or to avoid something

  15. sheltered - adjective protected from wind, rain or other bad weather

  16. exquisite - adjective very beautiful; delicate

  17. antique - adjective dealing in or relating to antiques

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