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Контрольное задание №3.

I. Местоимения it, that, числительное one.

Местоимение It

В предложении может быть:

1. личным местоимением, переводится – он, она, оно, его, ее.

Take this book. It is interesting.

2. указательным местоимением, переводится – это

W hat is it? – It is our new club.

3. является подлежащим в безличных предложениях.

It is cold. It is winter. It is known.

4. в предложении может быть частью усилительной конструкции.

It is the book that I want to read. Это именно та книга, которую я хочу


Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык:

1. It is autumn. It is the 3rd of October. It is dark in the morning and it is difficult to get up. 2. It is a new subject. It is very important for our future speciality. We shall study it for two years. 3. It is known that the knowledge of general engineering subjects is the basis for the study of special subjects. 4. It is said that the chemistry laboratory of our institute is good. 5. It is important to understand the fundamentals of this science. 6. It is the knowledge of general engineering subjects that is the basis of engineering training.

Местоимение That

В предложении может быть:

  1. указательным местоимением (форма мн. числа - those), переводится – тот, то, та, те.

That house was built in 1970.

  1. относительным местоимением, переводится – который.

The book that you gave me is interesting.

3. союзом, переводится – что

We know that he studies at the institute.

  1. союзом подлежащего (стоит в начале предложения), переводится – то, что:

That the profession of an engineer requires special training is a well-known fact.

  1. союзом сказуемого (стоит после глагола to be), переводится – то, что

The feature (особенность) of the education in our country is that it is available to all.

  1. заменителем существительного

The climate of that part of the country differs from that in another.

6. частью усилительной конструкции it is … that, переводится – именно, точно, как раз

It was you that said so. Именно вы сказали так.

Упр. 2. Переведите на русский язык:

1. That student studies in our group. 2. The professor that lectures on mechanics is the dean of our faculty. 3. The aim of today’s policy is that peace in the world should be permanent. 4. The programme for the first-year students differs from that of the third-year students. 5.There are many interesting articles in this journal, read those on your speciality. 6. It is the high qualification of future specialists that will determine the scientific and technological progress of any country.

Числительное One

В предложении может быть:

  1. числительным

I have only one book.

  1. неопределенным местоимением, переводится вместе с глаголом – можно, нужно

One can read that text without Можно прочитать этот текст

a dictionary. без словаря.

3.заменителем существительного

Take my pen. – Thank you, I have one.

Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык:

1. One must study a lot to become an engineer. 2. We must write only one exercise now. 3. Engineering is one of the most important professions, it is the one that is taught at technical institutes. 4. One must pass all the exams well to enter an institute. 5. Last summer I read many English articles and my friend read some German ones. 6. This summer we shall spend in the country, the last one we spent in the city. 7. We translated many texts, but there is one more text to translate.

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