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III. Глаголы to be, to have, to do

Глагол to be

В предложении может быть:

  1. смысловым глаголом (be + предлог + существительное)

The book is on the table. (лежит)

  1. глаголом-связкой

He is a student.

  1. вспомогательным глаголом

Progressive (be + Participle I): We are writing a dictation.

Passive (be + Participle II): The article was written last week.

  1. модальным глаголом (в значении должен по договоренности или плану):

He is to come at 5.

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский язык:

1.They were at home last night. 2. He is a well-known scientist. 3. They are to leave Moscow tonight. 4. The children were walking down the street. 5. The letter will be posted at once. 6. We were to part that day. 7. The letter was written by the secretary. 8. He is not allowed to smoke in the house. 9. I was thinking hard, trying to find a solution of the problem. 10. The sun is shining, birds are singing.

Глагол to have

В предложении может быть:

  1. смысловым глаголом (have + существительное)

They have modern computers.

  1. вспомогательным глаголом

Perfect (have + Participle II): We have bought new devices.

  1. модальным глаголом (в значении должен, обязан)

They have to buy new computers.

Упр. 5. Переведите на русский язык:

1. He has a large family. 2. She has come home early. 3. We have to leave home in the morning. 4. He had typed the letter. 5. They had to complete their work on Monday. 6. He will have read the story by ten o’clock. 7. I cannot find my watch. - You may have left it at work. 8. If my sister does not buy me any coffee, I shall have to go to the shop myself. 9. She blamed herself for having been a dull companion. 10. The teacher said that he had already corrected our papers.

Глагол to do

В предложении может быть:

  1. смысловым глаголом

Simple (do, does, did):

I always do my homework.

  1. вспомогательным глаголом

Simple ( в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях ):

I don’t play tennis. Did you buy bread?

  1. усилительной конструкцией

Do bring me some water.

Упр. 6. Переведите на русский язык:

1. He will do it by himself. 2. Did you speak to him? – No, I didn’t. 3. Do stay with us a little longer. 4. Where does he live? 5. Don’t open the window! 6. I’m sorry you don’t know my brother. – But I do know him. 7.You should have done the work properly. 8. I didn’t feel well and he asked me whether he should send for a doctor. 9. I don’t usually do my morning exercises. 10. Do you always do your work in time?

IV. Сложное предложение.

Сложное предложение состоит из двух или нескольких простых предложений, выражающих одну сложную мысль.

Сложные предложения бывают двух типов: сложно-сочиненные и сложноподчиненные.

Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из неравноправных предложений, т.е. одно предложение является зависимым от другого и поясняет его. Предложение, которое поясняет другое предложение, называется придаточным. Предложение, которе поясняется придаточным предложением, называется главным.

1. Бессоюзное подчинение. В сложноподчиненном предложении главное предложение и придаточное обычно соединяются союзами – что, когда, потому что и другими – но иногда в английском языке главное и придаточное предложения соединяются бессоюзно, т.е. отсутствуют союзы that, whom.

She knows – he was ill (отсутствует that)

A man – he had never seen before was standing at the table (отсутствует whom).

The work – the scientists are doing now is very important (отсутствует that)

Упр.7. Переведите на русский язык:

1. Who is the author of the book you are reading? 2. The dress I want to buy is very expensive. 3. Have you still got this interesting journal you showed me some days ago? 4. They realized they might be close to the discovery of a new material. 5. I never regret the five years I spent on the farm. 6. Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes. 7. We shall spend our holidays in the same far village we visited last year. 8. We thought you have accepted their invitation. 9. I learnt he had been rector of our university for about ten years. 10.The trouble is I have left his address.

2. Определительные придаточные предложения выполняет в сложном предложении функцию определения. Оно присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи союзных слов who который, whom которого, whose чей, которого, that, which который.

The man who was here yesterday Человек, который был здесь вчера,

is a painter. художник.

V. Выражение приказания и просьбы с помощью глагола to let. На русский язык глагол переводится как “давайте”, “пусть”, “позвольте”

Упр. 8. Переведите на русский язык:

1. Let him read the text. 2. Let the students correct the mistakes in their tests. 3. Let’s send a letter to her brother. 4. Let’s book the tickets beforehand. 5. Let her put on her new dress. 6. Let us know when they will go to Paris. 7. Let me do it myself. 8. Let them look through these newspapers. 9. Let him apologize. 10. Let’s postpone the trip to the countryside until next Sunday. 11. Let them stay here till the end of the month. 12. Let him play in the yard till dinner.

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