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Контрольные работы по английскому языку.doc
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5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных и отрицательных местоимений.

  1. Everybody needs friends.

  2. Nearly nobody understood and recognized his work at that time.

  3. There is no rule without exception.

  4. He showed me some papers on this subject.

  5. You may go out any time you like.

  6. Once you said something, you cannot take it back.

6. Перепишите предложения. Найдите в них сказуемые, выпишите их, определите видо-временную форму и укажите инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

Образец: There was nobody in the room.

was – Past Simple –(be)

В комнате никого не было.

  1. In algebra we use letters and symbols.

  2. Analytic geometry founded an algebraic approach to geometry.

  3. The paper will contain a lot of formulas and equations.

  4. Geometry is the branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties and measurements of solids, surfaces, lines and angles.

  5. We shall discuss the advantages of this approach next week.

  6. Cantor laid the groundwork for abstract set theory and made significant contribution to the foundation of calculus.

7. Поставьте данные предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

  1. They often make computation.

  2. My paper will consist of several sections.

  3. We made an attempt to interpret the previous results.

  4. He summarized this information in a monograph.

8. Составьте предложения.

  1. time / he / always / what / come / his / to / does / classes?

  2. want / from / him / anything / I / don’t / to / take.

  3. to / tonight / early / go / bed / I’ll.

  4. the / any / were / in / photographs / there / bag?

  5. Moscow / left / ago / she / town / native / her / for / years / two.

  6. English / as / Father / well / does / Mother / speak / as?

9. Прочитайте текст, перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 3 и 5 абзацы.


The outstanding Russian mathematician Sophia Kovalevsky was born in Moscow on the 15th of February 1850, in a family of an artillery general Korvin-Krukovsky. When she was only eight an experienced teacher was invited to Polibino to instruct her in arithmetic, grammar, literature, geography and history. Though the girl liked literature so much that it seemed that literature would become her walk of life1, she showed an usual gift in mathematics. At the age of twelve she puzzled her teacher by suggesting a new solution for the determination of the ratio of diameter of the circle to its circumference.

In 1867 Sophia Korvin-Krulovsky and her sister were taken to St. Petersburg. There the young lady was allowed to go on with her studies privately. To attend lectures at the University Sophia had to obtain a special permission.

The only way-out2 for her was to go abroad, as some other Russian women did. But in this case there was a condition that the woman should be married. This made her marry3 Vladimir Kovalevsky, with whom she soon left for Vienna. There the Kovalevskys were given permission to attend lectures on physics at Vienna University, but this did not satisfy Sophia. She made up her mind to go to Heidelberg University, as her intention was to take examinations for a Doctor’s Degree in mathematics and mechanics.

In 1871 Kovalevsky went to Berlin, where she read privately with a professor, as the public lectures were not then open to women. In 1874 the University of Gottingen granted her the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The University excused her from the oral examinations in consideration of the three dissertations sent in, one of which, on the theory of partial differential equations, was one of her most remarkable works.

When Kovalevskys returned to Russia they planned to live and work in St. Petersburg. But despite the efforts of Mendeleyev, Butlerov and Chebyshev, Sophia Kovalevsky could not find a position there and was obliged to return to journalism. In 1878 Sophia gave birth to a daughter and as her husband was promised a lectureship at the Moscow University, she decided to take her Magister’s Degree there.

When she was offered lectureship at Stockholm University she willingly accepted the offer and went there with her little daughter.

In 1888 she achieved the greatest of her successes winning the highest prize offered by the Paris Academy. The problem set was: “to perfect in one important point the theory of a movement of a solid body about an immovable point”. The solution made a valuable addition to the results submitted by Euler and Lagrange.

In 1889 she was awarded another prize by the Swedish Academy of Science. Soon she was elected Professor of mechanics and held the post until her death. She died on February 10-th, 1891, at the age of 41.


1 – станет ее главным занятием в жизни

2 - единственный выход

3 - заставило ее выйти замуж