- •1 Analyze stem, root of the words, and give their types.
- •2 Analyze the problems of Lexicology according to their importance in Lexicology.
- •3 Compare verbal and non-verbal causes of semantic change.
- •4 Compare and contrast linguistic metaphor and metonymy.
- •5 Compare the results of change fom the denotational and connotational points of view.
- •7 Comment on types of context, give examples.
- •8 Compare denotational and connotational types of word-meaning.
- •9 Compare and contrast amelioration and pejoration of meanings.
- •11 Contrast the major and minor types of word-classes.
- •12 Define the morphological, phonetic and semantic types of motivation.
- •17 Discuss on the difference between comparative and contrastive types of Lexicology.
- •18 Differetiate Descriptive and Historical types of Lexicology.
- •19 Express your attitude on linguistic metaphor and metonymy.
- •20. Say about the linguistic and extra-linguistic causes.
- •21 Evaluate the theoretical and pracical values of Lexicology. Express your points of view.
- •22 Explain the semantic change from the denotational point of view.
- •23 Explain the semantic change from the connotational point of view.
- •25 Explain the productivity and non-productivity of affixes.
- •26 Explain the native and borrowed affixes in English, give differences.
- •27 Evaluate each types of word-meaning, illustrate with examples.
- •28 Formulate the differences between external and internal structures of a word.
- •29 Give the right definitions on sound-interchange, word, polysemy.
- •30 Give the classification types of morphemes according to meaning and functions.
- •31 Give the types of morphemes according to the position, give examples.
- •32 Give the general types of morphemes.
- •34 Give the links of Lexicology with other branches of linguistics.
- •34 Give the differences between generalization and specialization of meanings.
- •35 Give the major types of word-formation and give examples.
- •38 Speculate on the theoretical and practical importance of Lexicology.
- •39 Speak on elevation and degradation of meanings and give examples.
- •40 Speak on narrowing and extension of meanings, give examples.
- •41 State out main problems of Lexicology according to the system it deals with.
- •42 Show the difference between lexical and grammatical types of word-meaning.
- •44 Show the difference between free and bound lexical, grammatical types of morphemes.
- •46 State out the functions of paragigmatic and syntagmatic relations.
- •47 Speak on English word-formation system
- •48 Write about minor types of word-formation, give examples.
- •49 Write about Lexicology, types of Lexicology and object of investigation.
- •50 Write about the types of shorteed words according to their importance.
- •29.Define the ways of formation of affixation, compound words and conversion.
- •30.Define the ways of formation of blending, reduplication and sound-interchange.
- •31. Define the ways of formation of back-formation, sound-imitation and shortenings.
- •32. Express your attitude on causes, nature and results of semantic change.
- •33.Point out linguistic and other functions of a word.
- •34. Give the aims and objectives of Lexicology.
- •35.Speak on motivation and types of motivation.
- •36.Give the general types of morphemes.
- •37.Give the types of morphemes according to the position. Give examples
- •38. Give the classification types of morphemes according to meaning and functions.
- •39.State out the functions of paragigmatic and syntagmatic relations.
- •40.Compare the analytical, functional and operational categories of definition of meaning.
- •41.Differentiate General and Special types of Lexicology.
12 Define the morphological, phonetic and semantic types of motivation.
There are three types of motivation.
The morphological motivation is a direct connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning. It is the relationship between morphemes. F: one morpheme words sing, tell, eat are non-motivated, if we add suffixes or prefixes and form words as singer, rewrite, eatable they are described as motivated.
The phonetical motivation is a direct connection between the phonetical structure of the word and its meaning. F: words swish, sizzle, boom, splash they may be defined as phonetically motivated because the soundclusters are a direct imitation of the sounds these words denote.
The semantic motivation is a relationship between the central and coexisting meaning or meanings of a word which are understood as a metaphorical extension of the central meaning. It means generalization of the denotational meaning of a word permitting it to include new referents which are in some way like the original class of referents. F: a woman who has given birth is called a mother, by extension, any act that gives birth is associated with being a mother. A necessity is the mother of invention, a mother looks after a child, so that we can say she became a mother to her orphan nephew, also mother country, a mother tongue.
17 Discuss on the difference between comparative and contrastive types of Lexicology.
Comparative and Contrastive Lexicology aims to study the correlation between the vocabularies of two or more languages and find out the correspondences between the vocabulary units of the languages under comparison. The difference between the terms comparative and contrastive is that comparative methods give the similarities and differences of vocabulary of related languages and contrastive aims to investigate the vocabulary of non-related languages.
18 Differetiate Descriptive and Historical types of Lexicology.
Special Lexicology is the Lexicology of a particular language, i.e. the study and description of its vocabulary and units, primarily words as the main units of language. It goes without saying that every special lexicology has its own inner branches as historical and descriptive lexicology.
Historical (Diachronic) Lexicology is a branch of linguistics discusses the origin of different words, their change and development, their semantic relations and the development of their sound form and meaning. (Greek dia-“through” and chronos – “time”)
Descriptive (Synchronic) Lexicology deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a given stage of its development. It studies the vocabulary at a definite stage of its development. The Descriptive Lexicology of the English language deals with the English word in its morphological and semantic structures, investigating the interdependence between these two aspects. (Greek syn-“together, with” and chronos – “time”)
19 Express your attitude on linguistic metaphor and metonymy.
Generally speaking, of any semantic change has some associations between the old meaning and the new. There are two kinds of association involved in various semantic changes: similarity of meaning (metaphor) and contiguity of meaning (metonymy). In other words transference based on Resemblance is metaphor. Transference based on contiguity is metonymy. The process of development of a new meaning or a change of meaning is traditionally termed transference. The transfer of the meaning on the basis of comparison or resemblance is called metaphor.