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19. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

20. Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.

A.: … .

B.: The city of Washington is divided into four main areas: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Southeast.

A.: … .

B.: Streets in the different areas may have the same name but are distinguished by the area designation.

A.: … .

B.: Streets running north and south are designated by number – as First, Second, etc.

A.: … .

B.: Those running east and west, generally, are designated by letters of the alphabet.

A.: … .

B.: Washington, like most large cities, has a traffic problem.

A.: … .

B.: Parking place, particularly in the downtown areas, is often hard to find.

A.: … .

B.: Many of the historical and other attractions are located in the downtown area and are easily accessible.

A.: … .

B.: Government buildings, art galleries and theatres are located in the downtown area.


Washington cabs

In many American cities taxi-cabs have meters which show how much a passenger has to pay. In Washington, however, the taxis do not have meters. The city is divided into zones, and the fare depends on the number of zones a passenger rides through. Yesterday Nick and Pete took a taxi to Georgetown. It was Nick’s first ride in a Washington taxi, and he noticed the absence of a meter.

Nick: This taxi has no meter.

Pete: No, in the District fares are taken by the zones.

Nick: What is the fare per zone?

Pete: Well, for the first zone it’s sixty cents. Even if you ride only for a half block.

Nick: I see. It is sixty cents just to get in.

Pete: Right. Then for each additional zone you pay thirty cents.

Nick: Let’s see, I get in the cab in zone one; I get out in zone two. How much is the fare?

Pete: Ninety cents – sixty cents for the first zone and thirty for the second.

21. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.

22. Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

1. Your groupmate asks you about streets and avenues of Washington, D.C.

2. You ask your grouipmate about his/her recent visit to Washington, D.C.


23. Listen to the Text “Position of the City” about geographical and climatic features of Washington, d.C.

a) Answer the questions that follow.

1. What was the purpose of constructing Washington, D.C.?

2. How did President George Washington pick out the spot for the capital?

3. What is the geographical position of the city?

4. What are the climatic conditions of the city?

5. When did the City of Tokyo give several thousand of cherry-trees to Washington?

6. Why does spring in Washington have to be seen?

b) Check your answers with your groupmates and Tapescript 11A of the Text.

c) Retell the story about the position of Washington, D.C.

d) Tell your groupmates about some other seasons of Washington based on the information collected.

24. Listen to the Text “Different Washingtons”. Study the following notes and commentaries:

1. soda fountain [‘sэudэ‘fauntin] – стойка в магазине, где продаются фруктовые напитки, мороженое и т.п.

2. Rock Creek Park – парк Рок-Крик, крупнейший парк в Вашингтоне; специально для детей в нем оборудованы выставочный зал, лекторий и планетарий.

a) Fill in the chart placing ticks in its corresponding boxes.


A Washington of politics and lobbyists

A Washington of government girls

A Washington of “Society”

A Washington of newspaper men

It is located in Georgetown and along Massachusetts Avenue.

Its inhabitants move from the Capitol to House and Senate offices, down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House.

Hundreds of reporters are continuously visiting the Capitol and White House, the court-rooms, the offices of department heads

It is dedicated to the “great god paperwork”.

b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c) Read Tapescript 11B. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Retell the story.

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