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4. Finish up the sentences of the Text.

1. I am a first-year student of … .

2. I entered … .

3. The University accepts… .

4. Students take end-of-term … .

5. The winter vacation is … .

6. The summer vacation is … .

7. At the University classes … .

8. My favourite subjects are … .

9. Every day we usually have … .

10. I am in the habit of … .

11. It usually takes me … .

12. The University hostel is situated … .

5. What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: What is your name?

B.: … .

A.: Where do you study?

B.: … .

A.: What entrance examinations did you have to take?

B.: … .

A.: Are you a part-time student?

B.: … .

A.: What course of study does the University have?

B.: … .

A.: When does the academic year begin and end?

B.: … .

A.: How many terms are there in the academic year?

B.: … .

A.: Are all students granted monthly scholarships?

B.: … .

A.: When do the students have classes at the?

B.: … .

A.: What subjects are the students taught during the first two years and from the third year onwards?

B.: … .

A.: When and where do the students have their midday meal?

B.: … .

A.: When do your fellow-students and you prefer doing their/your homework?

B.: … .

A.: Where do you live or stay?

B.: … .

A.: Do you attend all classes, lectures and seminars?

B.: … .

A.: What kind of student are you?

B.: … .

6. Make up a plan of the Text and reproduce it according to the plan.


My working day

1. I get up at seven o’clock. I open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom to wash and clean my teeth. At half past seven, I have my breakfast. My mother gets breakfast ready for the whole family. It takes me about ten minutes to have breakfast. Then I put all my textbooks and copybooks into my bag. I put on my coat and cap when it is cold and leave home for the University. I take a bus in order to get to the University. It takes me about 40 minutes to get there from my home.

2. At the University I take off my cap and coat and leave them in the cloak-room. Then I go to the time-table to see in what classroom we shall have our first class. I go to the classroom and prepare everything for the class. At 8.15 the bell rings, the teacher comes in and the class begins. Each class lasts for an hour and a half broken up by a five-minute break. After each class, we have a 10-minute break. During this break, we can have a smoke, talk about our student life or sport news. After the third class, we have an hour lunch break during which we can go to the canteen or to the snack-bar to eat and drink something. We have three or four classes a day. At 3.55 p.m., the classes are over. Sometimes I can go home after my classes but I usually have to stay at the University. I have either to go to the library or to work at a laboratory. We very often have to listen to the tape-recorder at the language laboratory and do some exercises in English. When I stay at the University, I have lunch at the canteen. If I go home after my classes, I have lunch at home.

3. When I come home, I have a short rest and then I begin preparing my homework. I usually have to prepare my homework. Sometimes my friend Mike comes to see me and we do our homework together. It takes us about two or three hours to prepare it. After this we go for a walk or play chess. If an interesting programme is on, we watch TV. Then we have dinner and after this Mike goes home. At midnight I go to bed.

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