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Active vocabulary to remember

  1. to admit


- допускать, принимать

- принятие, допущение

2. to advance


- продвигаться вперед, развиваться

- продвинутый, повышенного типа

3. a degree

a bachelor’s degree

a doctor’s degree

a master’s degree

to confer a degree

- звание, ученая степень

- степень бакалавра

- степень доктора

- степень магистра

- присваивать, присуждать степень

4. to differ from smth./smb.

- различаться, отличаться от чего- либо / кого-либо

5. an emphasis [‘emfэsis]

to put an emphasis on smth.

- особое внимание, акцент

- придавать особое значение, особенно подчеркивать что-либо

6. to follow

- следовать, идти за, придерживаться

7. to graduate from

a graduate

a graduate student

an undergraduate

an undergraduate student

- окончить (высшее учебное заведение)

- выпускник

- аспирант

- студент

8. to last

- продолжаться, длиться

9. to prepare [pri’peэ]

- готовить(ся), подготавливать(ся)

10. research [ri’sэ:t∫]

- (научное) исследование, исследовательская работа

11. a staff

- штат (служащих, преподавателей), кадры, персонал

12. to take

take a lecture course

- изучать предмет, ремесло

- прослушать курс лекций

13. a term

- семестр

14. a thesis [‘θi:sis]

- диссертация


1. Pronounce correctly.

agriculture [‘ægrikΛlt∫э]

associated [э‘sэu∫ieitid]

Birmingham [‘bэ:miŋэm]

Cambridge [‘keimbridζ]

commerce [‘kоmэ:s]

consequently [‘kоnsikwэntli]

divinity [di’vinэti]

Edinburgh [‘edinbэrэ]

engineering [,end i’niэriŋ]

extremely [ik’stri’:mli]

faculty [‘fæklti]

illustrate [‘ilэstreit]

knowledge [‘nоlidζ]

lecture [‘lekt∫э]

Liverpool [‘livэpu:l]

Manchester [‘mænt∫istэ]

medicine [‘medsn]

Oxford [‘оksfэd]

particular [pэ‘tikjulэ]

philosophy [fэ‘lоsэfi]

private [‘praivэt]

series [‘siэri:z]

somewhat [‘sΛmwоt]

successful [sэk’sesful]

university [,ju:ni’vэ:sэti]

whole [‘hэul]

2. For each of the following phrases find another one in the Text that explains it.

1. A person who is studying for the first degree and has therefore not yet graduated.

2. A person who has graduated and is continuing his studies at a more advanced level.

3. A lesson given to a very small class.

4. Class of students studying a problem and meeting for discussion with a teacher.

5. A speech to a group of students as a method of teaching at universities.

6. One of the periods of time into which the university year is divided.

7. A short piece of writing on a subject as part of a course of study.

8. A university teacher who guides the studies of a number of students, or a teacher who gives private instruction to a single student or a very small class.

9. A person who teaches or gives lectures at a university or college.

10. A title given by university.

11. A subject to which one gives attention.

12. A person who holds the first university degree.

13. A person who holds the second university degree.

14. A person who holds the highest university degree.

15. A long piece of writing done for a higher (postgraduate) university degree.

16. The teachers of an educational establishment called collectively.

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