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Упражнение 43. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. No two international problems are alike.

  2. No food at all is better than unwholesome food.

  3. The article is by a not unknown military correspondent.

  4. It was not until 1770 when James Cook chartered the east coast that any major exploration of Australia was undertaken.

  5. Soames, with his set lips and squared chin, was not unlike a bulldog.

  6. Gerald corrected him not without unkindness.

  7. It is not an unfavourable moment to abolish all military pacts.

  8. No wonder money was scarce. If it weren’t for his lessons and the advances from his publisher, they would starve. Not than he didn’t think about money. On the contrary, he worried about it all the time.

  9. I never pass by that little piece of woods where you asked me to marry you that I don’t see us two, standing there, you holding my hand.

  10. This kind of statement on a very important issue is not familiar. The government is as always evasive in the matter of extreme urgency.

  11. Not unnaturally, the Governments of the United Nations demurred to these proposals.

  12. To compare these two plays is not really unfair.

  13. We not infrequently go abroad.


Упражнение 44. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Though exhausted, he went to bed very late.

  2. If possible, please let me know by this evening.

  3. However far it is, I intend to drive there tonight.

  4. No mater where you go, you can’t escape from yourself.

  5. Whatever I say, I seem to say the wrong thing.

  6. Few mistakes, if any, might be said to have arisen from the application of this theory.

  7. When a hearing is finished, the committee decides what report, if any, it will make to the house on the measure.

  8. Few, if any, aspects of the trade union movement have received as much attention as the strike. For of all trade union actions the strike is the most spectacular.

  9. The two sides said the talks would resume October 6. The break was called to enable delegations to consult with their leaders. There was no indication on what, if any, progress had been made.

  10. If anything, it would be to the advantage of this country to pursue an independent policy.

  11. He spoke firmly though pleasantly.

  12. He drove quickly yet safely.

  13. He looked at me kindly if somewhat sceptically.

  14. What on earth caused the accident, nobody knows.

  15. Whoever caused the accident was very careless.

Глаголы и существительные, относящиеся к одному дополнению, но управляемые разными предлогами

Упражнение 45. Проанализируйте и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. The comments on, and criticism of the article provides considerable food for thought.

  2. The Indians have always entertained the friendliest feelings towards, and a high regard for the Russian people.

  3. He denied any suggestion that he was connected with, or was responsible for the absence of the main witness during the trial.

  4. There is urgent need to produce necessary goods for, or in the undeveloped countries.

  5. More than two million children in Britain are on or below the poverty line.

  6. Pnebe never heard from or about him again.

  7. He would not have fallen in love with and married a plain girl.

  8. The vote was organized by the “Keep Britain Out” Campaign at the request of and in conjunction with the MPs in three constituencies.

  9. Some Labour leaders believe that no arrangement for Middle Eastern settlement will have any validity unless it is negotiated with, and agreed to, by Russia.