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Союзы и служебные слова

Упражнение 35. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash.

  2. While admitting that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied having taken part in the robbery.

  3. The civil rights groups complained that while racial segrega­tion was illegal in New York, it existed in fact.

  4. In Paris the prolonged Anglo-French talks ended with a joint communique which, while claiming some agreement, admitted differences.

  5. As readers of Shakespeare will remember, Chester was the port of military expeditions to Ireland, England's first over­seas colony, while the city's wealthy merchants carried on a rich trade with France, Spain and other countries.

  6. While concerned at the possible loss of jobs for 200 engineers at their own factory, the British Siddeley workers are express­ing concern at the whole future of the aircraft industry.

  7. Unless present trends are reversed, one-third of the 25,000,000 or more young people who will come into the labour market du­ring the next 10 years will not have a high school diploma.

  8. The more discriminating and capricious the public is, the better for us, because unless we can meet the demands of that kind at home, we shall never hold on to export markets abroad.

Unless the National Coal Board comes to terms with the justi­fied wage demands of the miners, a fuel crisis is possible over the Christmas period.

  1. The houses will not be built, nor will the rents be reasonable, unless the land is available cheaply and the rate of interest on housing loans reduced.

  2. While skating along at full speed, they heard the cars coming close behind them.

  3. While at college, Delia wrote a novel.

  4. Unless the management improve their offer, there'll be a strike.

  5. I couldn't have got to the meeting on time — unless of course I had caught an earlier train.

Упражнение 36. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Since the interiors are completed at the factory, the only thing needed at the site is furniture.

  2. A high-ranking Transport Ministry official recently stated that while Japan is sympathetic to the plight of European shipbuilders, it is unlikely that the Japanese shipbuilding in­dustry will be able to make further concessions on the matter.

  3. Some Americans fear an arms race in space, while others see the military use of the shuttle as a natural consequence of the superiority of U.S. space technology, although such superio­rity may prove temporary.

  4. His nerves had become blunted numb, while his mind was filled with weird visions and delicious dreams.

  5. After lengthy negotiations they substituted a treaty for an un­official agreement.

  6. For these reasons the dreams of a solution along these lines are empty castles in the clouds.

  7. Thousands of Japanese cars are being blocked in French ports as customs authorities delay delivery of certifi­cation for new models in what sources say is an attempt to help the domestic auto industry weather the current crisis.

  8. As Jacob has made me captain, I must call the roll.

  9. As far as the mind is concerned, racism cannot be done away with by legislation. But acts of racism can. That's where we can pinpoint the question. When racist acts become illegal, that becomes a much firmer basis to remove racism from the minds of people. That's an educational process, but we can lay the legal basis for it.

  1. But under U.S. trade law, imports can be restricted only if the ITC (International Trade Commission) finds them to be as big a factor as any other in causing the industry-wide malaise. The commission did not.

  2. Mr B. was quoted as saying that cooperation between the two nations would serve their common interests.

  3. As the Prime Minister was leaving a political rally, his car was besieged by angry demonstrators.

  4. No doubt new men will be needed as well as a new attitude and new ideas.

  5. Mr T., the union leader, was one of 22 people declared redun­dant some weeks ago. Since then all but he have been offered other jobs in the company or have found suitable alternative work.

  6. The Bank of England issued orders to banks late Thursday night to limit advances to all but exporters.

  7. Fabermacher wasted no time on a comedy of errors, and Haviland apologized for his mistake. But he was not as im­pressed as Erik had wanted him to be.

  8. Once formal entry has completed, another question in the negotia­tions is the length of the transitional period after formal entry.

  9. The report estimated that by 1981 the population rose by 875,000 to an estimated 5,800,000 and by the year 2001 a further one or two million may well be added.

  10. In the federal elections they will probably not do quite so well, but nevertheless they are likely to gain seats.