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Техт4 new open pulman cars

Notes to the text:

1. computer design - проект, выданный ЭВМ

2. research – исследование

3. durability - прочность

4. ease of maintenance - простота содержания (ухода)

5. in large part - большей частью

6. a departure- отклонение (отличие)

7. rivet - заклепка

8. longer life - более долгий срок службы

9. transverse - поперечный

10. capacity - вместимость, грузоподъемность

11. to be available - подходить для…

12. longitudinal - продольный

The engineers have analyzed hundreds of computer designs. The car is known to be the result of three years of research, the cars were designed for unprecedented durability and ease of maintenance in the transportation of coal and other commo­dities. The design of the car is based in large part on the use of a computer design analysis. The last one was used in the development of the Apollo spacecraft. A departure from previous Pullman welded construction is the riveted side construction.

The rivets will offer longer car life and easier maintenance. The car uses high strength copper bearing steel. The new center are modified by turning the short flanges inward. This permits widening the transverse gates at the center sill. Sides on the gondolas are reinforced by rectangular steel tube diagonal braces. Mill type gondolas will offer three lengths - 42 ft 6 in, 52 ft 6 in and 65 ft 6 in, with the latter two having drop ends. Other types will have a basic standard length of 53 ft 1 in. Car height has to determine cubic capacity. Low side gondolas will be available in 70 or 100 ton capacities.

Automatic cars available with longitudinal doors. The prototype car will be used in coal carrying service. They achieve a reasonable balance between supply and demand of energy as many as 150,000 new coal cars will be required.


I. Разбейте текст на 2 части и озаглавьте каждую из них.

II. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые отвечают на следующие вопросы:

1.Как был сконструирован новый тип вагона?

2. Какие более современные усовершенствования были использованы в его конструкции?

III. Найдите предложения, которые отражают содержание текста:

1. The new car was the result of three years of research.

2. It has an unprecedented durability and ease of maintenance.

3. But there is a departure from the previous one.

4. The car has been greatly modified. .

5. It has greater capacity.

6. It will be required to achieve balance between the supply and demands of energy.

IV. В каком абзаце говорился об оснащенности данного вагона?

V. Ответьте на вопросы по данному тексту:

1. What were the new cars designed for?

2. Where was the last design used?

3. What is the departure from the previous one?

4. Does the car use high strength copper bearing steel? 5

5. By what are the sides on the gondolas reinforced?

7. Where will be prototype car be used?

8. Why will it be required?

Техт 5 speed 200-250km/h

Notes to the text:

at the planning stage - на стадии рассмотрения (в проекте)

to run – вести поезда

mainline - магистраль

equip - оснащать, оборудовать

energy losses - потери энергии

to reduce –уменьшать, сокращать

brake -тормоз

coach- вагон

to fit - оснащать

speed - скорость

to be under construction - строить, находиться в процессе строительства

to shorten - сокращать

to make up - составлять

continuous rails - бесстыковые рельсы

While speeds above 160 kph are still at the planning stage Italian State Railways are running several trains dai­ly at 180 kph. It is planned to raise the speed to 200 kph on principle lines and 250 kph on a specially built mainline.

The speeds of 130 kph and 170 kph have become possible after considerable research and after the railways have been equip­ped with automatic block signaling. To restore the energy los­ses the average distance between lineside substations will be reduced from 30-40 km to 18-24 km. About 40 coaches have been equipped experimentally with disc brakes. All high speed moti­ve power units are fitted with rheostatic brakes and all have cab signalling with automatic speed control. A new double-track line has been designed for trains travelling at 250 kph and is under construction between Rome and Florence. There are no intermediate stations and level crossing on this line.

They shorten the route and make it straight as possible, 325 bridges and viaducts will have to be built with a total length of about 30.6 km. Tunnels will make up about 31 per cent of the total route mileage, the longest will be 9.5 km and 10.7 km. The permanent way will be laid on traditional ballast formation. Presstressed concrete sleepers will be used in combination with heavy continuous rails.


I. Разбейте текст на 2 части и озаглавьте каждую из них.

П. Найдете в тексте предложения, которые отвечают на следующие вопросы:

1. Какую скорость планируют поднять на некоторых магистральных линиях?

2. Благодаря чему это может быть достигнуто?

3. Как оснащается подвижной состав?

III.Найдите предложение, которое отражает содержание текста:

1. Several trains travel at 180 kph.

2. This has become possible after considerable research.

3. Railways have been equipped with automatic block signaling.

4. Coaches have been equipped with disc brakes.

5. The permanent, way will be laid on a traditional ballast formation.

6. Now a new railway is under construction.

7. Presstressed concrete sleepers and continuous rails will be used.

IV. В каком абзаце говорится об оснащенности новой дороги?

V. Ответьте на вопросы по данному тексту:

1. What speed is still at the planning stage?

2. Where is it possible to raise speed up to 250 kph?

3. What have all coaches been equipped with?

4. What has been designed for trains, travelling at 250 kph?

5. Where is a new line under construction?

6. What for will bridges and viaducts be built?

7. How much per cent will tunnels make up?

8. How will the permanent way be laid?

9. What sleepers and rails will be used there?

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