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What time is it? To quarter Past

    1. 18.30 21.05 11.45 16.15

09.00 22.50 13.20 14.10

08.45 08.35 18.40 15.50

17.25 06.35 15.00 12.55

1.Answer the questions.

  1. When do you get up?

  2. When do you have breakfast?

  3. When do you go to school?

  4. When do you come back from school?

  5. When do you have dinner?

  6. When do you do your homework?

  1. When do you play with your ball?

  2. When do you have your supper?

  3. When do you go to bed?

  4. How many minutes are there in an hour?

  5. How many seconds are there in a minute?

  6. How many hours are there in a day?

2.Make your own dialogue:


A: Excuse me, what’s the time is it now?

B: It’s six o’clock .

A: Thank you very much.

B: Not at all.


Singular Plural

Report Reports

Pen Pens

Book Books

Cartoon Cartoons

Bird Birds

3.Change to the plural

  1. He is from Finland. 6. He is my brother

  2. She is a doctor. 7. It is a shark

  3. It is a caterpillar. 8. His cousin is from Bulgaria.

  4. I am a secretary. 9. My pet is a dog.

  5. She is his daughter. 10. Her niece is a housewife

4.Change to the plural.

Sister Bus

Camera Window

Ray House

Boy Box

Banana Disco

Garden Dog

Door Picture

5.Write “a” or “an” where need in the sentences.

  1. Give me ….. book, please.

  2. We have ….. son and ….. daughter.

  3. I have three… sisters.

  4. This is … pen. It is his …pen.

  5. He has no …pencil.

  6. My brother’s …watch is bed.

  7. She wrote …letter to her mother.

  8. This is my sister. My …sister is ten.

  9. They bought …car last week.

  10. This is … book.

  11. This is …telephone and … radio set.

  12. They bring me … airplane.


Read this poem as quickly as you can.

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