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The butter betty bought

Betty Botta bought some butter;

“But”, she said, “This butter’s bitter!

If I put it in my batter

It will make my batter bitter.

But a bit o’better butter

Will but make my batter better”

So, she bought a bit o’bettre

Better than the bitter butter

Made her bitter batter better

So ‘twas better Betty Botta

Bought a bit o’better butter.

1. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs.

Short, little, small, big, young, old, beautiful, easy, many, bad, tall, thick, good, large, thin, early, well-known, good-looking, careful, happy, fat, cold, strong, deep, clever.

2. Translate into English.

Старий більш далекий розумніший

Старший найдальший найвищий

Найстаріший найдовший тепліший

Найстарший коротший гірший

Мій старший брат щасливіший довший

Мій старий друг щасливіше тепліший

3. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

1. He is (tall) than his father.

2. My grandfather is 5 years (old) than my grandmother is.

3. Are you (young) than me?

4. Who is your (good) friend?

5. Janet is (pretty) of all.

6. Is your friend as (witty) as you?

7. She will get (thin) when she gets (old).

4. Replace personal pronouns in brackets by possessive ones.

1. (I) friend is shorter than me.

2. (She) cousin is the prettiest girl.

3. (We) cousin has the most charming smile.

4. She has a bee in (she) bonnet.

5. (They) niece is 5 years younger than (we) nephew is.

5. Choose the correct word for each blank.

Longer, the shortest, big, long, tastier, older, thinner, funnier.

  1. My father is ……. than my mother.

  2. What street is the …… in your town?

  3. Your joke is …… than Jane’s joke.

  4. My sister is ….. than your sister.

  5. The horse has got a ….. tail than the pig.

  6. Yesterday I ate a ……. Apple.

  7. My mother can bake a …… cake than your mother.

  8. The giraffe has got a ….. neck.

6. Translate into English.

1. Яка річка найдовша?

2. Ганна - найнижча серед учнів класу.

3. Ця сумка – найважча.

4. Який олівець довший?

5. Моя кімната більша, ніж твоя.

6. Цей хлопець найщасливіший у світі.

7. Наша школа краща, ніж їхня школа.

7. Write the words in the table.


more expensive

the most e[pensive


the most famous


more beautiful





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