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Who likes what?

Some of us like brown bread

Some of us like white

Some of us eat a lot of meat,

Some don’t think it’s right

Some of us like apples,

Some drinks juice at night.

Some of us eat many sweets

Some don’t think it’s right.



Some = a number of

We use Some in positives sentences

Example: There are some courts

Any = we use in negative sentences

Example: There aren’t any beaches.

We use any in questions

Example: Are there any judo lessons?

1. Fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY.

  1. I have … English books.

  2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room?

  3. There isn’t … chalk in the classroom.

  4. There is … milk in the jug.

  5. Mother has bought … butter.

  6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation.

  7. There are … lakes in this town.

  8. Have you … relatives in Kyiv?

  9. I’ve read … English stories this month.

  10. Have you … French newspapers?

2.Fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY.

  1. Are there … books on your shelf?

  2. I have … good news for you.

  3. Have you .. pencils?

  4. Are there plates on the table? – There are …

  5. There are … houses in the street.

  6. I want … bread, please.

  7. Are there … magazines on the shelf? – Yes, there are …

  8. He has … information for us.

  9. She sent me … postcards from England.

  10. Only … students come in time.

  11. Do you want … milk?

  12. There aren’t … people in the streets, because it’s cold.

  13. There is … cheese on the plate.

  14. Can you give me … sugar?

  15. Are there … people in this room?

3. Translate sentences into English.

  1. Є декілька красивих картин на стіні.

  2. У твоєму пеналі є декілька олівців?

  3. Зазвичай у цей час ми маємо обід.

  4. Не забудь купити молоко.

  5. Вони не мають дітей.

  6. Є деякі фруктові дерева у вашому саду?

  7. Чи зробив він деякі помилки у його диктанті?

  8. Вони не люблять ніяких яблук.

  9. Деякі люди є дуже товариськими.

  10. Ти хочеш апельсин?

  11. Деякі люди люблять проводити вікенд у дома.

  12. Є декілька нових вулиць у нашому місті.

  13. Він має декілька ручок у його пеналі.

  14. На столі нема ніяких яблук.

  15. У класі нема ніяких картин.

4.Fill in the blanks with “some” or “any”

  1. Are there any computers? No, there are not …

  2. There are … boys in the gum.

  3. Are there … karate lessons in your school?

  4. There are not … flowers in the garden. It is winter now.

  5. There are … walls and pipes on this adventure playground.

  6. Are there … slices of bread on the table? Yes, there are …

  7. Is there swimming-pool in the camp?- No, there are not … swimming-pools.

  8. There aren’t … computers in this room.

  9. There is not … bike near the bench.

  10. There is a computers-room with … computers.

  11. There aren’t … art-rooms in this building.

  12. There are … benches near his house.

  13. There is a river but there aren’t … beaches.

  14. There aren’t … pencils in your pencil-box.

5.Translate into Ukraine.

  1. She climbs up the ladder.

  2. They run round the water.

  3. We crawl through the tunnel.

  4. He jumps over the wall.

  5. I walk down the hill.

  6. You crawl under the fence.

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