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Text 2 Types of Law

Law is a system of rules that people must follow in a society or a country. The courts and police enforce this system of rules and punish people who break or offend the laws. A court may make offenders pay a fine or other penalty or send them to jail. In ancient societies, leaders wrote laws to set out rules on how people can live, work and do business with each other. Today in most countries, groups of elected politicians pass laws in a legislature, such as a parliament or congress.

Law affects everyday life and society in a variety of ways. So there are different types of law. Here are some of them:

  • Contract law sets rules about buying and selling goods and services.

  • Property law states the rights and obligations that people have when they buy, sell, or rent homes and buildings.

  • Tort law helps people to make claims for compensation (repayment) when someone hurts them or hurts their property. Torts, sometimes called delicts, are civil offences. You commit a civil offence when you breach a duty to another person, or infringe some legal right. A simple example is accidentally hitting someone with a cricket ball. The injured party can make a claim against the party responsible for the injury.

  • Criminal law allows the government to prosecute and punish people who break laws.

  • Constitutional law provides a framework for creating laws, protecting people's human rights, and electing political representatives. Most nations, like the United States and France, have a single codified constitution, with a Bill of Rights. A few, like the United Kingdom, have no such document; in those countries the constitution comprises statute law, case law and convention.

  • Administrative law allows ordinary citizens to challenge decisions made by governments. People can apply to a court for judicial review of actions or decisions by local councils, public services or government ministries, to ensure that they observe the law.

  • International law regulates affairs between sovereign states in areas such as trade, the environment, or military action. The Geneva Conventions on the conduct of war are an example of international law.


follow (v) – придерживаться

rent (v) – арендовать

court (n) – суд

make a claim – подавать иск

punish (v) – наказывать

hurt (v) – наносить вред, причинять ущерб

break/offend a lawнарушать закон

(телесное повреждение)

offender (n) – правонарушитель, преступник

tort/delict – деликт, гражданское

fine (n) – штраф


penalty (n) – наказание, взыскание

commit an offence – совершать правонарушение

jail (n) – тюрьма

breach (v) – нарушать (закон, обязательство)

set out (v) – излагать

infringe (v) – нарушать (права, закон)

electedизбранный, выборный

injured party – потерпевшая сторона

pass a lawпринимать закон

responsible for (adj) – несущий

legislature (n) – законодательный орган

affect (v) – затрагивать, оказывать влияние

ответственность (за что-л.)

injury (n) – вред; ущерб; телесное повреждение

types of law – отрасли права

allow (v) – позволять, давать возможность

contract law – договорное право

prosecute (v) – преследовать в судебном

property law – вещное (имущественное) право


tort law – деликтное право

framework (n) – основа; структура

criminal law – уголовное право

human rights – права человека

constitutional lawконституционное право

representative (n) – представитель

administrative law – административное право

codified (adj) – кодифицированный

international law – международное право

comprise (v) – включать, заключать в себе

set a ruleустанавливать правило

statute law – законы, статутное право,

goods (n)товары

"писаный закон"

state (v) – устанавливать, определять

case law – прецедентное право

obligation (n) – обязательство, обязанность

convention (n) – обычай, традиция

challenge (v) – оспаривать

observe the law – соблюдать закон

decision (n)решение

affairs (n)вопросы, отношения

apply to (v) – обращаться в

area (n)область, сфера

judicial reviewсудебный надзор; судебный пересмотр

trade (n)торговля

environment (n)окружающая среда

local councilмуниципальный совет

ensure(v) – гарантировать, обеспечивать

Geneva Conventions on the conduct of warЖеневская конвенция о ведении войны

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