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Вариант 4


The dome may be regarded as the three-dimensional counterpart of the arch. In its true circular form, a vertical arch is rotated around a vertical axis and sweeps out, at every level, a continuous circular horizontal ring. Loads can be transmitted both along the meridian lines of the vertical arches and around the horizontal rings.

The simple dome form, set directly on the ground, was the first completely manmade spatial enclosure. Simple domed huts, constructed from a wide variety of materials, can still be found throughout the world.

The dome, constructed with horizontally bedded rings and sharply pointed profile, had already achieved monumental proportions by about the 14th century BC in the great tombs at Mycenae. But these tombs were not completely freestanding. They depended partly for their stability on the earth piled against them outside.

The full development of the potential of the truly freestanding dome owed much to Roman concrete. Roman builders constructed over the Pantheon in the early 2nd century a dome that has twice since been equaled but never really surpassed.

The later Western development was initiated by an achievement that, in the circumstances of the time, probably exceeded that of Hadrian's architect of the Pantheon dome. This was Brunelleschi's construction of the dome of Florence Cathedral in the early 15th century. A major difficulty here was the octagonal plan form which Brunelleschi was constrained to follow throughout the height of the dome itself. His central idea was to construct it, nevertheless, as if it were a circular dome of the same internal diameter as the diagonals of the octagon — a diameter that slightly exceeded that of the Pantheon dome. In this way, and by means of numerous related devices, he succeeded in completing it without any centering, as the first Renaissance double dome.


1. Complete the following sentences.

  1. The dome may be regarded as the three – dimensional counter part of …( the column / the arch /the roof ).

  2. The simple dome form, set directly on the ground, was the first completely manmade spatial…( tomb / palace / enclose ).

  3. The dome, constructed with horizontally bedded rings and sharply pointed profile, was used in … at Mycenae. ( the temples / the great tombs / the palaces ).

  4. Romans builders constructed over … a dome that has never been really surpassed. ( the Parthenon /the Colosseum /the Pantheon ).

  5. The dome of … is considered to be the first Renaissance double dome. ( Santa Croce /Siena Cathedral /Florence Cathedral ).

2. Choose the right synonym.

  1. The dome may be regarded as the three – dimensional counter part of the arch. (received /considered/chosen ).

  2. Simple domed huts can still be found throughout the world. (towers /small cabins /skyscrapers ).

  3. The full development of the potential of the truly freestanding dome owed much to Roman concrete. ( was indebted / showed / meant ).

  4. He achieved it by means of numerous related devices. (details /contrivances /sciences ).

  5. The diameter of the dome of Florence Cathedral slightly exceeded that of the Pantheon one. ( rose /excelled /resembled ).

3.Suggest the Russian equivalents.

    1. the three – dimensional counter part of the arch

2. at every level

    1. the first completely manmade spatial enclosure

    2. a wide variety of materials

    3. throughout the world

    4. bedded rings

    5. not completely freestanding

    6. in the circumstances of the time

    7. was constrained to follow

    8. nevertheless

    9. slightly exceeded

    10. without any centering


1. Put the words according the ABC.

Block, construction, structure, plywood, marble, dome, arch, wire, mason, roof, excavation, vent, wave, yard, rust, plate.

2. Give the initial form of the following words.

Were, built, consisted, best, could, known, given, worse, included, chosen, simplest.

3. Transcribe the words using a dictionary. Pronounce them correctly.

Construction, structure, architecture, electricity, reinforcement, façade, wire, cement.

4. Translate the following sentences without consulting a dictionary.

1.All types of emission are most effective in vacuum. 2. Radio astronomy deals with transmission and reception of radio waves. 3. The results of that experiment are very interesting. 4. Electromagnetic radiation of gamma rays, X – rays, ultra – violet rays, ordinary visible ( видимый ) light, infa – red ( heat ) radiation and radio waves.

5. Translate the words paying attention to the prefix, suffix.

Untrue, decompose, antibody, ex-champion, creative, builder, architectural, shapeless, equipment, beautiful.

Chapter 1


along the grain — по направлению волокна

appropriate — подходящий

artificial material-искусственный материал

basement-основание, фундамент

braced — укрепленный

ceiling — потолок

compression — сжатие

constrain — принуждать; вынуждать; сдерживать


counterpart — копия; дубликат

deliberately — умышленно, нарочно

depart — отступать


durability — прочность, стойкость


excavation-земляные работы, выемка грунта

exceed — превышать

finished material-обработанный материал



gap — промежуток

girder-главная балка

grain — (зд.) волокно

inclined — наклонный

inconsistency — несовместимость, несообразность

inferior — худший (по качеству)

inverted — перевернутый

involve — включать, вызывать

log — бревно

merit — достоинство

nevertheless — несмотря на, однако

owe — быть обязанным


rotate — вращать

rough — грубый

somewhat — отчасти, до некоторой степени

span — расстояние (между опорами арки свода)

stiffness — жесткость

succeed — достигать цели; преуспевать

suggest — предполагать


tubular — трубчатый

uneven floor-шероховатые полы

versatile — многосторонний, гибкий

voussoir — клинчатый камень

wedge — закреплять клином