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The Importance of Appearance

Society places great value on appearance and most people care about how they look. Indeed, we often judge others by their appearance. However, there is danger of placing too much importance on how someone looks, as it does not always indicate the kind of character they have, or what skills they may possess. There is no doubt that appearance is important. For example, if you go to a job interview without having made effort to look smart, then you will probably not be offered the job. Moreover, someone's appearance can give us useful information about that person. When we see a person wearing a suit, we suspect they are professional. This can inspire confidence. Nevertheless, there is a danger of falsely judging someone by their appearance. For instance, not all punks are hooligans and untrustworthy. People who judge solely by appearance may suspect that they are. In conclusion, although appearance is important, we must also consider other factors, such as personality, when forming opinions about people. There is some truth in the saying: 'Never judge a book by its cover.'

(Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Reading and Writing. p.169)

23. a) When you make statements, be careful not to over-generalize. Over-generalizations are inaccurate and also tend to alienate the readers. Which phrase in each pair will lead to an over-generalization and which will qualify a statement and make it more cautious?



















Everybody knows that …

Many people believe that …

People tend to …

People always …

People never …

People often …

Not everybody believes that …

Nobody believes that …

All young people are …

The majority of young people are …

Young people get into trouble because …

Young people may get into trouble because …

b) The statements below are generalizations. Rewrite the sentences in a more tentative way.

1. Everybody takes foreign holidays these days

2. Tourists have no respect for the environment.

3. Holiday makers are rowdy and unpleasant.

4. Developers always build hotels in environmentally sensitive places.

5. Tourism brings wealth to a poor area.

6. People don’t care about the environment today.

(New Proficiency Writing. St’s book. pp.53, 69)

24. Write pros and/ or cons of each trip.

a) A hunting safari in Africa

b) A journey down the Amazon River

c) A mountain-climbing expedition up the Himalayas

d) A study tour of ancient ruins in Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East

e) A tip to outer space

f) An expedition to the Arctic

g) A journey across the Atlantic on a luxury cruise liner

25. Write pros and cons of online shopping and traditional shopping.

26. a) Identify all the points in favour of car use and against it.

  1. not restricted by schedules as you are with public transport

  2. comfortable (spacious, cool, radio/ CD etc)

  3. they cause air pollution (e.g. exhaust emissions contribute to global warming)

  4. roads deface the natural landscape and destroy/ disturb wildlife habitats

  5. fast, less time-consuming than public transport

  6. car parks take up valuable space in city centres (could be used for public gardens instead)

  7. fairly cheap to run

  8. car accidents result in many deaths and injuries

  9. modern fuels are lead-free and getting ‘cleaner’

  10. traffic jams lead to stress and ‘road rage’ (angry drivers attacking others)

  11. car use contributes to a faster, less natural pace of life that often results in high blood pressure and heart disease

b) Take the advantages above and arrange them under the topic headings of “Convenient” and “Efficient”.

c) Take the disadvantages and arrange them under the topic headings of “Bad for the environment”, “Dangerous” and “Stressful”.

d) Write topic sentences based on each of the headings in b) and c).

e.g.: Cars are extremely popular because they are so convenient.

Do not be satisfied with the first thing to write. Rewrite it; share it with a classmate; aim for a more effective sentence.

e) Plan an introduction. Basically, this will state that there are both advantages and disadvantages to car use. However, it will sound rather weak if you simply write: “There are both advantages and disadvantages to car use”. It will make a stronger impact if you start with a bold or surprising statement, or perhaps a striking statistic.

e.g.: We have become extremely dependent on cars: there were 580 million worldwide in 1990 and it is estimated that this figure will grow to 816 million by 2010.

f) Write the body paragraphs. Each paragraph already has a topic sentence. The challenge now is to support it with illustrations or examples.

e.g.: (paragraph 2) Cars are extremely popular because they are so convenient. They allow us far more freedom than public transport which is often unreliable, slow or even unavailable. Given a choice between walking in the rain to join a bus queue or stepping straight into a car and driving directly to one’s destination, who would prefer the latter? Furthermore, cars are more comfortable than buses or trains since they are less cramped and have luxuries such as an air-conditioner and a sound system.

g) Finally, write a conclusion. Avoid a weak “sitting on the fence” conclusion such as this: “There are some strong points both for and against car use and it all depends on what your opinion is.” Instead you should sum up the arguments you have already covered and state whether, on balance, you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa. It may be effective to present the arguments in reverse order this time.

e.g. In conclusion, car ownership has several negative effects, including stress, road accidents and destruction of the natural environment. Nevertheless, we have become very dependent on cars because of the comfort and freedom they offer. A total ban seems out of the question, but for the sake of our own health and the health of the planet, we must aim to reduce car use – for example, improving public transport systems and introducing car pooling schemes.




    1. Read the following models and answer the questions: a) Which is an opinion essay? b) How is each viewpoint supported? c) Summarise the arguments for and arguments against in models A and B.


Over the past few years, people have begun to travel to places they would only have dreamt of visiting thirty years ago, thanks to the possibilities offered by air travel. In my opinion, travelling by airplane cannot be compared with any other means of transport.

To start with, there really is no faster way to travel. You can go from one country to another in a matter of hours which gives you more time to enjoy the actual purpose of your trip, rather than waste time travelling and dragging your luggage around.

Furthermore, you always feel well looked after on an airplane. You are served drinks and meals and offered newspapers and blankets which all help to make the journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

Of course, there are people who argue that travelling by plane can be a nightmare, with airport delays, cramped seats and turbulence to put up with. What is more, airplanes and airports are often targeted by terrorists, which makes some people think that travelling by plane is unsafe. They forget, however, that the number of deaths caused by cars is larger than that caused by planes.

In my opinion, air travel will always remain popular. Its speed, comfort and convenience are hard to beat.


The airplane is one of the most popular and widely used forms of transport today. However, it does have both its advantages and disadvantages, as outlined below.

To begin with, you always feel that you are well looked after when travelling by plane. Once you have checked your luggage in, you need not worry about it until you reach your destination. What is more, once you are on board the plane, you are made to feel comfortable and are served refreshments and meals by friendly, helpful cabin crew. Finally, the speed of an aircraft ensures that you will reach your destination in a matter of hours.

However, air travel can be expensive and there are often long delays in airports which can be irritating. Also, many people are afraid of flying and the cramped seats and claustrophobic atmosphere of a plane can be frightening, especially if there is turbulence. What is more, travelling from one time zone to another within a few hours means that you are likely to suffer from jet lag. This can take up to a week to recover from, which is not a good way to start a holiday.

All things considered, it seems that although air travel does have its bad points, it has one overwhelm­ing positive aspect - the fact that it is far quicker than any other means of transport. This means that most travellers are willing to ignore its drawbacks if it means that they are able to make their journeys shorter.

(Successful Writing. Upper-Intermediate. St’s book. p.74)

    1. Decide whether each of the following sentences is a fact or presents a writer’s opinion. They all come from different texts about fashion.

A fact is a piece of information that is true while an opinion is an idea or belief about a particular subject.

  1. When Fabrice first started to design clothes, the fashion world was much smaller.

  2. This season’s designs are much less attractive than last season’s.

  3. Dresses are old-fashioned and jeans are much better.

  4. These clothes look great on the models, but would look ridiculous on ordinary women.

  5. The classic men’s suit is coming back into fashion with younger businessmen.

  6. You should try to look the same as your friends so they accept you.

  7. More than 2,000 people attended the Anti-Fur trade March in London.

  8. Fur coats are cruel and people who wear them should be ashamed of themselves.

  9. Throughout history, people have found different solutions to the problem of keeping warm. (___) The first clothes were simply dried animal skins. (___) The earliest examples we have are not particularly attractive. (___) Once ways of making material were discovered, clothes became much more interesting. (___) Unfortunately, few materials survive for very long and we have to rely on paintings and other pictures. (___) We know that simple robes were worn for centuries by cultures such as the Ancient Greeks. (___) These must have been very practical in the Mediterranean heat. (___) Further north, people needed thicker clothes to keep out the cold. (___)

(Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Reading and Writing. p.164)

    1. These paragraphs all come from different texts about fashion. Find the sentence in each one where the writer presents their opinion.

  1. Fashion goes in cycles and those cycles can often be predicted. Jeans get wider or narrower and skirts get longer or shorter. Fashion designers fool us into buying clothes that our parents bought twenty years ago. Their designs on the catwalk influence what appears in our high-street shops.

  2. Expensive trainers from well-known companies are very popular these days. Some famous brands are made by people in the third world who earn very little money. What you pay for the shoes might be a year’s income to them. It’s time the situation was changed.

  3. Make-up is lighter this season and, to my mind, that is good for those with light skin. The new ranges from Passion and Make-Over all consist of soft browns and reds. Both companies have kept their basic range at the same price as last year.

  4. As men’s hair gets longer, women’s hair gets shorter this year. Ponytails are becoming rare. Many women are wearing their hair above shoulder length. Thankfully, we are not seeing the return of the perm. With one or two exceptions, it has disappeared from our TV screens and from the streets.

(Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Reading and Writing. p.163)

    1. Read what these people have to say about fashion. Underline the sentence that best summarizes the person’s opinion.

  1. – There must be hundreds of fashion shows every year in London. If you ask me, it’s all a waste of time, energy and money. It’s just rich people who have nothing better to do. Don’t they know that there are people starving all over the world while they are looking at clothes?

  2. – I paid over 10,000 roubles for these trainers. They’ve got special soles and they’re the same as David Beckham wears. You can get them in black or white as well. It’s worth paying a bit more to get the right pair.

  3. – Jeans are everywhere now. When I was younger you didn’t see them so much. Even politicians wear them sometimes. As far as I’m concerned, they are not really my idea of smart clothes. Skirts and dresses are more my style.

(Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia. Reading and Writing. p.164)

    1. Match the viewpoints with the reasons.


  1. In my opinion, there are many good medical reasons for experimenting with genetic engineering.

  2. The way I see it, genetic science is moving forward far too fast.

  3. I think changing the way things happen naturally poses many risks.

  4. I believe that genetic science is frightening, especially when it concerns human life.

  5. It seems to me that genetic engineering is the key to solving the world’s famine problems


A Once scientists have perfected the technique of cloning prime sheep and cows for food, there will be plenty to eat for everyone.

B We are working against nature, which is dangerous, and we have no idea what effect it will have on the natural order of things.

C Scientists should stop and consider whether their experiments will benefit mankind or not before it is too late.

D Imagine if scientists find a way to create human beings in a completely artificial way.

E It can help to trace diseases and may help to save the lives of millions of people around the world. Eventually, we may be able to eliminate all terminal illnesses.

(Successful Writing. Upper-Intermediate. St’s book. p.75 )

  1. Read and compare different beginnings to an opinion essay entitled “Have automobiles improved modern life?” Which introductions are more attractive and which are less? Why? Are there any drawbacks in some of them?

1. When Henry Ford manufactured the first automobile, he did not realize how he would affect our life. Now expanding road systems and thousands of automobiles are playing an important role in our society. But every thing has two aspects. Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that automobile has caused serious problems. I think without automobiles our country would return to a completely agricultural society.

2. It is a well-established fact that automobiles have contributed to the modern life in a favourable way. Automobiles have improved different aspects of the human life, but, on the other face of the coin, cars have their crucial impacts upon our life. It is our turn to minimize these defects and galvanize other favourable sides. Hereinafter, I will present and analyze this issue and provide a personal perspective.

3. Although automobiles have improved our modern life in some way for its speed, convenience, and capacity of carrying freights, we have had to pay the price for it. Now, as more and more automobiles have been putting into use, the problems that the automobile has caused are seemed to be more and more serious accordingly. These problems, I believe, like the accidents, the air pollution, the damage of the ozone layers should be given more attention than any time before.

4. Since the first automobile was introduced to our life, we can notice that there are a lot of changes happened around us. As a modern transportation, it not only brings convenience to our daily life, but also enhances the efficiency.

5. I support the statement that automobiles have caused serious problems. While automobiles have brought us many conveniences, they surely have brought us many undesirable consequences, of which three can be singled out: traffic congestion, air pollution and highway accidents.

(Answers to ALL TOEFL. pp.202-206. www.toeflessays.com)

  1. Read and compare different beginnings to an opinion essay entitled “Is it better to travel with a tour guide?” Which introductions are more attractive and which are less? Why? Are there any drawbacks in some of them?

1. When people are asked to list their hobbies, travel is among the most frequent words quoted. Some would choose to travel by themselves alone, some others prefer to travel with a few close friends or family members; while still others, including myself, agree that the best way to travel is to join in a group led by a tour guide.

2. Nowadays traveling is becoming more and more popular, as we have more leisure time and more money to spend during our vacations. When it comes to ways of traveling, many people prefer to join groups arranged by travel services and escorted by tour guides, while others may argue independent backpack travel should be better. My viewpoint is both: advantages and disadvantages.

3. There are basically two ways of traveling: traveling in a group led by a tour guide, or traveling independently. There are advantages and disadvantages for the both. By traveling in a group, you will enjoy the companionship, comfort and safety of group travel, and learn more information about the place from a tour guide; while traveling independently, you can maintain the freedom, flexibility and individualism. Some people say that for most people, the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. I agree with this opinion.

4. Some people think it is better to travel in a group led by a guide. For my experience so far, I am inclined to believe that such a way of traveling has more disadvantages than advantages.

5. Travelling is one of the most widely enjoyed recreations. The tourist business is becoming increasingly important for many countries’ economies and provides a great variety of products and services. People are different and so are their preferences when it comes to spending a vacation traveling to interesting and exotic places. One of the first choices one should make when planning a trip is whether it would be individual or with a group led by a tour guide. If it were up to me, I would go to an excursion as part of a tourist group.

(Answers to ALL TOEFL. pp.214-218. www.toeflessays.com)

8. a) Read the model essay below.

Over the past decades, scientists have made major discoveries in genetic engineering. They can now alter the genes of any living thing and may soon be able to design ‘perfect’ plants, animals and even human beings. There is no doubt that genetic engineering can benefit humankind, but things could also go very wrong.

One of the greatest benefits of genetic engineering could be in agriculture. Farmers can now grow crops engineered to be resistant to drought and disease and to natural pests. This could solve some of the major problems facing farmers in developing countries and provide food for many more starving people. Yet there are risks. If we destroy pests such as insects, what will happen to the birds and animals that usually feed on them? There is also concern about the effect on the health of human beings who eat this modified food.

Another advantage lies in the field of medicine. Gene therapy may soon allow doctors to cure babies with inherited diseases, even before they are born. Indeed, it may soon be possible for all of us to have a ‘gene profile’, so we can see if we are likely to develop a fatal disease, like cancer, as we grow older. We can then try to reduce the risk, for example by not smoking cigarettes. This is good but, on the other hand, do we really want to know that we are going to develop a fatal illness? It is, moreover, worrying to think how some insurance companies and employers might use this information against the interests of the individual.

Some scientists claim that in the future they will be able to design the perfect human being and this might sound like yet another advantage at first. Governments could make sure that there were no longer people who were ‘anti-social’ or ‘abnormal’. Yet, the idea that anyone can judge what is ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’ in human beings, and eliminate characteristics they disapprove of, is actually very frightening. Add to that the possibility of cloning human beings, as has been done with animals, and we can see that the risks of this new science are very great.

(missing conclusion)

b) Read the three possible conclusions to the model essay above. Decide which one is best and why.

  1. Genetic engineering has advantages, but also has risks, so scientists should follow the guidelines set down for them.

  1. On balance, it would seem that genetic engineering offers benefits, but also tremendous risks. We need to be very sure that guidelines set down are rigorously followed by scientists. Only if the knowledge we have is used maturely and responsibly will it be of benefit to mankind, rather than a disaster.

  1. I could say a lot more about the advantages and dangers of genetic engineering but I have not got enough time now.

(New Proficiency Writing. St’s book. p.76)

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