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Учебники / Auditory Trauma, Protection, and Repair Fay 2008

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11. Restoring the Cochlea


development, in murine mesenchymal bone marrow stem cells, increases the expression of hair cell markers in vitro (Jeon et al. 2006), raising the question of whether autologous grafts of modified bone marrow stem cells are capable of replacing lost hair cells in vivo.

Embryonic stem cells are the most powerful stem cell type because these cells can give rise to all cell types, even a complete animal, a feature that is widely used to generate knockout mice. Stepwise coaxing of murine embryonic stem cells into cells with features of inner ear progenitors has shown that it is possible to use these embryonic stem cell–derived progenitors to generate hair cell marker–positive cells in vitro and in vivo, after grafting, into embryonic chicken otocysts (Li et al. 2003b). Human embryonic stem cells have been widely proposed as a source for replacement cell types. The generation of human hair cells from embryonic stem cells will certainly be an important milestone toward future therapeutic applications.

Despite the active research in this area, the functional replacement of lost hair cells with stem cell–derived cells still faces many challenges and it is difficult to predict the future development of specific avenues for treatment (Table 11.1). Nevertheless, the field of regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy is rapidly evolving and it is certain that insights gained from other organ systems will be applied to the inner ear whenever feasible. Ultimately, a perfect experiment should lead to substantial and sustained functional improvement of hearing in an animal model, which would be the only acceptable basis for development of future human therapy.

5. The Future

5.1 Multiple Starting Points

Ten years ago, the main focus of cochlear hair cell regeneration research was to identify the growth factors that were capable of inducing hair cell regeneration in the damaged organ of Corti. Since then, the repertoire of tools and technology has increased considerably. For example, researchers are now able to manipulate gene expression and to convert existing cells into hair cells via viral infection of the damaged organ of Corti with an expression vector for Atoh1. It is now common knowledge that knocking out cell cycle inhibitor genes, which are normally expressed in the mature organ of Corti, leads to mitotic cell production. A logic amalgamation of this particular application would be to combine a short suppression of cell cycle inhibitors with a subsequent and transient expression of Atoh1 via local infection with a gene therapy virus or other vehicles, transfection reagents, or even nanoparticles.

Likewise, highly efficient but transient transfection of bone marrow or other stem cell–derived cells with an Atoh1 expression vector before grafting may increase the chance of proper integration and differentiation of replacement hair cells in the damaged organ of Corti. Progenitor cells that can be grafted autologously or cells that do not generate an immune response are probably

334 S. Heller and Y. Raphael

good choices, but whether, for example, bone marrow–derived stem cells are indeed capable of engendering massive cochlear hair cell replacement needs to be determined.

Inner ear progenitors, derived from embryonic stem cells, may be able to serve as a unique tool to test growth factors or drug candidates for their ability to stimulate hair cell differentiation. Compounds identified in such a stem cell– based assay could be tested for efficacy to regenerate damaged human hair cells. Human embryonic stem cells are probably the most promising cell type that has not been explored in detail for its capacity to generate hair cells. It is already obvious that existing human embryonic stem cell lines need slightly different protocols than mouse embryonic stem cells to be converted into inner ear progenitors (Rivolta et al. 2006). Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time until the first stem cell–derived human hair cells will be generated either from embryonic stem cells or other stem cells (e.g., adult inner ear stem cells).

5.2 Science Fiction

It is understandable that the various types of hearing loss will require different therapeutic initiation points. For example, it will not be sufficient to stimulate hair cell regeneration in a patient with an underlying genetic defect that causes hair cell loss either directly or indirectly. Potential treatment scenarios for these cases could be the introduction of the wild-type version of the mutated gene in combination with stimulants of hair cell regeneration or stem cell–based transplantation therapy with cells that do not carry the mutation. Complex conditions such as connexin mutations may be treatable with a combination of gene therapy to restore the defective gap junction apparatus in the supporting cells with hair cell regeneration using stem cells.

Hair cell loss in the aging cochlea is a societal challenge. As long as the physiological effects of aging on the cochlea are not fully understood, no longterm regenerative solution for lost hair cells will be readily forthcoming unless a way is found to replenish lost hair cells constantly or to generate highly robust replacement hair cells. It is not inconceivable, however, that transgenic activation of antiapoptotic mechanisms will provide future “designer hair cells” with natural resistance to daily insults. Only time will tell whether the thoughts and speculations introduced in this paragraph are valid solutions for the treatment of hearing loss. Research and proof-of-principle experiments should be done using a variety of approaches to provide adequate choices for designs that may be selected for clinical trials aimed to cure hearing loss.

Acknowledgment. The research of Dr. Raphael has been supported by The R. Jamison and Betty Williams Professorship; Berte and Alan Hirschfield; the CHD, DRF, NOHR, and RNID; and several NIH NIDCD grants. The research of Dr. Heller has been supported by the DRF, the March of Dimes, NOHR, the McKnight Foundation, and several NIH-NIDCD grants. We thank Chris Gralapp for help with Fig. 11.1.

11. Restoring the Cochlea



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A1555G mutation, 226 Acidity, endolymph, 71 Acoustic overstimulation axon growth, 263–264

effect on central auditory system, 263–265 effects in cat, 265

effects in chinchilla, 264

fiber degeneration in cochlear nucleus, 263–265

pathology, 195ff

reorganization of cochlear nucleus, 265 terminal degeneration, 265

See also Acoustic Trauma; Noise Exposure; Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

Acoustic trauma, see Acoustic Overstimulation; Noise Exposure; Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

Acquired hearing loss, 1ff cortex and tinnitus, 114–115

See also Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED); Drug-induced hearing loss; Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

Adenosine, effects on hearing loss, 289–290 Adhesion proteins, 26–27

Age-related hearing loss, 4ff, 145ff See also ARHL; Presbycusis

Aging, cellular, 171–172

changes in function of central auditory system, 156–157

hair cell density, 151

progression of ARHL in humans, 146ff Ahl genes, hearing loss, 158

Alport syndrome, 20–21 Alprazolam, tinnitus, 113–114 Ames waltzer mouse, 27 Aminoglycoside antibiotics, 2, 219ff

See also Aminoglycosides Aminoglycoside-induced signaling

pathways, 242

Aminoglycosides, A1555G mutation, 226 adverse side effects, 223–224

animal models, 228–229 antioxidant therapy, 245 apoptosis, 241

biochemical actions, 234–235 calcium interactions, 235 caspase activation, 241

caspase-independent pathways, 243 cell death, 241–243

cochlear pathology, 231

effects on cochlear hair cells, 231 effects on vestibular hair cells, 231, 232 history as ototoxic drug, 221–222 incidence of ototoxicity, 224–225 interactions with calcium, 235 interactions with diuretics, 219

JNK apoptotic pathways, 241–242 mechanism of therapeutic action, 222 mitochondrial mutations, 226–227 oxidative stress, 237–238 pathophysiology, 229 pharmacokinetics, 233–234 protection of inner ear, 243–245

risk factors, 226–227

transport mechanisms into cells, 233–234

uptake by hair cells, 233–234 vestibular pathology, 232

Angiosclerotic degeneration, 146

Animal models, aminoglycoside ototoxicity, 228–229

ARHL, 157ff

autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 138ff

cisplatin ototoxicity, 227–228 human genetic hearing loss, 30–31 ototoxicity, 227–229

tinnitus, 116ff

Anoikis, and apoptosis, 211

Antibiotics, see Aminoglycoside Antibiotics Antineoplastic agents, see Cisplatin


340 Index

Antioxidants, protection against free radical damage, 284, 286–287

protection of spiral ganglion neurons, 303 Antioxidant systems, cochlear stress, 213 Antioxidant therapy, aminoglycosides, 245

ARHL, 172 cisplatin, 244 noise trauma, 213

Apoptosis, aminoglycosides, 241 Bcl-2 family proteins, 277–278 caspases, 277

cisplatin, 239 cochlear, 275ff free radicals, 281

general principles, 276–278 hair cells, 208ff

inhibition by small molecules, 303 JNK–jun signaling, 282–283 mitochondrial pathway, 277–278 noise-induced hearing loss, 205, 208ff p53 transcription factor, apoptosis, 283 transcription factor, 283

regulation as protection against drugs, 287 regulation as protection against noise, 285 transcriptional regulation, 278ff

Arachidonic acid metabolism, 50–51 ARHL, 145ff

animal models, 157ff AVCN cells, 16–165

B6 mice inferior colliculus, 166–168 BALB mice, 162–163

Brn4, 163

calcium dysregulation, 174–175 CBA mice, 164

CBA mice inferior colliculus, 166–168 Cdh23ahl, 158–159, 161

cell repair and replacement, 175 cellular aging mechanisms, 171ff

central auditory system in animals, 163ff central auditory system in humans, 155–157 central pathology, 156

changes in efferent feedback, 169–170 changes in speech processing, 157 classification, 149ff

cochlear conductive, 154

cochlear nucleus in animals, 164–166 cochlear pathology in human, 149ff cochlear pathology in mice, 159

DFN3, 163

effect of caloric restriction, 180 effect of diabetes mellitus, 177ff effect of environmental factors, 175ff

effect of mineralocorticoid level, 177, 178 effect of noise, 176

effect of ototoxins, 176 effect of stress, 176–177 Fischer-344 rats, 164–165 free radical theory, 173

functional changes in central auditory system, 156–157

gender differences in humans, 146–148 genes in mice, 158–159

hair cells, 151–152

historical accounts of research, 146ff human, 145ff

inferior colliculus of animals, 166–168 knockout mice, 160–161

lifestyle effects, 176 mitochondrial clock theory, 173 mitochondrial variables, 173 mixed, 154–155

mouse models, 145, 158ff neural, 152–153

neural changes in animals, 159–161 oxidative stress and cell injury, 172–173 perceptual changes due to peripheral

pathology, 168

peripheral aspects in humans, 149ff pharmacological treatment, 180–181 possible causes and protection, 287 prevention and treatment, 180–182 progression with aging in humans, 146ff protection against, 287

restoration of hearing loss, 181–182 right ear advantage, 170–171

risk factors, 175ff Schuknecht, 149, 155 sensory, 152

sensory changes in animals, 158–159 speech reception with central pathology, 169 stria vascularis, 153–154

stria vascularis in animals, 161–163 See also Presbycusis

Aspirin, prevention of gentamicin-induced hearing loss, 245, 286

Asymptotic threshold shift (ATS), 204–205 Atoh1, hair cell regeneration, 326–327

ATP and adenosine, protection against hearing loss, 289–290

ATPases, cochlear, 57ff, 79 ATP2B1 (PMCA1b), 59–60 ATP2B2 (PMCA2), 59–60 ATP6V1B1, 57, 58, 79 ATP6VIE, 58

ATPV0A4, 79

Audiology, autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 135

Auditory cortex, electric and magnetic stimulation, 114

pathology, 195–196 reorganization and tinnitus, 114 tinnitus, 108ff

Auditory pathology, 1ff AUNA, 21

Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 131ff chronic therapies, 137

classification, 136 clinical presentation, 134 diagnosis, 134ff epidemiology, 131ff

experimental therapies, 138 history, 131–132

lab tests, 135ff mechanisms, 140ff treatment, 137–138 type II collagen, 138

AVCN (anterior ventral cochlear nucleus), age-related changes, 164–165

synaptic changes with ARHL, 165 Axon growth, following acoustic

overstimulation, 263–265

B6 mice, endocochlear potentials, 162–163 inferior colliculus and ARHL, 166–168

Balance, see Vestibular dysfunction BALB mice, ARHL, 162–163

endocochlear potential, 159 Bartter syndrome, 78

Basilar papilla, hair cell regeneration, 323–324 Bauer–Brososki model, tinnitus, 118ff

Bcl-2 family proteins, apoptosis, 277–278 cell death, 240

posttranslational regulation, 279 BDNF, spiral ganglion neuron support,


BHLH gene, hair cell regeneration, 326 Birds, hair cell regeneration, 323–324 Blood flow regulation, cochlea, 63ff

Bovine serum albumin, autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 139

Branchiootorenal syndrome, 16 Brn4, ARHL, 163

BRN4, mouse, 81 BSND (barttin), 78

Cadherin, 23, 26–27

See also CDH23

Calcium, binding proteins, 174–175 dysregulation, ARHL, 174–175 hair cell damage, 285

Index 341

homeostasis, endolymph, 71–73 interactions with aminoglycosides, 235 ion regulation, intracellular, 58ff regulation, Cdh23 gene, 174

signaling and support of spiral ganglion neuron survival, 295–297

Caloric restriction, effect on ARHL, 180 Calretinin, 59

Carbon dioxide, CBF, 200–201 Caspase-independent pathways, aminoglycosides, 243

Caspases, activation by aminoglycosides, 241, 242

apoptosis, 277

hair cell death after cisplatin, 239–240 noise, 209–210, 212

CBA mice, see Animal models, aminoglycoside ototoxicity; Mouse model, aminoglycoside ototoxicity

CDH23, 18, 26, 27 calcium regulation, 174

Cdh23ahl, age-related pathology, 158–159, 161, 174

Cell death, 2 ff, 275ff aminoglycosides, 241–243 calcium, 285

cisplatin, 239–240

general principles, 276–278 hearing loss, 275ff impulse noise, 211

pathways from ototoxic drugs, 238ff See also Apoptosis; Necrosis

Cell injury

oxidative stress, 172–173

See also Drug-induced hearing loss; Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

Cell repair and replacement, ARHL, 175 Cell survival, transcriptional regulation, 278ff Cellular aging mechanisms in ARHL, 171ff

theories, 171–172

Cell volume regulation, 54–55 Central auditory pathology, changes in

perception, 169–171 temporal processing, 169 Central auditory system, ARHL

in animals, 163ff

ARHL in humans, 155–157

effects of acoustic overstimulation, 263–265 effects of cochlear trauma, 257ff

functional changes with age, 156–157 plasticity, 258ff

structural changes with age, 156 CGRP, 66

CHARGE syndrome, 31

342 Index

Cisplatin, adverse side effects, 219ff, 223 age related to risk factors, 225

animal models for ototoxicity, 227–228 Bcl-2 family proteins, 240

binding to molecules, 234 biochemical actions, 234 caspase inhibition, 239–240 cell death, 239–240 cochlear pathology, 229–231

effect on outer hair cells, 227–228, 229–231 effect on stria vascularis, 230

free radicals, 236–237

genetic disposition to risk factors, 225–226 hearing loss, 227–228

history as ototoxic drug, 220–221 incidence of ototoxicity, 224 mechanism of therapeutic action, 222 ototoxic stress, 236–237 pathophysiology, 229 pharmacokinetics, 232–233 protection of inner ear, 243–244

risk factors, 225–226 tinnitus, 109

vestibular pathology, 231–232 CLCNKA, Bartter syndrome, 78 CLCNKB, Bartter syndrome, 78 COCH (cochlin), 14, 80 Cochlea

age related changes in mice, 158–159 excitotoxicity, 298–299

free radical generation, 236–237 protection, 275ff

role of BDNF, 291–292 role of NT-3, 291–292 stem cells, 329–330

strategies for restoring after trauma, 321ff vascular pathology, 200–201

See also Inner ear; individual cochlear structures

Cochlear ablation, effect on cochlear nucleus, 259–261

effects on central auditory system, 259ff Cochlear blood flow (CBF), and noise, 206ff

pathology, 200–201

protection against trauma, 304–305 regulation, 63ff

Cochlear conductive ARHL, 154 Cochlear damage

effects on cochlear nucleus, 258ff tinnitus, 105ff

See also Cochlear pathology, aminoglycosides

Cochlear homeostasis, 49ff

Cochlear nucleus, ARHL in animals, 164–166

cellular changes with ARHL, 164–166 degeneration after cochlea damage, 258ff growth factors and synaptic

reorganization, 267 noise-induced changes, 265

physiological changes with ARHL, 165–166 plasticity after cochlea damage, 259ff reorganization after acoustic

overstimulation, 265

synaptic reorganization following noise exposure, 266–267

terminal degeneration, 258ff tinnitus, 108ff

Cochlear pathology, aminoglycosides, 231 ARHL, 149ff

ARHL in mice, 159–160 cisplatin, 229–231

dynamics after noise exposure, 204ff noise-induced, 195–196

Cochlear structures, in ARHL types, 149ff Cochlear trauma, effects on central auditory

system, 257ff

Cochlear treatment, challenges, 332 Cogan’s syndrome, autoimmune inner ear

disease (AIED), 141

Collagen, in genetic hearing loss, 20–21 Collagen genes (COL), 14, 20

Conditioned avoidance method, tinnitus, 125 Conditioning principles, tinnitus, 116 Connexin-related disorders, 22, 74ff Connexins

26GJB2 mutations, 13–14 deafness, 22–23, 74ff transfection in HeLa cells, 35 types in cochlea, 22, 23, 74–75 See also Gap junction proteins

CREB, regulation, 279–280 Critical level, noise exposure, 205 CX, see Connexins Cyclooxygenase pathway, 50

Cyclosporin, and protection of hair cells, 210–211

Cytokines, autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 133ff

Cytomegalovirus (CMV), autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 140

Cytotoxic T cell damage, autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED), 141

Deafness, historic, 1 incidence, 1

Deafness-related genes, 13 See also DFN genes