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14. Translation equivalents

Since language units often function in their accepted meanings, many SL units have regular equivalents in the TL.

Regular equivalents are divided into permanent and non-permanent (variable).

Some SL units have permanent equivalents, it means there is a one-to-one correspondence between such units and their equivalents in the TL.

(ex. phoneme - фонема). This type of correspondence is found with proper and geographical names, technical terms and similar words whose meaning is more or less independent of any context.

Ex. London – Лондон, УкраїнаUkraine

Other SL units may have several equivalents each, they are called non-permanent equivalents. This type of one-to-many correspondence is usual for the most regular equivalents. The existence of non-permanent equivalents implies the necessity of selecting one of them in the process of translation.

Ex. execution – виконання, страта (here the word execution has at least two non-permanent equivalentsвиконання, страта)

According to the type of the language units involved, regular equivalents are divided into:

Lexical - it can be both permanent and non-permanent

Ex. МазепаMazepa, the Ukr. word Мазепа has a permanent equivalent in the Eng. language - Mazepa)

The choice of a non-permanent equivalent depends on the context in which the SL unit is used in the SLT. There are 2 types of context:

  1. The linguistic context is made up by the other SL units in the SLT.

Ex. політикаpolitics, policy (The Ukr.word ‘політика is translated as ‘policy’ – in the contextзовнішня політика‘foreign policy’,

politics’ – in the contextіти в політику to go to politics’)

  1. The situational context is made up by circumstances under which the SLT was produced.

Ex. he gave me a ringвін подзвонив/зателефонував мені або він подарував мені каблучку

Phraseological units also have permanent and non-permanent equivalents.

Permanent equivalents may be based on the same image or different images.

Ex. to cross the Rubicon – and the Ukr.equivalent перейти Рубікон (is an example of the phraseological units based on the same image)

to sink or swim – пан або пропав (is an example of the phraseological units based on the different images)

Non-permanent equivalents: Ex.velvet paws hide sharp claws – мяко стелять, твердо спати; слова ласкаві, думки лукаві; зовнішність оманлива

There are practically no permanent grammatical equivalents. Non-permanent equivalents in the sphere of grammar are usually analogous forms or different forms with similar meaning.

Ex. He was a guest of honor at the reception given by the embassy – Він був почесним гостем на прийомі влаштованому в посольстві

(here the Eng. Participle given may be translated as a Ukr. Participle влаштований or який було влаштованоa subordinate attributive clause ?)

The use of occasional equivalents is much more common in grammar than in vocabulary.

Ex. He was a guest of honor at the reception given by the embassy – Він був почесним гостем на прийомі в посольстві.

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