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XI. Replace the underlined words and phrases with a suitable phrasal verb with "give" or "go".

  1. Although the smaller child was obviously losing the fight, he refused to admit defeat.

  2. John's hopelessly unreliable and always breaks his promises.

  3. Our dog attacked the milkman again this morning; he'll get us into trouble.

  4. The guards pursued the escaped prisoners, but they were able to get away.

  5. There's a nasty bug going round the school at the moment and some of the pupils have contracted chicken pox.

  6. This gas, in the presence of oxygen, produces an intensely hot flame.

  7. What a lot of people I Do you think there'll be enough food to feed everybody?

  8. The thieves promised each other that they would not tell anyone where the jewels were hidden.-

  9. Halfway up the hill, the engine stowed working and we had to push the car the rest of the way.

XII. Use phrasal verbs with "give" or "go" to complete the sentences below. Make additions to the context, if necessary.

  1. When he heard she had left, he got on his bike and ....

  2. I know you haven't finished reading the story, so I won't ....

  3. My hairdryer's stopped working – I think the fuse ....

  4. You'll never guess the answer - do you ... ?

  5. Could you get some more drink? Idon't think there's enough to ....

  6. I think this cheese has gone off. It looks a bit green and ....

  7. I feel a bit shivery - I think I’m just ....

  8. The company's director promised to give his employees a pay rise but

  9. If the neighbours' son hadn't provoked our dog, it would've never ....

XIII. Translate the sentences below using а suitable phrasal verb with "give" or "go".

1) Я уверен в том, что если мы хотим добиться успеха, мы не должны сдаваться.

2) Несмотря на то, что он прекрасно говорил по-французски, его легкий акцент выдавал в нем иностранца.

З) Боюсь, что стульев на всех не хватит. Некоторым студентам придется постоять.

4) Моники не будет на работе до конца месяца, так как ее младший ребенок заболел корью.

5) Он пошел за ней, чтобы сказать, как он виноват в том, что случилось, но она не захотела с ним говорить.

6) Я знаю его уже много лет. Ему можно доверять - он всегда держит слово.

7) Незнакомец набросился на прохожего с ножом, угрожая убить его, если тот не отдаст ему свой кошелек.

8) Если мы не будем. бережно относиться к своим природным ресурсам, их запасы неизбежно иссякнут уже через несколько десятилетий.

9) Мне очень нравится, как пахнет это растение. у него запах лимона.

Idioms and fIXed phrases (p. 77).

XIV. Paraphrase the following sentences using idioms and fixed phrases (p.77).

  1. At the beginning of the party Roni told a few jokes to make the people feel more relaxed and ready to join in the fun.

  1. I think I took after my grandfather who regularly moved to a different place and started something new which made his wife unhappy.

  2. My brother loves food that contains a lot of sugar.

  3. My colleague claims that it's me who has said about a salary rise when in fact I have not!

  1. My friend is good at copying the way other people speak or behave which always makes me laugh.

  1. Now and then everyone needs to talk about problems that are worrying them and feel better; that's what friends are for.

  1. Some people are able to see or do unpleasant things without feeling sick or upset.

  1. Something was wrong - she felt certain about it, although she couldn't explain or prove it. .

  1. The latest project of our department was extremely successful. It was approved by the board of directors.

  2. There was something odd about him but I couldn't identify what it was.

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