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From Sinners by Jackie Collins

Charlie asked for the Manager, who appeared almost immediately – a dead ringer for a young George Raft. He appraised Dindi with a flick of his eyes, greeted Charlie profusely, and organized the biggest suite in the hotel. He was no slouch at recognizing celebrities. He was used to dealing with all their peculiar requests. However, it did shake him a bit when Charlie said they wanted to get married right then and there.

“Give me an hour,” he said.

Charlie nodded. It seemed quite reasonable in his present state of mind that a marriage could be arranged at four a.m. in Las Vegas. […]

The preacher was a southern cracker. Hurriedly dressed in a shiny blue suit, he peered at the couple before him and drawled out his vision of the wedding ceremony.

Dindi noticed that his fly was undone and tried to stifle a giggle. She was wearing a pink frilled dress, she looked like a lovely innocent doll.

Charlie also noticed the preacher’s undone fly. The funny old chap had probably been fast asleep! What an accent! This would a great voice to use in some future film.

The manager had arranged the wedding in the penthouse, with the hotel photographer, press-man, two representatives of the local newspaper, with their photographer, presents.

The preacher pronounced them man and wife, belched unobtrusively, and shook Charlie’s hand. Then there was fuss and champagne and photographs and congratulations all around. […]

It was seven a.m. by the time they got back t their suite. Charlie was beginning to feel the strain. His eyes hurt behind his glasses, and the beautiful high he had achieved was beginning to wear off. For the first time he thought about the sanity of what he had just done. He had married a girl he didn’t even know! It was the most ridiculous insane thing. She was very pretty, but he didn’t even know her.

Dindi was dazed. But for different reasons. So suddenly and unexpectedly she was someone. She had married a movie star! […]

Charlie wasn’t sure when he first realized he had made a terrible mistake. Was it the day after his Las Vegas wedding or the day after that?

Viewing things in the cold light of reality, he couldn’t imagine how he could have done it.

Dindi was just as pretty as ever, but an idiot, a pretty little unintelligent idiot. Every time she opened her pouty lips it was to ask for something.

Even after two days it was beginning to drive him mad.

Baby, can I have some money for roulette? Sweetie, can I have those marvelous diamond and turquoise earrings? Honey, what about a little mink to keep off the cold night air?

He … gave her everything she wanted. After all, it was their honeymoon.


  1. Антрушина Г.Б. Another Book for Reading and Discussion. М., «Международные отношения», 1979. – 190 с.

  2. Блейк Уильям. Избранные стихи. Сборник. Сост. А.М. Зверев. На англ. И русск. Яз. – М.: Прогресс. – 1982. –558 с.

  3. Борисова Л.В. Interpreting Fiction. /практическое пособие по интерпретации текста (проза): Учебн. Пособие для ин-тов и фак. Иностр. яз. – Мн.: Выш. шк., 1987. – 103 с.

  4. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник. – 3-е изд. – М.: Высш. Школа, 1981. – 334 с.

  5. Сосновская В.Б. Аналитическое чтение. Учеб. пособие для ин-тов и фак. Иностр. Яз. М., «Высшая школа», 1974. – 184 с.

  6. Муратова Э.Н. Смех и улыбки. Сборник юмора на английском языке. М.: «Издат-школа», 1997. – 463 с.

  7. Archer Jeffrey. A Twist in the Tale. /Coronet Books, 1989. – 270 p.

  8. Armstrong Campbell. Blackout. /Sorgi Books, 1999. – 425 p.

  9. Bingham Charlotte. The Blue Note. /Bantam Books, 2000. – 566 p.

  10. Bradford Barbara Taylor. Angel. /Harper Collins Books, 1994 – 495 p.

  11. Bradford Barbara Taylor. Everything to Gain. /Harper Collins Books, 1995 – 381 p.

  12. Collins Jeckie. Sinners. /Pan Books, 1984. – 285 p.

  13. Cowie Vera. Face Value. /Signet Books, 1987. – 340 p.

  14. Crichton Michael. Rising Sun. /Arrow Books, 1999. – 406 p.

  15. Fitzgerald F. Scot. Tender is the Nigh. /Penguin Classics, 1987. – 348 p.

  16. Forsyth Frederick. The Deceiver. /Corgi Books, 1996. – 477 p.

  17. Garber, Joseph R. Vertical Run. /Bantam Books 1999. – 301 p.

  18. Gear Jolene and Gear Robert. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. Cambridge University Press, 1997. – 555 p.

  19. Grisham John. The Runaway Jury. /Arrow Books, 1997. – 484 p.

  20. Grisham John. The Street Lawyer. /Island Books, 1998. – 452 p.

  21. Grisham John. The Testament. /Arrow Books, 1999. – 474 p.

  22. Harris Thomas. Hannibal. /William Hainemann Books, 1999. – 486 p.

  23. Herbert James. Others. Pan Books, 2000. – 503 p.

  24. Holden Wendy. Simply Divine. /Headline Books, 1999. – 377 p.

  25. Kellerman Jonathan. The Clinic. /Warner Books, 1997. – 485 p.

  26. Kellerman Jonathan. The Web. /Bantam Books, 1996. – 416 p.

  27. King Stephen. Different Seasons. /Signet Books, 1983. – 509 p.

  28. King Stephen. The Eys of the Dragon. /Signet Books, 1988. – 380 p.

  29. King Stephen. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. Signet Books, 1999. – 320 p.

  30. King Stephen. Four Past Midnight. /Signet Books, 1991. –744 p.

  31. King Stephen. Needful Things. /Signet Books, 1991. – 743 p.

  32. King Stephen. Pet Sematary. /Signet Books, 1984. – 410 p.

  33. Kipling Redyard. Poems. СПб.: «Симпозиум», 1998. – 464 с.

  34. Koontz Dean. Cold Fire. Berkley Books, 1991. – 421 p.

  35. Koontz Dean. Eyes of Darkness. /Berkley Books, 1996. – 396 p.

  36. Koontz Dean. The Key to Midnight. /Magnum Books, 1995. – 440 p.

  37. Koontz Dean. False Memory. /Headline Feature, 1999. – 818

  38. Koontz Dean. The Servants of Twilight. /Berkley Books – 327 p.

  39. Koontz Dean. The Vision. /Berkley Books, 1986. –353 p.

  40. Koontz Dean. Whispers. Berkley Books, 1980. – 502 p.

  41. Lewis Susan. Dance While You Can. /Arrow Books, 1996. – 377 p.

  42. Lloyd Losie and Rees Emlyn. Come Together. /Arrow Books, 1999. – 296 p.

  43. Lutz John. Blood Fire. McMillan Books, 1991. –226 p.

  44. Parsons Tony. Man and Boy. /Harper Collins Books, 2000. – 344 p.

  45. Poe E.A. Poems. СПб.: «Симпозиум», 1998. – 464 с.

  46. Roberts Nora. Private Sscandals. /Signet Books, 1994. – 497 p.

  47. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone. /Bloomsbury, 1997. – 318 p.

  48. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets. /Bloomsbury, 1998. – 251 p.

  49. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban. /Bloomsbury, 1999. – 317 p.

  50. Rowling J.K. Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. /Bloomsbury, 2000. – 636 p.

  51. Russo Richard. Nobody’s Fool. /Vintage Books, 1994. – 549 p.

  52. Sheldon Sidney. Memories of Midnight. / Harper Collins Books, 1990. – 392 p.

  53. Sheldon Sidney. Nothing Lasts Forever. /Harper Collins Books, 1995. – 370 p.

  54. Sheldon Sidney. Rage of Angels. /Harper Collins Books, 1993 – 504 p.

  55. Sheldon Sidney. A Stranger in the Mirror./ Harper Collins Books, 1993. – 348 p.

  56. Singer Fune Flaum. The Debutantes. /Pocket Star Books, 1989 – 502 p.

  57. Whitney Phyllis A. The Singing Stones. /Doubleday, 1990 – 302 p.

  58. Williams Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire and Other Plays. /Penguin Classics, 2000 – 313 p.

  59. Great American Ghost Stories. Volume One. /Berkley Books, 1992. – 262 p.

  60. Cosmopolitan, April 1994. – 217 p.

  61. Marie Claire, June 2000. – 210 p.

  62. Reader’s Digest, Moscow, 2000. – 576 p.

  63. Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture./Longman Group UK Limited, 1992. – 1525 p.

  64. Waits Tom. The Ocean Doesn’t want me /from Bone machine, 1992.

  65. My Best friend’s Wedding. /TriStar Pictures, Inc., 1997

  66. City of Angels. /Warner Bros. Home Video, 1998