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Text 2.

Basic Types of Advertising. The two basic types of advertising are commodity and institutional. Commodity advertising is designed to help sell one or more definite, identified commodities, and usually it describes and extols their good qualities or prices. Institutional advertising, on the other hand, is created for the purpose of getting some message across to the public, which may or may not be closely related to the sale of any particular merchandise. By means of institutional advertising a firm may announce a change in location, the adoption of a new policy, the acquirement of a new line of goods, or anything else that might be of general interest to their customers.

Another form of institutional advertising exists when several advertisers issue a joint advertisement for the benefit of all of them. Advertisements of this sort may be devoted to trying to sell goods or merely to promoting ideas. The advertisements of the Association of American Railroads, the American Gas Association, and the American Institute of Laundering are examples of group institutional advertising.

Types of Advertising Media. The term media, which is very commonly used in the advertising world, refers to the various types of vehicles or devices by which advertising reaches its audience. These media include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, direct mail, billboards, car cards, business papers, and other media.

In the discussion of media types that follows, three of the bases of comparison that will be utilized require some preliminary explanation. They are: (1) geographic selectivity, which refers to the ability of a medium to deliver the advertiser's message to a particular geographic area, such as a designated city or metropolitan community; (2) interest selectivity, which means the capacity of a medium to deliver the advertiser's message more or less exclusively to groups of consumers who would presumably be interested in the product being advertised, such as homeowners for room air conditioners or farmers for tractors; and (3) flexibility, which refers to the ability of the advertiser to change his message, if need be, a relatively short time before the advertisement is to appear.


Newspapers Television Car Cards

Magazines Direct Mail Business Papers

Radio Billboards Other Media

Newspapers. The daily and, in smaller communities, weekly newspapers are exceedingly useful media for certain kinds of advertising. They have a high circulation, relative to the number of people who might see them, and their readers are usually concentrated in a comparatively small area.

Newspapers are peculiarly effective in carrying the advertisements of local merchants who wish to reach all parts of the cities concerned. Department stores, specialty stores, and food and drug chains commonly use newspapers to good advantage. In large cities, however, small stores whose patronage is limited to customers from surrounding residential areas usually find thlTcostof metropolitan newspaper advertising too great and the coverage too extensive.

National advertisers find newspapers an excellent way to secure local coverage and to tie in their messages with the sales efforts of their dealers in the community.

Newspapers are quite selective from a geographical standpoint because through them it is possible for an advertiser to pin-point his advertising to the metropolitan areas that he

wishes to reach, from the standpoint of interest selectivity or ability to reach special groups, newspapers reach all economic and social levels of the people and have a general, rather than a special, appeal. Most papers, however, contain specially edited sections, such as sports, the women's page, school news, and church notices, which may help the advertiser with a message for consumers interested in such topics.

A favorable characteristic of newspaper advertising is its flexibility or timeliness. In most cases, changes in advertising copy can be made up to within a few hours of the time the paper goes to press. This permits advertisers to follow national or local events, the weather, or changes in their own internal situations with great speed. It is even possible in times of great urgency to alter advertising insertions between editions.

Text 2. Exercises.


Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Существует 2 основных типа рекламы: товарная и институциональная.

  2. Товарная реклама описывает и восхваляет качество и цену товара.

  3. Институциональная реклама создает имидж фирмы-производителя, продвигаетне только товары, но и идеи.

  4. Через институциональную рекламу фирмы информируют о сменеместорасположения, отношение к политике государства, к новому виду товара.

  5. Термин 'Средства массовой информации" включает различные средствапередвижения рекламы, с помощью которых реклама доходит до потребителя.

  6. Средства массовой информации должны учитывать: а) географическуюселективность (маленький городок или столица), Ь) интерес к товару (домашнийкондиционер или трактор), с) гибкость (способность рекламодателяперестроиться за короткий период).

  7. Ежедневные и еженедельные газеты охватывают сравнительно небольшоерекламное поле своих читателей.

  8. С географической точки зрения местные газеты являются более эффективнымирекламодателями для небольших регионов, по сравнению с телевидением илирадио.

  9. Скорость и информационная гибкость - основная черта газетной рекламы.

  10. Газетная реклама позволяет всего за несколько часов вносить изменения виздательские вставки или полностью изменить ту или иную рекламу даннойгазеты.


Answer the following questions:

  1. What are two basic types of advertising?

  2. What is the difference between commodity and institutional advertising

  3. What does the term 'media' mean?

  4. What are the three main features of media types?

  5. What are the main types of advertising media or mass media?


Give as many variants as possible to complete the following sentences:

  1. In my point of view basic types of advertising

  2. By means of institutional advertising

  3. The term "media" or "mass media"

  4. I know for certain that types of advertising media

  5. Three of the bases of comparison of advertising media are...

  6. Newspapers are peculiarly effective

  7. From the stand point of interest selectivity newspapers

  8. I think that the flexibility of newspaper advertising


Make sure that you know the following words and word combinations and use them in questions or statements of your own:

  1. to extol good qualities or prices

  2. acros^to the public

  3. a change in location

  4. the American Institute of Laundering

  5. to reach the audience

  6. car cards

  7. the capacity of a medium

  8. the product being advertised

  9. a relatively short time

  10. exceedingly useful media

  11. relative to the number of people

  12. local merchants

  13. surrounding residential areas

  14. to secure local coverage

  15. the sales efforts of the dealers

  16. to pin-point the advertising

  17. a special appeal

  18. church notices

  19. to follow national or local eventsin times of great urgency


Find the necessary sentences in the text to insert the correct prepositions:

1 is created the purpose of

2 general interest their customers

3 devoted trying to sell

4 devices which advertising reaches the audience

5 short time the advertisements

6 useful media certain kinds of.

7 effective carrying the advertisements

8 to customers surrounding residential areas

9 quite selective a geographical standpoint

10. ... because them it is possible

11.... with a message consumers

12. ... advertising insertions editions