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1."Mrs. Garstin was a hard … promising politicians." (17)

2."But Kitty was a beauty … a brilliant one." (21)

3."She didn't know why … was home on leave." (25)



I. Active vocabulary:

1.vague, adj. (26) - неопределенный, неясный, смутный;

2.to entertain (27) - развлекать, занимать;

3.to be at ease with smb. (28) - чувствовать себя непринужденно с кем-либо;

4.impenetrable (28) - непрходимый, непроницаемый, непроглядный;

5.strenuous, adj. (28) - сильный, энергичный, усердный;

6.to make a hash of sth. (28) - напутать, напортиь в чем-либо;

7.to make a brilliant match (28) - удачно выйти замуж;

8.foreboding, adj. (30) - предчувствие;

9.sullenly, adv. (31) - угрюмо, мрачно, надуто;

10.beseeching, adj. (31) - молящий;

11.to make a splash (33) - вызвать сенсацию;

12.conjugal relations (34) - супружеские отношения;

13.to appease (34) - успокаивать, умиротворять, утолять;

14.ridiculous, adj. (34) - смехотворный, нелепый, смешной;

15.affectionate, adj. (35) - любящий, нежный;

16.to be no great fry (34) - быть мелкой сошкой.

b)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Read and translate the sentences where they are used.

II. Transcribe the following:

vague, treatise, exhausted, foreboding, constituency, encourage, augury.

III. Supply the words given below with their antonyms using negative prefixes and translate them:

capable, ambitious, adequate, suitable, approval, to encourage, interested, regular, penetrable, agreeable, explicable, fortunate, personal, constant, ability, natural.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

1.to do sth. for smb.'s health (27);

2.to be at ease with smb.(28);

3.to make a hash of sth. (28);

4.to make a brilliant match (28);

5.to confide in smb./sth. (29);

6.to be rash to do sth. (32);

7.to make a splash (33);

8.to be no great fry (34).

b)Translate the sentences with the expressions given above into Russian.

c)Learn the expressions, use them in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

To entertain, strenuous, agreeable, abrupt, foreboding, beseeching, to appease, ridiculous, affectionate, profound.

1.to calm, to sooth, to pacify, to hush, , to satisfy;

2.sudden, precipitate, hasty, impetuous, brusque:

3.deep, fathomless, abstruse, erudite, knowing, wise;

4.pleading, begging, asking, imploring, suppliant;

5.to amuse, to cheer, to divert, to please, to exhilarate;

6.loving, caring, fond, devoted, attached;

7.pleasant, pleasing, charming, enticing, inviting;

8.strong, powerful, vigorous, mighty, industrious;

9.presentiment, premonition, misgivings, augury;

10.ludicrous, laughable, droll, preposterous, absurd. b) Translate and learn the synonyms.

c) Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.impossible to enter or go through (28);

2.extremely tired (29);

3.to talk continuously and eagerly (29);

4.bad-tempered and unwilling to smile or be pleasant to people (31);

5.extremely happy and excited (31);

6.to express a positive feeling in such a strong way that it doesn't sound sincere (32);

7.to give up sth. that is valuable to you in order to help another person (28);

8.a formal, scientific piece of writing (36);

9.ability to bear sth. unpleasant and irritating, or to continue to exist despite disadvantages (37). b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Give the English equivalents according to the text:

смутное представление(26); чисто выбритый подбородок (27); оставаться отчужденным (28); восторжествовать над кем-либо (28); странное существо (29); огромная страсть (31); оказать услугу кому-либо (34); супружеские отношения (34); нести ужасный вздор (34); саркастическая ухмылка (35).

VIII. Fill as much of the table with the derivatives as possible:











IX. Answer the following questions:

1.How did Walter propose to Kitty? Was he at ease while doing it? What was the reason of his embarrassment?

2.What was Kitty's reaction to the proposal?

3.What forced Kitty to accept it?

4.Speak on Walter's attitude to Kitty after the wedding.

5.How did Kitty treat Walter in return? Did she take his care and affection for granted or was she grateful to him?

6.Why did Walter fail to awake love in Kitty?

7.Describe Walter as if you were Kitty.

X. Write the summary of the chapters.



I. a) Active vocabulary:

1)to be on the defensive - обороняться, защищаться;

2)condescension - снисходительность, снисхождение;

3)to discern - различать, распознавать, разглядеть;

4)to go all to pieces - падать духом;

5)moderation - умеренность, сдержанность;2) выдержка;

6)to interfere with smb. - мешать кому-либо, беспокоить;

7)to be conceited - быть самодовольным, тщеславным;

8)to feel very much at home with smb. - чувствовать себя в своей тарелке рядом с кем-либо;

9)to conceal - скрывать, утаивать;

10)disposition - предрасположение (to sth.); 2) характер, нрав;

11)to betray smb. - предавать кого-либо;

12)the staple of the conversation - главная тема разговора;

13)impetuous - стремительный, порывистый, импульсивный;

14)to divert - отводить; 2) отвлекать (внимание); 3) развлекать;

15)to intimidate - пугать, устрашать;

16)to bewilder - смущать, сбивать с толку.

b)Learn the words and expressions given above.

c)Read and translate the sentences where they are used.

II. Transcribe the following: condescension, ounce, exquisitely.

III. a) Explain the meaning of the expressions in English:

1.to be on the defensive (37);

2.to go all to pieces (39);

3.to interfere with smb. (40)

4.to feel very much at home with smb. (40);

5.to betray smb. (41);

6.to play on smb.'s affections (42);

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use them in a context.

IV. Paraphrase the following:

1.She immediately felt at ease and the sense of hostility vanished from her bosom. (38)

2.How was I to know that I was going to meet a raging beauty? (38)

3.He's far and away the best bridge player at the Club. (39)

4.… she could not help thinking he must be very conceited… (40)

5.… he really should try to be a little better turned out. (40)

6.… she admired the way in which amid the banter which was the staple of their conversation he insinuated … a pretty, flattering speech. (41)

V. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

condescension, spacious, to discern, illusion, to resent, delightful, to conceal, impetuous, to intimidate, to bewilder.

1.to hide, to screen, to disguise, to secrete, to dissemble;

2.to perplex, to confuse, to embarrass, to entangle, to puzzle;

3.fantasy, image, vision, apparition, dream;

4.vast, huge, enormous, unlimited, ample;

5.to perceive, to observe, to descry, to distinguish, to behold;

6.patronization, deigning, disdain, haughtiness;

7.to be indignant, to be angry, to be ireful, to be vexed, to be exasperated;

8.agreeable, gratifying, satisfactory, pleasing, inspiriting;

9.furious, boisterous, vehement, violent, precipitate, impulsive;

10.to scare, to frighten, to daunt, to terrify, to dismay.

b)Translate and learn the synonyms.

c)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

b) Use the words given above in the sentences of your own.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.unfriendliness, strong dislike (38);

2.temperance (39);

3.official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay the getting of the results (40);

4.a small decorative object used to fasten shirt cuffs (40);

5.conversation which is amusing and not serious (41);

6.a large musical instrument which has strings across it (42);

7.a way of behavior esp. in social situation, which is accepted by most people in a particular society (42). b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Give the English equivalents according to the text:

небрежная манера (38); чувство враждебности (38); добродушное подшучивание (41); гладко зачесанные волосы (41); ландыш (42); дразнить (42); казаться совершенно нелепым (42); тратить время впустую (43); обожать (43); истинный дурак, глупец (43).

VIII. Answer the following questions:

1.Why did Charlie attract Kitty? Was she impressed by his appearance or did some other features influence her?

2.If you chanced to meet Charlie would his charm influence you?

3.Did Charlie have anything in common with Walter?

4.If you were Kitty would you prefer Charlie to Walter? Why?

5.Why did Kitty feel a little frightened at the beginning of her affair with Charlie?

6.Did Kitty's attitude to Walter change after Charlie had become her lover? Describe the alteration.

IX. Write the summary of the chapters.

X. Give the derivatives of the following words:












I. Active Vocabulary:

1.dazzling, adj. (43) - ослепительный;

2.to ask smb. in little friendly asides (44) - спросить кого-л., не придавая этому большого значения;

3.to take pains to do sth. (44) - прилагать усилия, стараться сделать что-либо;

4.to be full of accomplishments (45) - иметь много достоинств;

5.to do sth. by stealth (46) - делать что-л. украдкой;

6.obstacle, n (46) - препятствие, помеха;

7.to curse (46) - проклинать, ругаться;

8.startling, adj. (46) - потрясающий, поразительный;

9.relief, n (47) - облегчение;

10.to divorce (47) - разводиться, 2)разъединять;

11.apprehension, n (48) - понимание, способность схватывать;

12.to allay one's uneasiness (48) - успокоить свое волнение;

13.to acknowledge (48) - признавать, допускать;

14.supercilious, adj. (49) - высокомерный, презрительный, надменный;

15.repulsive, adj. (49) - отталкивающий, омерзительный;

16.to pester (49) - докучать, надоедать;

17.inscrutable, adj. (50) - непостижимый, загадочный;

18.to speak at length (51) - говорить подробно, распространяться;

19.to speak from a long way off (51) - начинать разговор издалека;

20.menacing, adj. (52) - угрожающий, грозящий.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following words:

jovial, foreboding, acknowledge, supercilious, limb, preternatural, immobile, menacing.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

dazzling, jovial, obstacle, to curse, startling, apprehension, to acknowledge, repulsive, to pester, inscrutable.

1.shocking, alarming, stunning, astonishing, unexpected;

2.odious, forbidding, hideous, detestable, revolting, repellent;

3.charming, enchanting, fascinating, captivating, charismatic;

4.mysterious, incomprehensible, hidden, enigmatic, baffling;

5.to admit, to avow, to accept, to concede;

6.merry, gay, jolly, hilarious, cheerful;

7.to annoy, to harass, to vex, to bother;

8.impediment, hindrance, hurdle, obstruction, snag;

9.understanding, comprehension, grasp;

10.to execrate, to damn, to imprecate.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Match the following phrasal verbs with their equivalents:

to get over

to decide

to make out

to overcome

to make up one's mind

to excite

to work up

to understand

b) Use the phrasal verbs given above in the sentences of your own.

V. a) Explain the meaning of the expressions:

1.to ask smb. in little friendly asides (44);

2.to take pains to do sth. (44);

3.to be full of accomplishments (45);

4.to do sth. by stealth (46);

5.to be thrust upon smb. (46);

6.not to care two pins for smb. (48);

7.to be a wet blanket (49);

8.to pester smb. into doing sth. (49);

9.to speak at length (51);

10.to speak from a long way off (51).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

VI. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:

to increase

ordinary, conventional, trivial


confidence, assurance, calm


to decrease, to reduce

to quarrel

cheerful, gay


hindrance, burden, restraint


to agree, to harmonize

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VII. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.unkind and unfair people (43);

2.to form an opinion or idea about smb. or sth. which is unfair or not correct (44);

3.sth. which you do often and regularly, often without knowing that you are doing it (46);

4.to end one's marriage by an official or legal process (47);

5.to expect (48);

6.behaving as if you think that you are better than other people, and that their opinions etc. are not important (49);

7.an arm or a leg of a person or animal, or a large branch of a tree (49);

8.supernaturally (50);

9.threatening seriously (52).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VIII. Paraphrase the following:

1.They managed their intrigue with skill. (44)

2. ... it was not certain yet that Walter knew the truth, and if he didn't it was better perhaps to leave well alone... (45)

3.Walter was a gentleman, so she would do him the justice to acknowledge that,.. (47)

4.Kitty drew a long sigh. (47)

5. ... but she could not quite allay her uneasiness. (48)

6.Kitty worked herself up into a towering passion. (49)

IX. Give the English equivalents according to the text:

Осмысленное выражение (глаз)(43); боготворить (44); выглядеть молодо (44); мужчина средних лет (45);жирный старикашка (45); помешать кому-либо что-либо сделать (46); требовать тщательного осмысления (46); быть увлеченным работой (46); бесценные воспоминания (47); отталкивающий (49); отвратительно танцевать (49); быть сытым по горло (49); выглядеть зловеще (51).

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Charles Townsend as Kitty saw him. Why did she make so much of his accomplishments? What is your attitude to them?

2.In what way was Kitty's love predetermined by her upbringing?

3.Do you think it was love or infatuation? Did it make Kitty deeper, nobler, wiser or did it bring forth her shallowness, selfishness, vulgarity?

4.What was humiliating about the position Kitty was put into by Townsend?

5.How did Kitty plan her future, Dorothy's and Walter's? Could she see that she might cause them a lot of pain, misery?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to be cut off (53) - быть разъединенным;

2.connivance (54) - потворство, попустительство; молчаливое согласие;

3.rickety (54) - шаткий, неустойчивый, расшатанный;

4.to look washed out (54) - быть бледным, чувствовать утомление;

5.scrupulous, n. (55) - щепетильный, совестливый, добросовестный, тщательный;

6.to gain (55) - добиваться, получать, зарабатывать; извлекать пользу, выгоду;

7.humiliating, adj. (56) - унизительный, оскорбительный;

8.to put oneself in somebody else's shoes (56) - поставить себя на чье-л. место;

9.to bet (56) - держать пари, биться об заклад;

10.roguish, adj. (57) - жуликоватый; проказливый, шаловливый;

11.to delude (57) - вводить в заблуждение, обманывать;

12.torture, n (58) - пытка; муки, агония;

13.to let smb. down (58) - разочаровать, подвести, покинуть в беде;

14.to sulk (59) - дуться, быть сердитым, мрачным;

15.to go all to pieces (60) - пропасть, погибнуть, опуститься; потерять самообладание, присутствие духа;

16.to interfere with smb. (61) - надоедать, докучать кому-л.;

17.morbid, adj. (61) - болезненный, нездоровый; болезненно впечатлительный; ужасный, отвратительный;

18.timidity, n (61) - робость, застенчивость;

19.baseness, n (61) - низость, подлость;

20.mean, adj. (61) - скупой; подлый, нечестный; посредственный.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

connivance, scrupulously, buoyant, roguish, subpoenaed.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

timidity, scrupulous, humiliating, dread, to delude, pettifogging, torture, morbid, to exult, baseness, to sulk.

1.dismay, awe, fright, apprehension, trepidation;

2.meanness, debasement, wickedness, degeneracy, vileness;

3.fearfulness, timorousness, cowardliness, bashfulness, shyness;

4.pain, anguish, agony, torment, suffering;

5.to scowl, to pout, to frown, to be sullen, to be morose;

6.punctilious, cautious, meticulous, exact, fastidious;

7.to deceive, to mislead, to trick, to fool, to cheat;

8.embarrassing, humbling, mortifying, disgracing;

9.to triumph, to delight, to rejoice, to jubilate;

10.abnormal, pathological, sick, affected;

11.shifty, evasive, deceitful, dishonest, sly.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

21.to be cut off (53);

22.to look washed out (54);

23.to put oneself in somebody else's shoes (56);

24.to no great shakes (56);

25.to keep on the right side of smb. (56);

26.to be affected by sth. (57);

27.to let smb. down (58);

28.to go all to pieces (60);

29.to interfere with smb. (61);

30.to put one's back up (61).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:


respect, affection, console


generous, compassionate, indulgent


intrepidity, courage, boldness


soothe, mollify, console


hasten, scamper

mean tough, defiant, petrified

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. Paraphrase the following:

1.But a boy who was standing there on the watch for customers ... gave her a broad smile ... (54)

2.What was he to gain by making a row? (55)

3. ... she was growing a trifle impatient ... (59)

4.She had noticed that ... he kept his eyes averted ... (60)

5.The idea of those ... ladies trying to indulge in small talk ... not a little diverted her. (60)

VII. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.a comfortable room for sitting in (53);

2.in bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break (54);

3.indulgence (54);

4.to risk (a sum of money) on the unknown result of an event (56);

5.playful, frolicsome (57);

6.faithfully and blindly (58);

7.powerful and energetic (61).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VIII. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1.Charlie Townsend didn't hesitate a moment to meet Kitty when she asked him to.

2.All through their urgent appointment Townsend had a sullen look.

3.Townsend was sure that Walter wouldn't dare to kick up a row.

4.Kitty shared Charlie's viewpoint concerning Walter's secret intentions and fears.

5.After the conversation with Charlie Kitty felt herself at ease.

6.Kitty considered Walter to be an agreeable companion during the party.

7.Kitty's reflection upon Charlie's words concerning Walter made her hate the latter even more than ever.

IX. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

признак раздраженности (53); едкий запах (54); натянутая и неестественная улыбка (54); проблеск коварной радости (55); его губы растянулись в широкой улыбке (55); выглядеть парой набитых дураков (55); что касается нас (56); страх огласки (56); почувствовать себя довольно уверенно (59); мертвенно бледный (60); неподвижное, суровое лицо (60); обеспечить кого-либо чем-либо (61); быть вызванным в суд в качестве свидетеля по какому-либо делу (61); чувствовать себя беззащитным (61).

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Discuss how Townsend regarded the situation and its possible outcome. Why did he think that Walter would kick up no row?

2.Which utterances of Townsend's show that he was not much in love with Kitty?

3.How did Walter take the shock? Point out words and phrases conveying his state of mind.

4.Why do you think he kept silence about the matter?

5.Whose point of view is predominant in the novel? How does the author manage to introduce other viewpoints?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to be unaccustomed to sth. (62) - быть непривычным к чему-л.;

2.to wander (63) - бродить, скитаться; блуждать (о взгляде, мыслях);

3.to turn sth. into sth. (63) - превратить во что-л.;

4.orphanage, n. (63) - приют для сирот; сиротство;

5.to take charge (63) - принимать ответственность, обязанности;

6.hindrance, n. (64) - помеха, препятствие;

7.derisive, n. (64) - насмешливый, иронический;

8.to hear amiss (65) - плохо, неправильно расслышать;

9.to do sth. on account of sth. (65) - сделать что-л. вследствие чего-л.;

10.to be frightened out of one's wits (65) - обезуметь от страха;

11.outrageous, adj. (66) - неистовый; возмутительный, оскорбительный, скандальный;

12.to mock (66) - насмехаться, высмеивать, передразнивать;

13.indignant, adj. (67) - негодующий, возмущенный;

14.innocence, n. (67) - невинность; невиновность;

15.to recover one's nerves (67) - успокоиться, взять себя в руки;

16.to have no objection to doing sth. (67) - не возражать против чего-л.;

17.welfare, n. (68) - благосостояние, благоденствие;

18.contemptuous, adj. (68) - презрительный, пренебрежительный, высокомерный;

19.subservient, adj. (68) - раболепный; подчиненный;

20.compassion, n. (69) - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие;

21.vindictive, adj. (70) - мстительный;

22.to keep one's temper in check (70) - держать себя в руках;

23.to rave (71) - неистовствовать;

24.treacherous, adj. (73) - предательский, вероломный, ненадежный.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

wander, cholera, orphanage, admirable, suicide, falter, scandal-mongering, wrath.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

to wander, hindrance, embarrassment, outrageous, to mock, subservient, compassion, vindictive, to rave, treacherous.

1.to ridicule, to taunt, to deride, to jeer;

2.faithless, perfidious, traitorous, treasonable;

3.sympathy, clemency, pity, commiseration, fellow-feeling;

4.to roam, to stray, to rove, to range, to ramble;

5.to rage, to storm, to splutter, to rail;

6.confusion, abashment, shame, humiliation;

7.submissive, docile, obsequious, servile;

8.obstacle, impediment, obstruction, hurdle, barrier;

9.revengeful, unforgiving, implacable, malevolent;

10.flagrant, atrocious, abusive, monstrous, wicked.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

1.to be unaccustomed to sth. (62);

2.to turn sth. into sth. (63);

3.to take charge (63);

4.to hear amiss (65);

5.to do sth. on account of sth. (65);

6.to recover one's nerves (67);

7.to have no objection to doing sth. (67);

8.to keep one's temper in check (70).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:


regardful, respectful, approving


earnest, witty, dignified


guilt, culpability, dishonesty


repulsive, detestable


calm, cool


esteem, praise, approval

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. Paraphrase the following:

1.She stood at the door for a moment, nerving herself for the interview... (62)

2.Suicide. It was nothing short of that. (64)

3.I should be frightened out of my wits. (65)

4.I shall immediately file my petition. (66)

5.Even to herself her reply rang false. (67)

VII. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.a bone that curves round from your back to your chest (62);

2.a building in which nuns live (63);

3.a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them (63);

4.physical and mental health and happiness (68);

5.creating and spreading reports about actions and events that cause public shock and disapproval (69);

6.reminding a monkey (70);

7.the part of a finished cigarette that has not been smoked (72).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.


VIII. Fill as much of the table with the derivatives as possible:











IX. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

шутливый тон (63); отводить взгляд, глядеть в сторону (63); почувствовать, как краснеешь (64); ее охватила паника (65); посмотреть на кого-л. в отчаянии (65); отправиться в опасное путешествие (66); средние умственные способности (66); безучастно смотреть на кого-л. (67); вызывать сочувствие (69); раненое самолюбие (70); поколотить кого-л. (71); неподвижный взгляд (71).

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Walter and Kitty are having a talk. Comment on the motives of Kitty's refusal to go to Mei-tan-fu. Account for Walter's mocking manner throughout the talk.

2.Walter brings up the subject of divorce. Kitty discusses the details of the divorce suit.

3.Why did Walter bring the subject of Mei-tan-fu before his mention of their divorce?

4.Had Walter any right to send his wife to certain death?

5.Why did Kitty insist on her bringing an action for divorce?

6.Had Walter any illusions about his wife? Was his love creative?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.urgent, adj. (73) - срочный, настоятельный; крайне необходимый;

2.affable, adj. (73) - приветливый, любезный, вежливый;

3.deliberate, adj. (74) - преднамеренный, умышленный; обдуманный;

4.to commit oneself (75) - компрометировать себя;

5.to give away (76) - выдавать, проговариваться; подводить; предавать;

6.to bring charges (76) - выдвигать обвинения;

7.abrupt, adj. (76) - внезапный; резкий; обрывистый, крутой;

8.to get into a scrape (77) - попасть в переделку;

9.airiness, n. (77) - легкомысленность, беззаботность;

10.to make a nuisance of oneself (78) - надоедать;

11.impudence, n. (78) - дерзость, наглость, бесстыдство;

12.decent, adj. (78) - приличный, порядочный, подходящий; скромный, сдержанный;

13.to induce smb. to do sth. (79) - заставит кого-л. сделать что-л.;

14.appreciable, adj. (79) - заметный, ощутимый; поддающийся оценке;

15.to make a clean breast of sth. (80) - чистосердечно признаться в чем-л.;

16.wretched, adj. (80) - несчастный, жалкий; никуда негодный, плохой, гнусный;

17.to be keen on sth. (81) - сильно желать что-л., любить что-л., увлекаться чем-л.;

18.to hush sth. up (81) - замалчивать, скрывать, замять;

19.peevish, adj. (81) - сварливый, раздражительный; неуживчивый, брюзгливый;

20.broad-minded, adj. (81) - с широкими взглядами, с широким кругозором, терпимый, либеральный;

21.to be attached to smb. (82) - быть привязанным, преданным кому-л.;

22.entreaty, n. (83) - мольба, просьба;

23.to be bound to do sth. (83) - обязательно сделать что-л.;

24.vehement, adj. (84) - сильный, неистовый, страстный;

25.not to be able to make head or tail out of sth. (84) - ничего не понимать;

26.to taint (85) - заражать(ся), портить(ся);

27.to give smb. a clue (87) - дать ключ к разгадке;

28.inkling, n. (87) - намек (на что-л.), слабое представление (о чем-л.);

29.pang, n. (88) - внезапная острая боль; pl. угрызения совести;

30.callous, adj. (88) - бессердечный, черствый; огрубелый, мозолистый.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

nuisance, inquire, impudence, appreciable, wretched, vehement.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

urgent, deliberate, abrupt, airiness, impudence, decent, appreciable, wretched, inkling, pang.

1.hint, insinuation, intimation, clue, suspicion;

2.pain, ache, throe, anguish;

3.pressing, compelling, essential, requiring, paramount;

4.modest, chaste, seemly, appropriate;

5.distressed, miserable, pitiable, woeful, dejected;

6.purposed, intentional, predetermined, voluntary;

7.cheer, liveliness, gaiety, vitality;

8.considerable, substantial, measurable, perceptible, discernable;

9.sudden, brusque, blunt, impetuous;

10.insolence, boldness, impertinence, rudeness, effrontery.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions:

1.to commit oneself (75);

2.to bring charges (76);

3.to get into a scrape (77);

4.to make a nuisance of oneself (78);

5.to induce smb. to do sth. (79);

6.to be keen on sth. (81);

7.to be attached to smb. (82);

8.to be bound to do sth. (83);

9.to give smb. a clue (87).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:


agreeable, complacent


compassionate, sympathetic




passionless, unimpassioned


pliant, yielding




disdainful, arrogant

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. Paraphrase the following:

1.She took out her handkerchief and tried to check her sobs. (74)

2.This is a bloody mess we've got into ... (75)

3.I'm sure that old fellow at the curio shop wouldn't have given us away. (76)

4.We can bring pressure to bear on Walter. (77)

5.If the worst came to the worst I should make a clean breast of it to Dorothy ... (80)

6.Unless we can hush this up I don't stand a dog's chance. (81)

7.Why don't you go to him and throw yourself on his mercy? (83)

8.I may be very stupid , but I can't make head or tail out of what you are saying. (84)

VII. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.animal skin treated in order to preserve it, and used to make shoes, bags, clothes, equipment, etc. (74);

2.an official statement that sth. must happen (79);

3.willing to accept other people's behaviour and beliefs (81);

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