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4.a serious and sincere attempt to persuade smb. to do or not to do sth. (83);

5.to damage sth. esp. by causing a reduction or change in quality, taste, etc. (86);

6.a dishonest person (88);

7.a cloth or a long loose garment that is used to wrap a dead body before it is buried (90). b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VIII. Explain the use of the modal verbs:

1. ... for all our sakes I thought you ought to have given a little consideration.

2.She could have screamed.

3.If you have no love or pity for me you must have just ordinary human feeling.

4.He is willing to forgive you if you'll let him.

5.It must have seemed an age to him before she answered.

6.He could not have known why, when he said this, she looked at him so strangely.

7.I suppose I needn't take more than a few summer things and a shroud, need I?

IX. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

Бессмысленно, рассеяно смотреть (75); вызвать сочувствие (75); вопросительный взгляд (78); разумный (81); взволнованно взглянуть (82); подавить возглас раздражения (83); взывать к состраданию (84); веселый (85); умереть от одного страха (86); измученный разум (87); несказанно эгоистичный (88).

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Kitty comes to Townsend's office. Account for his reaction to her coming, his manner and all the changes of his mind.

2.Townsend's readiness to bring pressure against Walter. Find proof of his misjudging Walter.

3.Kitty comes to see her position in true light. Compare Townsend's reaction to Mei-tan-fu at the first mention and on second thought.

4.Discuss the drama Kitty had to live through within one day.

5.What shows that the mess Townsend got into was not the first in his life?

6.What do you think of people who are keen on their careers?

7.What made it possible for Walter to judge Townsend accurately?

8.What price was Kitty to pay for her illusions?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.boundless, adj. (91) - безграничный, беспредельный;

2.to be taken unawares (91) - быть застигнутым врасплох;

3.incessant, adj. (92) - непрекращающийся, непрерывный;

4.to endevour (92) - пытаться, прилагать усилия, стараться;

5.sardonic, adj. (93) - сардонический, злобный;

6.adoration, n. (93) - обожание, поклонение;

7.to bide one's time (94) - выжидать удобного момента;

8.distinctness, n. (94) - ясность, отчетливость, определенность;

9.virtuous, adj. (95) - добродетельный; целомудренный;

10.to detain (95) - задерживать; мешать движению;

11.coffin, n. (96) - гроб;

12.to summon up one's will to do sth. (96) - собраться с духом, чтобы сделать что-л.;

13.overwrought, adj. (97) - переутомленный работой; возбужденный (о нервах); перегруженный деталями;

14.dim, adj. (97) - тусклый, неясный, туманный, потускневший;

15.bald, adj. (97) - лысый, плешивый; оголенный; лишенный растительности;

16.grave, n. (97) - могила;

17.to help oneself to sth. (100) - угоститься чем-л.;

18.ruthless, adj. (100) - безжалостный, жестокий;

19.tortuous, adj. (100) - извилистый; уклончивый, неискренний;

20.awe, n. (101) - (благоговейный) страх, трепет, благоговение;

21.shabby, adj. (104) - потертый, потрепанный, поношенный; запущенный, убогий;

22.to recapture (104) - брать обратно;

23.arson, n. (105) - поджог;

24.to demur at doing sth. (105) - возражать против чего-л.;;

25.to take precautions against sth. (105) - принять меры предосторожности против чего-л.;

26.to be panic-stricken (105) - быть охваченным паникой;

27.to humiliate (106) - унижать;

28.to be seized with frenzy (106) - быть охваченным безумием.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

uncouth, endeavour, overwrought, martyr, kneel, missionary, liquor, capricious, nonchalance, demur.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

incessant, sardonic, adoration, distinctness, to detain, overwrought, to chuckle, ruthless, tortuous, nonchalance, to recapture.

1.cynical, mournful, bitter, scornful;

2.exhausted, worked up, weary, tired, worn out;

3.continual, constant, perpetual, everlasting, eternal;

4.indifference, equanimity, composure, carelessness;

5.merciless, cruel, ferocious, pitiless, brutal;

6.worship, veneration, devotion, homage;

7.to retrieve, to get back, to regain, to win back;

8.to retain, to keep back, to hold, to withhold;

9.to snicker, to giggle, to titter, to snigger;

10.clarity, lucidity, explicitness, sharpness;

11.winding, curved, serpentine, twisting, snaky.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to be taken unawares (91);

2.to bide one's time (94);

3.to summon up one's will to do sth. (96);

4.to help oneself to sth. (100);

5.to demur at doing sth. (105);

6.to take precautions against sth. (105);

7.to be panic-stricken (105);

8.to be seized with frenzy (106).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:




to glorify, to praise

to endeavor

irrelevance, equanimity

to abandon

to cease


confirmed, limited


cosy, prosperous


to cherish, to maintain, to support

to humiliate

distinct, definite

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.an unskilled and cheaply employed worker (91);

2.to try (to do sth.) (92);

3.a very large deep hole in the ground (93);

4.a flat wooden structure (94);

5.possessing good moral qualities (95);

6.a long box in which a dead person is buried or burnt (96);

7.without any hair on the head (97);

8.a place where a dead person is buried, esp. under the ground and marked by a stone (97);

9.an annoying man (98);

10.the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy sth. (105).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Explain the use of the subjunctive mood:

1. ... she dug her teeth in the pillow so that no sound might escape her.

2.Her pain was so great that she could have scrammed at the top of her voice ...

3. ... if he had been in Townsend's place nothing in the world would have hindered him from making any sacrifice to gratify her smallest whim.

4. ... if Charlie made a sign ... she would abandon all the world ...

5.She was passing a grove of bamboos and they leaned over the causeway strangely as if they would detain her...

6.Do you mind if I say good night to you?

7.She had never felt so light of heart and it seemed to her as though her body were a shell that lay at her feet ...

VIII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

место назначения (91); измученный разум (91); душераздирающая сцена (91); смутно различимый (95); грязные домишки (96); утомленный, изможденный (97); делать прививку (98); пораженный болезнью город (101); неровная походка (102); в страшных объятиях чумы (эпидемии) (104); броситься на колени (105).

IX. Say under what circumstances and why this happened:

1. Kitty passed through the country with unseeing eyes. 2. ... I've ordered you dinner and I've invited myself.

3. ... Kitty found herself much alone.

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Kitty's state of mind on the way to their destination.

2.On the way to Mei-tan-fu Kitty asked herself questions. Try and answer them from your own point of view.

a)... she had never known that one could suffer so much , and she asked herself desperately what she had done to deserve it. (92)

b)Did you cease to love a person because you had been treated cruelly? (94)

c)Was it possible that his love had left him (Walter) entirely? Was it possible that he designed her death? (95)

3.Was Kitty cowardly by nature? How did she feel about the epidemic and her role in Mei-tan-fu?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to bring the conversation round to smb. / sth. (106) - подвести разговор к какой-л. теме;

2.to think smb. a bore (106) - считать кого-л. занудой;

3.to assume (106) - напускать на себя, притворяться, симулировать;

4.to lounge (107) - сидеть развалившись, стоять опираясь;

5.to put on frills (107) - важничать, манерничать;

6.to be very likely to do sth. (108) - наверняка сделать что-л.;

7.to make a blunder (108) - допустить промах, грубую ошибку;

8.second-rate, adj. (109) - второсортный, посредственный;

9.complacency, n. (109) - самодовольство; благодушие, удовлетворенность;

10.indignant, adj. (109) - негодующий, возмущенный;

11.shrewd, adj. (110) - проницательный, умный;

12.to decimate (111) - уничтожить, косить;

13.grim, adj. (112) - жестокий, беспощадный; мрачный, зловещий;

14.taciturn, adj. (112) - молчаливый, немногословный;

15.unconcern, n. (112) - беззаботность; равнодушие, безразличие;

16.to avenge (113) - мстить;

17.beggar, n. (114) - попрошайка, нищий;

18.to jostle (114) - толкать(ся), теснить(ся);

19.to lollop (115) - слоняться, идти ленивой, походкой;

20.frail, adj. (115)хрупкий; хилый, болезненный;

21.expansive, adj. (117) - экспансивный, откровенный, открытый;

22.to swear by smb. (117) - зд. молиться на кого-л.;

23.scrutinizing, adj. (118) - внимательно рассматривающий, тщательно исследующий;

24.to attach too much importance to sth. (118) - придавать чему-л. слишком большое значение;

25.to choke (119) - душить, давиться (от кашля), задыхаться.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

Eurasian, incisive, to decimate, bizarre, badinage, taciturn, peasant, grim-visaged, Christian, Buddhist, Confucian.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

to assume, second-rate, complacency, indignant, shrewd, to avenge, unconcern, frail, expansive, to choke, scrutinizing.

1.indifference, nonchalance, lassitude, disregard, apathy;

2.to strangle, to stifle, to suffocate, to throttle;

3.crafty, cunning, foreseeing, clever, discerning;

4.inferior, mediocre, common, low-grade;

5.effusive, unrestrained, outgoing, demonstrative;

6.to feign, to pretend, to simulate, to counterfeit, to bluff;

7.inquiring, curious, investigative, prying;

8.contentment, smugness, satisfaction;

9.to take vengeance, to revenge, to retaliate, to requite;

10.righteously angry, piqued, displeased, irate, provoked;

11.feeble, fragile, weak, frangible.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to bring the conversation round to smb. / sth. (106);

2.to think smb. a bore (106);

3.not to give s damn for sth. (107);

4.to put on frills (107);

5.to be very likely to do sth. (108);

6.to make a blunder (108);

7.to put a little pluck into smb. (117);

8.to swear by smb. (117);

9.to attach too much importance to sth. (118).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:


cheerful, blithe


revolting, troublesome


wordy, garrulous


naive, gullible


sad, lamentable

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.to stand or sit in a very relaxed way (107);

2.a place which maintains the authority or business interests of a distant government or company (111);

3.an activity or interest which is very popular for a short period of time (111);

4.to kill a large number of (something) or to reduce (something) severely (111);

5.remarks or conversation that are joking and not serious (111);

6.a poor person who lives by asking others for money or food (114);

7.to knock or to push roughly against in order to move past or get more space when you are in a crowd of people (114);

8.to move in an awkward, rolling way (115);

9.soldiers on duty in a large group (117);

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Match the following phrasal verbs with their equivalence:

to dash off

to stop sth. or doing sth.

to get on

to begin doing sth

to cut out

to do quickly without putting much effort

to fall to

to advance, to make progress

b) Use the phrasal verbs given above in the sentences of your own.

VIII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

в человеческих силах (107); обладать здравым разумом (108); благовоспитанная женщина (108); нежная, преданная пара (108); жаждущий лести (109); скорченный от смеха (111); не в своем уме (111); накликать,

навлечь на себя смерть (113); косой взгляд (115); говорить откровенно (116).

IX. Say under what circumstances and why this happened:

1. ... she brought the conversation round to Charlie. 2. ... they ate salad every night.

3.He is doctoring the sick, clearing up the city, trying to get the drinking water pure.

4.She could not hold back the sob that choked her.

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Kitty's mode of life and state of mind in the new place. Compare them with Walter's.

2.Speak about Waddington. Dwell on the way he treated life, people at large and the situation in Mei-tan-fu.

3.Do you think Waddington guessed why Kitty had brought Townsend as the subject of their talk?

4.Discuss the change in Kitty's attitude to Townsend. Speak about Kitty's talk with Waddington about Townsend, Waddington's opinion of him. Point his utterances that Kitty must have been hurt by.

5.Walter's work and popularity in Mei-tan-fu.

6.Why had Walter been unpopular in Hong-Kong? Why was it different in Mei-tan-fu?

7.Did Kitty know much about Walter's work?

8.Do you regard Walter a hero?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.indiscreet, adj. (120) - неосторожный, неосмотрительный;

2.to impress smb. with awe (120) - внушать благоговейный страх;

3.to pucker (120) - морщить(ся); собираться в складки;

4.attachment, n. (121) - привязанность, преданность; прикрепление;

5.to make oneself at home (121) - чувствовать себя как дома;

6.bantering, adj. (121) - подтрунивающий, подшучивающий;

7.to urge (122) - понуждать, подгонять; побуждать;

8.to be incommoded by sth. (122) - быть стесненным чем-л.;

9.to be intent on one's affairs (122) - быть поглощенным своими делами;

10.listless, adj. (123) - вялый, апатичный, безразличный;

11.plump, adj. (123) - полный, пухлый, округлый;

12.voluble, adj. (123) - говорливый, речистый, многоречивый;

13.subterfuge, n. (124) - увертка, отговорка;

14.affability, n. (124) - приветливость, любезность, вежливость;

15.to come to smb.'s rescue (125) - прийти на помощь;

16.to keep in check (126) - сдерживать;

17.amiable, adj. (126) - дружелюбный, любезный, добродушный;

18.emaciation, n. (126) - истощение, изнурение;

19.obedience, n. (127) - послушание, повиновение, покорность;

20.austere, adj. (127) - строгий, суровый, аскетичный;

21.demeanor, n. (127) - поведение, манера вести себя;

22.to fall a victim to sth. (131) - пасть жертвой чего-л.;

23.to retrace one's steps (131) - вернуться назад тем же путем;

24.detachment, n. (132) - отчужденность, отрешенность.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

Superior, catholic, savour, austere, demeanor, embroidery, altar, condescension.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

to pucker, attachment, bantering, to urge, listless, voluble, affability, emaciation, austere, to deprecate, detachment.

1.talkative, garrulous, glib, fluent;

2.severe, strict, formal, stern;

3.aloofness, unconcern, impartiality, apathy;

4.connection, bond, fastening, fixture;

5.to deplore, to condemn, to disapprove, to expostulate;

6.to wrinkle, to shirr, to pleat, to crease;

7.agreeableness, kindness, amenity, mildness;

8.to push, to force, to impel, to stimulate;

9.starvation, haggardness, gauntness;

10.spiritless, languid, indolent, torpid;

11.sarcastic, quizzical, facetious, ridiculing.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to impress smb. with awe (120);

2.to make oneself at home (121);

3.to be incommoded by sth. (122);

4.to be intent on one's affairs (122);

5.to come to smb.'s rescue (125);

6.to keep in check (126);

7.to fall a victim to sth. (131);

8.to retrace one's steps (131).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Match the following words with their antonyms:


stammering, hesitant


morose, dour


prudent, cautious


plain, ordinary


emaciated, skinny


deficiency, insufficiency


important, grave

b) Use the antonyms in word-combinations to show the contrast.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the ground in public place (122);

2.sadness and regret expressing (123);

3.a folding device which fixes a door, window, lid etc. in place while allowing it to swing freely (124);

4.an action taken to hide sth. from smb. (124);

5.someone who changes their beliefs or way of living (125);

6.an armed thief (126);

7.a way of looking and behaving (127);

8.a very formal and correct behaviour (127);

9.a hospital (128);

10.a large room containing many beds (129).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Note the use of the active vocabulary in these word-combinations, translate them into Russian:

?an indiscreet word (question, phrase, remark, appraisal, act);

?a look of appraisal, a cold appraisal, a silent appraisal, a word of appraisal, a appraising eyes (exclamation, words);

?an amiable glance (reception, smile, chap), amiable questions (eyes, people, relations);

?to demand obedience, to command obedience, to show obedience, to except obedience, in obedience to the authorities; to obey discipline, to obey in silence, to show disobedience, to resent disobedience, obedient servants, disobedient children (people);

?an austere face (man, life, room, residence, manner).

VIII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

увенчанный крестом (123); поток шутливых замечаний (123); злобный огонек (в глазах) (124); закоренелый пьяница (125); банальные, избитые темы (125); человеческая бренность (127); человеческое терпение (127); изысканные манеры (127); ласкать (128); утвердительно кивнуть (131).

IX. Pick out all the lexical units referring to church and religion.

X. Write short compositions based on your personal experience. Include the following phrases:

1.Surely I'll come to your rescue in an emergency.

2.Once a casual indiscreet remark caught my attention.

3.I saw an amiable smile and felt at home.

XI. Find the underlying reasons for:

1.She shuddered a little, for in their uniform dress, sallow-skinned, stunted, with their flat noses they looked to her hardly human. They were repulsive. (128)

2."The lady's husband will be pleased with them," ... "I think he could play by the hour with the babies ..." (132)

XII. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Waddington speaks to Kitty about the convent. Why was he, not Walter, chosen the bearer of a message to her?

2.Discuss the convent, the nuns and their work. What is its underlying motive? What was Waddington's opinion of the nuns and their activity?

3.Speak about the people and things that struck Kitty at the convent. Dwell on the things Kitty learnt about her husband. Did they make her form another opinion of him?



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.remote, adj. (133) - дальний, далекий, отдаленный;

2.pestilence, n. (134) - чума, мор; эпидемия;

3.to exasperate (134) - сердить, раздражать, изводить; усиливать (боль, гнев);

4.to relieve smb.'s suffering (134) - облегчить чье-л. страдание;

5.to grow accustomed to sth. (134) - привыкнуть к чему-л.;

6.worthlessness, n. (135) - бесполезность, никчемность;

7.to think highly of smb. (135) - думать о ком-л. с уважением;

8.merit, n. (135) - заслуга; достоинство;

9.privation, n. (136) - лишение, нужда;

10.solicitude, n. (136) - заботливость, беспокойство, забота;

11.reticence, n. (137) - скрытность, молчаливость; сдержанность; умалчивание;

12.to hold sth. back (137) - скрывать что-л.;

13.to harbour malice (138) - затаить злобу;

14.to be taken in by smb. (139) - быть обманутым кем-л.;

15.to be shorthanded (140) - нуждаться в рабочей силе;

16.to mortify (141) - обижать, унижать; подавлять

17.to do smb. an injustice (142) - быть несправедливым к кому-л.;

18.to ascribe some qualities to smb. (142) - приписывать какие-л. качества;

19.to commit adultery (143) - совершить прелюбодеяние;

20.to lacerate (143) - разрывать, раздирать; терзать, мучить, калечить;

21.to live on make-believe (143) - жить, теша себя надеждами, предаваясь иллюзиям;

22.alms, n. (144) - милостыня;

23.importunate, adj. (144) - настойчивый, докучливый, назойливый; безотлагательный;

24.scrutiny, n. (147) - испытывающий взгляд; внимательный осмотр.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

reticent, peruse, sublime, importunate, bow (нос корабля), alms, sagacious, adultery, privation, desultory.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

remote, to exasperate, worthlessness, merit, privation, reticence, to mortify, to lacerate, desultory, importunate.

1.aimless, rambling, discursive, irregular, erratic;

2.reserve, taciturnity, silence, being restrained, shyness;

3.worth, value, reward, desert, excellence;

4.distant, faraway, alien, isolated, secluded;

5.persistent, obstinate, urgent, pressing;

6.to injure, to hurt, to wound, to damage, to harm;

7.to annoy, to irritate, to disturb, to vex, to exacerbate;

8.destitution, deprivation, penury, lack;

9.uselessness, inadequacy, ineptitude, incapacity;

10.to abash, to belittle, to humble, to humiliate.

b) Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c) Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to relieve smb.'s suffering (134);

2.to grow accustomed to sth. (134);

3.to think highly of smb. (135);

4.to hold sth. back (137);

5.to harbour malice (138);

6.to be taken in by smb. (139);

7.to be shorthanded (140);

8.to do smb. an injustice (142);

9.to ascribe some qualities to smb. (142);

10.to commit adultery (143);

11.to live on make-believe (143).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. Paraphrase using the words given below:

1.Well, what do you make of this book?

2.When he was in trouble, whose helping hand was extended to him?

3.Please, don't attribute carelessness to my coming late.

4.Let the child live in his dream land.

5.The new lab assistant was friendly and easy to get on with.

6.The last remark hurt the girl's feelings.

7.When she knew that he was unfaithful to her, she decided to leave him for good.

8.You'll find the children able and compliant if you have a way with them.

9.The room was colourless with its bare walls and simple furniture.

10.The situation was so critical that everyone looked quiet and serious.

Grave, to come to smb.'s rescue, amiable, obedience, austere, to ascribe some qualities to smb., to commit adultery, to live on make-believe, to form an opinion of smb. / sth., to mortified.

VI. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people (134);

2.a show of care and helpful attention to someone (136);

3.to read or look at sth. in a relaxed and not very detailed way (141);

4.a large public event where goods are bought and sold, and where there is often entertainment (142);

5.small pieces of wood (143);

6.clothing, food or money that is given to poor people (144);

7.careful and detailed examination of sth. in order to obtain information about it (147);

8.not certain or agreed (148).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VII. Find the underlying reasons for:

1.By some magic he seemed able by his mere presence to relieve your suffering. (134)

2.She alone had been blind to his merit. (135)

3.There was a barrier between her and them (the nuns). (137)

4."It is not easy work or pleasant work. I doubt if it would amuse you long " (140)

VIII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

находиться вне времени и пространства (133); древний род (136); смирение святого (136); подбирать слова (138); перестать существовать для кого-л. (141); дьявольское намерение (141); ожерелье из жемчуга (142); быть задушенным (144); навозная куча (144); сдерживать слезы (146); покраснеть до корней волос (147); ворошить сокровенные глубины сердца (149).

IX. Confirm or disapprove of statements:

1."... That sort of thing doesn't mean very much to a woman when it's over. I think women have never quite understood the attitude that men take up." (139)

2."I suppose I shouldn't have been taken in by him if I hadn't been as worthless as he ... " (139)

3."It's not fair to blame me because I was silly and frivolous and vulgar. I was brought up like that." (142)

4."... one cannot find peace in work or in pleasure, in the world or in the convent, but only in one's soul." (150)

X. Questions and topics for the discussion:

Kitty speaks with Walter about their future and past. Comment upon the new view she took of her adultery. Point

out the fragments of her talk that might have caused Walter's great exasperation. Find proof that she treated adultery much lighter than her husband.



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to get into a mischief (150) - напроказничать, набедокурить;

2.to keep an eye on smb. (150) - присматривать за кем-л. ;

3.arduous, adj. (151) - трудный, труднодоступный; энергичный, ревностный;

4.to yearn (152) - томиться, тосковать (for, about); жаждать, стремиться;

5.loquacious, adj. (152) - говорливый, болтливый;

6.to nerve oneself to do sth. (152) - собраться с духом;

7.to lure (152) - завлекать, соблазнять;

8.to play pranks (154) - откалывать шутки;

9.reverence, n. (156) - почтение, почтительность, благоговение;

10.unwholesome, adj. (156) - нездоровый, неполезный, вредный;

11.to be in straits (157) - быть в затруднительном положении, быть в нужде;

12.to make a vow (157) - дать клятву;

13.to succour (157) - помогать, приходить на помощь;

14.wit, n. (157) - остроумие;

15.to love smb. to distraction (158) - любить до безумия;

16.to resign oneself to sth. (158) - покоряться, подчиниться чему-л.;

17.boisterous, adj. (160) - шумливый; неистовый, буйный;

18.monk, n. (162) - монах;

19.to besiege (162) - осаждать;

20.sluggish, adj. (163) - медленный, вялый;

21.to put up with smb. / sth. (165) - терпеть, мириться;

22.to vomit (168) - страдать рвотой; извергать;

23.to compose oneself (168) - успокаиваться;

24.to be seized with terror (168) - быть охваченным ужасом;

25.to be overwhelmed with joy (171) - быть переполненным радостью.

b)Read and translate the sentences with the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

c)Learn the words and expressions from the active vocabulary.

II. Transcribe the following:

arduous, entreaty, massacre, loquacious, yearn, grandeur, succour, innuendo, barbarous, nausea.

III. a) Match the following words with their synonyms:

arduous, entreaty, to yearn, to lure, to besiege, reverence, to succour, unwholesome, boisterous, sluggish.

1.to help, to aid, to assist, to support;

2.loud, noisy, clamorous, tumultuous, rowdy;

3.laborious, hard, exhausting, wearisome, fatiguing;

4.lazy, languid, dull, indolent, inactive;

5.to entice, to allure, to attract, to seduce, to tempt;

6.appeal, plea, solicitude, supplication;

7.to attack, to assault, to assail, to beleaguer;

8.to strive, to desire, to long, to aspire;

9.unhealthy, baneful, injurious, noxious;

10.respect, admiration, veneration, awe, worship.

b)Use the words from the text in the sentences of your own.

c)Translate and learn all the synonyms.

IV. a) Explain the meaning of the following expressions or paraphrase them:

1.to get into a mischief (150);

2.to keep an eye on smb. (150);

3.to nerve oneself to do sth. (152);

4.to play pranks (154);

5.to be in straits (157);

6.to make a vow (157);

7.to love smb. to distraction (158);

8.to resign oneself to sth. (158);

9.to inflict some punishment on smb. (159);

10.to put up with smb. / sth. (165);

11.to compose oneself (168);

12.to be seized with terror (168);

13.to be overwhelmed with joy (171).

b)Read and translate the sentences with the expressions given above.

c)Use the expressions given above in a context.

V. a) Paraphrase the following expressions according to the text:

1.the state of being unnatural and unacceptable by most people (152);

2.carrying or holding a lot of sth. (154);

3.the ability to use words in a clever and humorous way (157);

4.a man who has never married (157);

5.to kill a lot of people violently and cruelly, esp. without good reason (158);

6.a remark that suggests sth. unpleasant but doesn't refer to it directly (160);

7.a man who, because of their religious beliefs, doesn't marry and usually live in a monastery to pray, worship and study (162);

8.to cause change in beliefs (164);

9.smelling extremely bad and stale as if from decay (167);

10.to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth (168).

b) Read and translate the sentences with the words you've found.

VI. Find the underlying reasons for:

1.Kitty found the work a refreshment to her spirit/ (150)

2.But suddenly the child, with an idiot perversity, left her; it seemed to lose interest to her, and that day and the following days paid her no attention. (152)

3.Kitty had been conscious from the beginning that the personality of this woman dominated the convent. (155)

4.She loved him no longer. Oh, the relief and the sense of liberation! (159)

VII. Supply the English equivalents according to the text:

обнаружить в чем-л. восстанавливающую силу душевного состояния (150); приземистая фигура (151); не быть обязанным (153); материальное благосостояние (153); бесхитростное стремление (156); сделать нарочно, специально (158); возбуждать любопытство (159); снисходительная улыбка (160); место паломничества (161); быть в заточении (162); бренность бытия (163); удар по честолюбию (164); сделать непредвиденное открытие (167).

VIII. Say who made these utterances and under what circumstances. Comment on the feelings that prompted the utterances and the moral implication they suggest:

1."One is not even grateful to the people who love one; if one doesn't love them, they only bore one." "I have no experience of the plural," he replied. "Mine is only in the singular."

2."Your husband is much too busy to be troubled. In five minutes you'll be perfectly well."

IX. Questions and topics for the discussion:

1.Discuss the work Kitty was set to do at the convent and the way she treated its repulsive sides.

2.Kitty comes to know the nuns better. Speak about Sister St Joseph's traits making her different from a typical nun. What did Kitty learn from her about the Mother Superior? Why did Kitty feel a wall between the nuns and herself?

3.Compare what Sister St Joseph told Kitty about Waddington's private life with what he told Kitty himself. What new light does it throw on Waddington's personality? Whom is he contrasted to in the novel?

4.Kitty feels free from Townsend. Dwell on her reaction to the discovery. What do you think helped her to regain her heart?

5.Kitty learns that she is with child. Account for her reaction. Compare it with what the nuns felt about it.



I. Active Vocabulary:

1.to look smb. full in the face (173) - посмотреть в глаза;

2.poignant, adj. (173) - резкий (о боли); горький, мучительный;

3.to be confined (174) - рожать;

4.nuisance, n. (174) - досада, неприятность; надоедливый человек;

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