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4. Find sentences with the following expressions in the text:

  1. предотвращать попадание отравляющих веществ в окружающую среду

  2. привлекать много внимания

  3. значительная часть энергии

  4. вызывать глобальное потепление

  5. процесс запуска компьютера

  6. растущее воздействие на окружающую среду

  7. отключать отдельные компоненты

  8. запрещать выброс отходов электроники на обычные свалки

5. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What does the term “Green PC” mean?

  2. What computer parts consume considerable energy?

  3. How is the problem of great energy consumption solved?

  4. What can be done to consume fewer resources in the production of computers?

  5. Can you give any examples of the toxic substances found in electronic components of computers?

  6. How does a state of California struggle against e-waste?

  7. What is the Climate Savers Computing Initiative? Who established it?

6. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. The environmental impact of the manufacture of computers has two major aspects: energy consumption and e-waste.

  2. If the PC monitor is powered down when not in use, considerable amount of energy can be saved.

  3. Nowadays all PCs are Energy Star compliant.

  4. Although there are many toxic substances in electronics components of computers, it is still allowed to dispose of them in regular trash in all countries.

  5. Fabrication of computer chips in large plants is harmful for the planet.

  6. A number of corporations are going to further develop the computer industry, which will lead to the increased power consumption.

7. Fill in the gaps using the actual information from the text:

The term “_____” means all the features that help reduce the environmental _____ of the computer manufacture and use and, as a result, to solve such ecological problems as energy consumption, _____, _____, _____ and _____.

It is possible to lessen energy consumption by using _____, a computer system including an _____ mode and a _____ mode.

As to resources consumption, fewer of them can be used for computer manufacturing and _____ by designing components that are easy to _____ or _____.

The disposal of old computers and other electronic equipment known as _____ have been banned by many _____ recently.

Companies around the world can use several strategies to reduce _____, for example, they can modify _____ and _____ in order to create fewer _____. Many large corporations in the computer industry established _____ to reduce _____ equivalent to _____ of greenhouse gases annually.

Text 5. Webcams

1. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

  1. What is a Webcam?

  2. Do you have a Webcam at home?

  3. How often do you use it?

  4. What is the main advantage of having a Webcam at home?

  5. Can you give any disadvantages of having a Webcam?

  6. Read the headline of the text and give your opinion if the situation is possible or not.

2. Match the following words and word combinations with their definitions and translate them into Russian:

  1. legal proceedings

  1. controlled from a distance

  1. invasive

  1. a proceeding in a court of law brought by one party against another

  1. superintendent

  1. systematic investigation to collect information on a subject

  1. FBI

  1. a group of people employed by a company

  1. staff

  1. the head of a police department

  1. lawsuit

  1. involving aggressive attack

  1. remote

  1. event in which parties come together to a dispute presenting information (in the form of evidence) in order to achieve a resolution to their dispute.

  1. in question

  1. Federal Bureau of Investigation

  1. research

  1. the feeling of mistrust of a person

  1. suspicion

  1. under consideration or discussion