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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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4. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the text:

    1. встроенные возможности операционной системы

    2. быть неэффективным в предупреждении копирования

    3. сторонник открытого исходного кода

    4. распространять аудио и видео файлы иным способом

    5. быть несовместимым с защищенными дисками

    6. быть разрешенным к использованию на определенных операционных системах

5. Answer the questions using the information in the text:

  1. How can you copy digitized information?

  2. What is DRM?

  3. How were movies on DVD protected in 1990s?

  4. Why has it become possible to play protected discs on unlicensed OS?

  5. Is DRM used on audio CDs nowadays? Why not?

  6. How does RIAA act to prevent illegal distribution of copyrighted materials?

  7. What are the legal arguments against DRM?

6. Prove that the following statements are true using the information in the text:

  1. The quality of digital files copies is higher than that of analog recordings.

  2. DRM helps authors protect their works.

  3. The AACS turned out to be very ineffective at protecting HD DVD and Blue-Ray discs.

  4. Very often the use of DRM on audio discs didn’t allow users to play such discs.

  5. Nowadays DRM-free online materials are more expensive than protected ones.

  6. If people don’t pay for online audio and video files, authors and producers lose their money

  7. Many people are against DRM system because it works with some machines only.

7. A) Make up a plan of the text and compare it with your partner’s. Write a summary of the text on the basis of your plan (no more than 7-10 sentences).

  1. Text 15. Iloveyou worm

1. Translate these keywords:

VBScript - Visual Basic Scripting Edition - an Active Scripting (technology used in Windows to implement component-based scripting support) language developed by Microsoft;

social engineering - practice of obtaining confidential information by manipulating users;

Barok Trojan - this trojan horse gathers information, such as user name, IP address, and passwords, and attempts to send the information to the creator of the virus;

malware  - software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent

2. Discuss the following questions in pairs:

  1. What attacks have you heard about?

  2. Have you ever had a virus or worm in your mail?

  3. Name a few of the most famous viruses.

3. Read the text:

The ILOVEYOU worm, also known as VBS/Loveletter and Love Bug worm, is a computer worm written in VBScript.

    1. Description

The worm, first discovered in Hong Kong, arrived in e-mail boxes on May 4, 2000, with the simple subject of “ILOVEYOU” and an attachment “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU. TXT.vbs”.

    1. Two aspects of the worm made it effective:

  • It relied on social engineering to entice users to open the e-mail and ensure its continued propagation.

  • It employed a mechanism — VBScripts — that, while not entirely novel, had not been exploited to such a degree previously to direct attention to their potential, reducing the layers of protection that would have to be navigated for success.

    1. Spread

Its massive spread moved westward as workers arrived at their offices and encountered messages generated by people from the East. Because the virus used mailing lists as its source of targets, the messages often appeared to come from an acquaintance and so might be considered “safe”, providing further incentive to open them. All it took was a few users at each site to access the VBS attachment to generate the thousands and thousands of e-mails that would cripple e-mail systems under their weight, not to mention overwrite thousands of files on workstations and accessible servers.