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Магистры ВМИ, ММ.doc
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4. Find words and word combinations with the following meaning in the text:

  1. a system that allows several users to run several tasks simultaneously on one processor, or in parallel on many processors

  2. a piece of work that requires great professional skills

  3. a product of someone’s creativity that has a commercial value

  4. illegal copy and distribution of copyrighted software

  5. a gathering of computer manufacturers and dealers for selling their goods and promoting business

  6. a facility in a computer network allowing users to leave messages that can be read by others, and to download software to his/her computer

  7. a criminal group

5. Answer the questions using to the text:

  1. How did hackers of the 1950s differ from ordinary computer users?

  2. What gave hackers an opportunity to flourish?

  3. What kind of ideas did early hackers support?

  4. What was hackers’ idea about intellectual property?

  5. How did the creation of the microcomputer influence hackers?

  6. What did the ‘pirate’ hackers do?

  7. What was the attitude of mass media to hacking?

  8. What are antiterrorism experts concerned about?

6. Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. In the 1950s hackers viewed a computer as a tool for solving particular problems.

  2. In the past system administrators often used hackers’ help in fixing the bugs.

  3. Hackers believe that everyone should have free access to information in the Internet.

  4. Early hackers copied and distributed their own work but they respected intellectual property.

  5. In 1990s hackers began to work with various criminal organizations to get money.

  6. Nowadays hackers pose a real threat to the economies of different countries.

7. In the text Kevin Mitnick, Jonathan James, Kevin Poulsen and Robert Tappan Morris are mentioned as ‘notorious real world hackers’. Find more information about one of these people and present your report to the rest of the group.


1. Translate these definitions:

streaming protocol - set of rules to make sure that data will be supported in real time

circuit switching network - a network in which computers establish a constant bandwidth connection before they start to share any data

router - a network device used for sending data packets across computer networks

routing - the process of selecting paths in a network along which data can be sent.

Internet provider - a company that sells bandwidth and access to the Internet

peering - the movement of information between parts of the Internet that belong to different Internet providers

broadcast - the transmission of data from one computer in the network to all others that are available inside the network

Internet - the worldwide system of computer networks

network protocol - a set of rules that governs communications between computers in a network.

bandwidth  - an amount of data that can be transferred through a specific path in the network (usually expressed in kb/s [kilobits per second])