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3.2 …Otherwise



or else

smb would (could/might) do smth

smb would (could/might) have done smth

She was angry with you, otherwise she wouldn’t have spoken to you like this at the party. — Вона сердилася на тебе, інакше вона б з тобою так не розмовляла на вечірці.

He must have heard of it, or she wouldnt be so gloomy. — Очевидно вона вже чула про це, інакше вона не була б такою засмученою.

Exercise 54. Paraphrase the sentences using otherwise

  1. He ignored me and I was deeply hurt.

  2. She had read the fearful reports about the events. That was why she was so worried.

  3. The doctor saved many lives and the number of victims in the accident was not great.

  4. He had warned everybody about the danger and nobody got injured.

  5. He was shy and didn't dare to say what he really felt about the matter.

  6. I don't know him well enough and can't accept his invitation to spend the evening somewhere in a quiet place.

  7. I told her at once who I was. That was why she opened the door and let me in.

  8. I know all the details. That's why I recommend you not to take it close to heart.

  9. I am sure he was in a hurry and that's why he didn't stop to talk to you.

  10. No doubt he memorized his speech. That's why he spoke so well.

Exercise 55. Complete the following sentences

  1. She is really fond of children. Otherwise …..

  2. I'm sure he didn't get the job. Otherwise …..

  3. She was a talented actress. Otherwise …..

  4. I'm to look after my younger sister, or else …..

  5. He disliked my idea of spending one more day in the country, or …

  6. He walked silently by my side. He had nothing to say, otherwise …

Exercise 56. Translate into English

  1. Вона не знала, що Джон ледь зводив кінці з кінцями, інакше б не погодилася вийти за нього заміж.

  2. Хворому стало краще, інакше він не спав би так спокійно.

  3. Його докази були переконливими, інакше я не прийняла б його пропозицію.

  4. Він, напевно, забув про свою обіцянку, інакше б він давно прийшов.

  5. Я рада, що робота закінчена, інакше я не змогла б прийти.

  6. Він перший зрозумів значення слів Ганни, інакше він не перервав би її і не вийшов.

  7. Він обіцяв нікому не говорити про моє рішення, інакше я не розповіла б йому все.

  8. Він, можливо, знав про мій приїзд, інакше він здивувався б, побачивши мене на цьому вечорі.

  9. Я його добре знаю, інакше я не рекомендувала б його вам.

  10. Ти не читала цієї статті, інакше змогла б відповісти на такі прості питання.

  11. У неї морська хвороба, інакше вона теж поплила б з нами.

  12. Він не запросив мене, інакше я прийшла б з тобою на його день народження.

  13. Мені пощастило, що я знайшов такого фахівця, інакше мою машину не відремонтували б у такий короткий термін.

3.3 To do / to have done…

to do smth …

to have done smth …

would do smth

would have done smth

To help him now would be a waste of time.Допомагати йому зараз означало б марнувати час.

То have warned him a week ago would have been the best thing to do. — Було б краще попередити його ще тиждень тому.

Exercise 57. Translate into Ukrainian

  1. To tell them the whole story would make them possible to join in the discussion.

  2. To have overburdened the book with so many details would tire the reader.

  3. To accomplish this work would be the best thing he could do for us.

  4. To put the matter in another way would confuse everything.

  5. To choose the right way wouldn't be an easy task.

  6. Now that she was quite alone she was a little afraid she would be unable to overcome all the difficulties facing her. To have turned to him for help then would have been more sensible.

  7. To have introduced those radical methods would have improved the situation in the country.

  8. They moved a little to make room for the lady but she told them not to bother as she would rather stand. To have accepted their offer would have made her feel obliged to them.

  9. The first business of grammar, as of every other science, is to observe the facts and phenomena with which it has to deal. To ignore this would lead to misunderstanding of the importance of grammar.

Exercise 58. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

  1. The first problem in reviewing the world's languages is to decide what to count a language. To find out the answer ………. (to do) a lot of good.

  2. Without language there is no understanding among people, and without understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together. To ignore this fact ………. (to bring forth) great confusion.

  3. To come to an agreement right now ………. (to put an end to) our useless debate.

  4. To work in a town so fantastically rich in antiquities and prehistoric culture ………. (to be splendid) for an archaeologist.

  5. To define those forces and to indicate the directions in which they operate ………. (to require) an exhaustive comparison between religious and social structures.

  6. To save a woman's life ………. (to be) an honour for every gentleman. So don't thank me, please.

  7. To live in the country together ………. (to be) more economical, but to go there right now ………. (to be) difficult.

  8. To have told the whole truth ………. (to disappoint) him greatly.

Exercise 59. Complete the following sentences

  1. He was the first to pay attention to that peculiarity. To ignore it...

  2. Did human beings always possess the power of speech? If not, when and how did they acquire it? To answer these questions …

  3. To have overburdened the book with so many details …..

  4. To our surprise the seats for the first concert were sold in advance. To have booked the tickets beforehand …..

  5. The business of which he was a director was about to crash. To have used new technology …..

  6. He examined the problem and decided that the only solution was for him to return to the order of his old life. To do so …

  7. When shown to the experts the manuscript aroused great interest. To investigate the origin of it…

  8. He had all his things stolen in the South of France one year and had to leave. To have stayed there any longer…..

Exercise 60. Translate into English

  1. Було б всім зручно піти туди після сніданку.

  2. Було б набагато краще прочитати оригінал цього документу.

  3. Залишатися тут в таку погоду було б небезпечно.

  4. Обговорення цього питання всіма допомогло б швидше прийняти правильне рішення.

  5. Запросивши його ми б вирішили всі проблеми.

  6. Було б шкода засмутити його.

  7. Думати, що вони не розуміють усієї складності ситуації, було б помилковим.

  8. Я знаю, що переконати вас було б важко, тому я і не спробував.

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