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3.1 But for…

but for smth /

except for smth

smb would (could/might) do smth

smb would (could/might) have done smth

But for his temper he would be pleasant to work with. — Якщо б не її запальний характер, з нею було б приємно працювати.

But for him we would never have found the way. — Якщо б не він, ми б ніколи не знайшли дорогу.

Note. The same idea may be expressed by «If it weren’t/hadn’t been for ...»:

If it weren’t for his temper, he would be pleasant to work with.

If it hadn’t been for him, we would never have found the way.

Exercise 49. Use the correct form of the infinitives in brackets

  1. But for the headache I ………. (to go) to see you yesterday.

  2. But for the headache I ………. (to go) to see them right now.

  3. But for the weather he ………. (to ski) in the park now.

  4. But for the weather we ………. (to go skiing) in the park yesterday.

  5. But for his slight accent one ………. (may take) him for an Englishman.

  6. One ………. (may take) him for an Englishman but for the accent. The moment I heard him talk I knew he was a fraud.

  7. But for the picture no one ………. (to understand) the story.

  8. But for the picture they saw below the title they ………. (not to understand) the story.

  9. But for the file it ………. (not to occur) to you that the man was a criminal.

  10. But for the file it ………. (not to occur) to you that he is a criminal.

  11. But for his absent-mindedness he ………. (to make) a good scholar.

  12. But for his laziness he ………. (to make) a good student. I’m sure he wasn’t as stupid as they say he was.

  13. But for her nagging, theirs ………. (to be) a good marriage. But she couldn’t stop. That was her nature.

  14. But for Gerald’s childish behaviour the party ………. (to be) a success.

  15. I ………. (to understand) that book better but for the French expressions the author seemed to have been fond of. I did not know French as well as I do now.

  16. But for his looks he ………. (can become) a great actor. A pity.

Exercise 50. Complete the following sentences

  1. But for the price ...

  2. But for the late hour ...

  3. But for his/her total lack of courage ...

  4. But for his/her lack of ambition ...

  5. But for their bad luck ...

  6. But for the noise ...

  7. But for the fog ...

  8. But for the nervous strain ...

  9. But for his/her poor health ...

  10. But for their constant lack of money ...

  11. But for his/her admirable integrity ...

Exercise 51. Paraphrase the following sentences using the construction but for ...


  1. If it hadn’t been for Damien’s help, I would never be where I am.

  2. If it were not for your inefficiency, you wouldn’t be losing one job after another.

  3. “Another masterpiece, I’m sure.” — “If it hadn’t been for your support, I wouldn’t have managed,” he replied bitterly.

  4. If it hadn’t been for her talent for intrigue, she wouldn’t have outwitted her rivals.

  5. If it were not for your impatience, you’d find the task less exasperating.

  6. Were it not for your groundless suspicions, you wouldn’t have hurt her feelings.

  7. If it hadn’t been for the accident, your friends would be here already.

  8. If it hadn’t been for that slight misunderstanding, she might have been treated better.

  9. If it hadn’t been for that minor mistake, Marshall would stand at least fifty/fifty chance of winning.

  10. If it hadn’t been for him, wouldn’t we have been asked to stay on? But his presence was intolerable.

  11. If it was not for his unrealised ambitions, he wouldn’t be so bitter.


  1. The kidnapping idea occurred to them because of the money they badly needed.

  2. Thanks to my parents I have made a final decision and know what I am going to do.

  3. He was able to travel in a separate compartment thanks to his trustee.

  4. He was so careless. He lost all the money he had.

  5. He drew the map of the place and I didn't lose my way.

  6. I recognized him the moment I saw him. The deep long scars on his face hadn't changed at all.

  7. The man went blind and could no longer paint.

Exercise 53. Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Якби не ілюстрації, книгу неможливо було б читати: вона занадто нудна.

  2. Якби не її звіт, ми б так і не дізналися всієї правди.

  3. Джоан подумала, що якби не допомога і підтримка Ліліан, вона б навряд чи пережила ці важкі дні.

  4. Якби не його дивна поведінка, ми б не помітили, що він захворів.

  5. Якби не його чіткі вказівки, ми б уже давно заблукали, вірно?

  6. Я впевнений, що, якби не шпаргалки, він ні за що не зміг би написати цю контрольну як слід, не кажучи вже про відмінну оцінку.

  7. Якби не ваша упередженість, нам всім було б набагато легше працювати.

  8. Якби не перераховані вище недоліки, робота була б просто чудовою.

  9. Якби не терпіння і розуміння всієї родини, Джеральд ніколи б не став відомим письменником.

  10. Якби не її сім'я, вони б уже давно одружилися.

  11. Якби не погода, ми б лежали зараз на пляжі, замість того, щоб сидіти в готелі.

  12. Якби не твоя упертість, з тобою було б легше мати справу.

  13. Його поведінка просто нестерпна! Якби не він, ми б давно закінчили працювати і розійшлися по домівках.

  14. Якби не її дурний жарт, все могло б закінчитися добре. Вони б не посварилися.

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