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9. Philosophy of life

Life is beautiful and we shouldn't miss it, shouldn't mortgage our lives to some future dreams. We often tell ourselves just as soon as we have got past this or that stage that now we will be able to devote our energies to what we really want to do. Thus we live on the never-never. I’m happy to say that I’m not a master of the never-never. I realize that it's a wrong approach and I’m sure that we are the makers of our destiny.

The concept of life is being not a rehearsal, has to do with the saying: Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today. That's what I try to follow, especially when it comes down to exams. Thus, though being an absolute adherent of the theory I fail to be its true follower, either for the fact of being lazy or for the fact of being failure or for in fact not really willing to achieve smth. At the same time I'm far from being a follower of going where life takes me as more or less. I apply efforts to reach certain goal.

My ambitions

Like any human being I dream about certain things: about having a family, giving birth to children. These dreams are quite likely to come true, though not always easy.

Another dream which is possible to realize, but at the same time to be unfulfilled has to do with traveling. As visiting one country still leaves a possibility and gives way to a burning desire to see another land.

What things contribute to success?

Is rich success open to all? What contribute to it? The first answer which comes into my mind has to do with money. How can we become millionaires?

1) The most certain route is to start out wealthy

2) Good looks is another advantage

3) Studies show that about 60% of all millionaires left school early either because they were thrown out or were bored. Thus there’s little correlation between how well children do at school and job satisfaction.

4) Successful people are the one’s who when smth doesn’t work try smth else. Unsuccessful people keep on doing the same thing only harder.

What things are important to your happiness?

1) Friends. They make us happy, although simply having them isn't enough. It’s important to be able to tell them what’s really going on in your life and how you feel and for them to do the same with you. People who focus on others – are more cheerful and more relaxed.

2) Get a pet.

3) Have faith. People who practice a religion have been found to be happier and less stressed than those who don't. People, who don't see any meaning in life, tend to be less satisfied with almost everything (job, home, income, appearance).

4) Go with a flow.Most of us think we’re happiest at play and least happy at work. That’s why we work very hard to afford leisure time. But it turned out that we’re happiest when we are in a state of what we may call a “flow”. Activities that engage both body and mind will help you get into the “flow”.

5) Keep positive. Most of us talk to ourselves a lot of time. If your selftalk is negative and anxious, than you will feel unhappy. The good news is that this kind of thought process is easily changed.

Laws of life Enthusiasm, energy, humility, pleasing others, giving, learning, altruism, value time, study hard.

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