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IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



11. Uraken uchi

1 2

Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Migi chudan oi zuki.

Ukete: Moves in against the attack with the right foot at a slight angle, blocking otoshi uke with the left hand and striking uraken uchi to jinchu with a right hand back fist.

Notes: The defence should blend with the attack, and the punch should be blocked as it is initiated, rather than at it’s completion. The defence should be performed with a feeling of ‘de ai’.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



12. Kuri uke

1 2


Semete: Heiko dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward with the right foot and perform morote tsukami aimed


at the lapels.


Bring both arms up in an arc, drop into migi neko ashi dachi and


simultaneously strike downward with both elbows onto the tops of


semete’s forearms deflecting the attack. Continue by following with


morote nukite uchi aimed at semete’s eyes or throat.


A feeling of otoshi uke should accompany the drop into neko ashi dachi.


This bunkai can be utilized either prior to semete actually grasping the lapels or



All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



Shisochin translates as “four-direction fight” and was also brought back from China by Kanryo Higaonna Sensei.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



1. Nukite Uchi

1 2

Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward with chudan oi zuki

Ukete: Move out to the right side and perform hidari otoshi uke and chudan nukite uchi aimed at Semete’s ganka.

Notes: Moving directly to the side or slightly forward at an angle will be determined by Semete’s reach. i.e. Ukete must adjust his distance so as to be able to perform the counter strike without moving a second time.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai





2. Sukui Uke





Semete: Heiko dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward morote tsukami waza (aimed at the lapels)

Ukete: Perform morote sukui uke, continue by grasping both Semete’s wrists, then step back into hidari zen kutsu dachi, simultaneously pulling both arms first in towards the chest then down and out to the sides. Follow with migi hiza geri or mae geri.

Notes: Either the wrists or the thumbs may be grasped, the motion of pulling in towards the chest should pitch Semete forward, creating kuzushi, then dropping down and separating Semete’s arms, should completely destroy Semete’s balance. The counter attack (hiza/mae geri) will be determined by the distance remaining between Semete and Ukete.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai





3. Hiki uke/Ude uchi





Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward migi chudan oi zuki.

Ukete: Move forward with left foot, in towards the punch and perform migi hiki uke. Complete the hiki uke by grasping the punching hand at the wrist and pulling Semete slightly forward (kuzushi). Simultaneously hook the left foot inside Semete’s forward leg and strike with the left forearm (ude uchi) to the base of the triceps muscle (just above Semete’s elbow), continue by straightening the left leg as though dropping into zen kutsu dachi (thereby breaking the balance of Semete’s forward leg), pulling with the right hand , and thrusting forward and down with the left forearm (kanzetsu waza).

Notes: The entry, block, kuzushi and elbow attack should be performed smoothly as though in one continuous motion.

The ude uchi technique should be not only a forward push but also a rolling motion (thrusting from the shuto part of the hand all the way down the forearm).

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai





4. Enpi ate/Ushiro zuki





Semete: Heiko dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward and bear hug attack Ukete from behind, grasping under the arms.

Ukete: Immediately drop (tai otoshi) into koshi dachi and simultaneously perform hidari Ushiro enpi ate and Ushiro zuki over the right shoulder.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



5. Shotei Uchi


Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Step forward migi chudan mae geri.


Step forward into migi zen kutsu dachi (at a slight angle so as to


avoid direct contact with the oncoming kick), left arm performs


gedan sukui uke so as to trap the leg, simultaneously perform migi


shotei uchi aimed at the chin.


The block should be performed with an “arced” sweeping motion.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



6. Hiki uke/Mae geri/Enpi ate

1 2

3 4

Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Migi chudan oi zuki.

Ukete: Small suri ashi to the right-hand side so as to avoid the oncoming attack, perform hidari hiki uke. Continue by performing gedan mae geri, then landing forward and striking Semete to the danchu/suigetsu with migi enpi ate, follow immediately with a fingertip strike to the eyes with the right hand.

All copyright to IOGKF

IOGKF – Kata Bunkai



7. Otoshi uke/Enpi ate

1 2

2a (Reverse angle)

Semete: Hidari zen kutsu dachi.

Ukete: Heiko dachi.

Semete: Migi chudan oi zuki.


Step forward into the oncoming attack with the right foot and perform a


small circular block using the left elbow and forearm, continue by striking to


danchu/suigetsu with kaishu enpi ate.


The block should deflect the attack both down and out to the side


The block should be initiated at the outset of Semete’s attack rather than at the finish.

All copyright to IOGKF

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