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Market economies

A society may attempt to deal with the basic economic problems by allowing free play to what are known as market forces. The state plays little or no part in economic activity. Most of the people in the non-communist world earn and spend in societies which are still fundamentally market economies.

The market system of economic organization is also commonly described as a free enterprise or laissez-faire, or capitalist system. We shall use all these terms to stand for a market economy. Strictly speaking the pure market of laissez-faire system has never existed. Whenever there has been some form of political organization, the political authority has exercised some economic functions (e.g. controlling prices or levying taxation). It is useful, however, to consider the way in which a true market system would operate be-cause it provides us with a simplified model, and by making modifications to the model we can approach the more realistic situations step by step.

The framework of a market or capitalist system contains six essential features: private property, freedom of choice and enterprise, self-interest, competition, the price system, the role for government.

Список використаних джерел

1.  Ricky W. Griffin, Ronald J. Ebert «Business», Third Edition. Fall, 1992.

2.  Warrant R. Plunkett, Raymond F. Attner «Introduction to Management», Fifth Edition.

3.  Pride/Highes/Kapoor «Business», Second Edition, Houghton Miffin Company, 1998.

4.  The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language. Encyclopedic edition, Trident Press International, 1996.

5.  Collins Dictionary of Economics, Harper Collins Publishers, 1998.

6.  David Evans «Business English Verbs», Penguin English, 2008.

7.  Barbara Campbell «Guide to English for Business», Chambers, 1999.

8.  Nick Brieger, Simon Sweeney, «The Language of Business English», Prentice Hall, 1994.

9.  The Newbury House Dictionary of American English, 1996.

10.     Oxford Dictionary of Business English, Oxford University Press, 1996.

11.     The Cassell Concise Dictionary, 1997.

12.     M. I. Balla English-Ukrainian Dictionary. – К.: «Освіта».

13.     Sandra Costenett «The language of Accounting in English», Prentice Hall, 1997.

14.     Neil Wood,  Workshop Oxford «Business and Commerce», 2007.