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контр.англ.раб.экон., мен-1, 2 (2014).doc
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Вариант 2.

  1. Перепишите текст и переведите его письменно.

General Conditions of Sale.

The Sellers guarantee that the delivered goods are in all respects in accordance with the description, technical conditions and specifications of the order, that they are free from defects in design, material and workmanship.

If the goods within the period of guarantee, i.e. 12 months of the date of putting them into operation and 18 months of the date of shipment, are found defective or fail to conform to the respective conditions of the Contract, the Sellers for their own account undertake at the Buyers’ option either to eliminate the defects or to replace the faulty parts free of charge without delay. The elimination of the detected defects shall not be regarded as a reason for any prolongation of the delivery dates.

After the period of guarantee expires the defects shall be eliminated at the Buyers’ expense. The Sellers’ liability does not cover defects arising from the Buyers’ faulty maintenance or erection or from storage and repairs carried out improperly by the Buyers.

Payment. Should the Buyers fail to observe the terms of payment stipulated in this Contract the Sellers have the right to suspend the fulfillment of their obligations under this Contract.

If necessary the Buyers undertake in proper time to obtain an important license and an exchange permit and the Sellers-an export license from the appropriate authorities.

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What do the Sellers guarantee when they sign the Contract?

    2. For what period do the Sellers guarantee the normal operation of the goods under these General Conditions?

    3. What do the Sellers undertake to do if the goods fail to conform to the technical conditions of the Contract?

    4. For whose account do the Sellers undertake to eliminate the defects?

    5. When do the Sellers consider the Buyers responsible for the damage to the goods?

    6. In what case have the Sellers the right to suspend the fulfillment of their obligations?

    7. Where are the Buyers to obtain import licenses and exchange permit?

III. Переведите на английский язык:

1) гарантировать готовность соответствующей партии; 2) устранять неполадки за свой счет и по своему усмотрению; 3) продлить гарантийный срок; 4) условия контракта; 5) по выбору покупателя; 6) соблюдать сроки оплаты, указанные в контракте; 7) получать импортную лицензию; 8) прекращать выполнение обязательств.

IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами:

  1. As the agents failed to charter a direct vessel……San Francisco the goods will be put……another vessel in Antwerp.

  2. The Sellers failed to prove that the goods had been damaged……their transportation.

  3. We would like you to notify us……the readiness……the manufactured goods……inspection……least ten days beforehand.

  4. The Buyers sent a letter……the Sellers stating that they wished to change several points……the Contract.

  5. The Sellers wished to transfer their obligations……order 124/17……a third party.

    1. Выпишите из текста «Общие условия продажи» все предложения в страдательном залоге.

    2. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются в будущем времени.

    3. Сделайте следующее предложение вопросительным и отрицательным:

The elimination of the defects involved additional expenses.