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Методичка Англ. яз. II вариант

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1.He is supposed to arrive tomorrow.

2.Everybody believed her to become a first-class pianist.

3.Jack didn't hear her mention another date.

4.She seems to be waiting for you.

Задание № 2.

Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

1.Nobody being on the highway, he was driving his car very fast.

2.Having achieved the necessary results, we decided to describe them in our article.

3.The sun having risen, they continued their way.

Задание № 3.

Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

1.If you were an experienced driver, you would never have any road accidents.

2.If you had planned your time better, you wouldn't have come to the station one minute before the train left.

Задание № 4.

Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

What is Halloween?

1.Halloween means "holly evening" and takes place on 31 October. This pagan festival celebrates the return of the souls of the dead who come back to visit places where they used to live.

2.Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called Druids. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts near the doors of their houses for the witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression "trick or treat" (meaning "give me something or I'll play a trick on you").

3.Halloween is considered to have been brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and Scotland. In the I9th century they celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions (the integral part of the festival was a lantern made of a pumpkin with holes in the form of eyes, a nose and a mouth). As the time went by, grown-up people lost interest in Halloween, and it was celebrated almost entirely by children. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals.

4.In recent years grown-up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York, for example, young and old take part in parades together. On the 31st of October, long


before the time when the carnival procession begins to move, a great number of people get together in one of the streets. They are dressed as witches, demons and other evil spirits. After the parade the festival lasts almost till early morning.

Пояснения к тексту:

1.Druids - друиды

2."trick or treat" - "угощение или проказа"

3.pumpkin – тыква

Контрольная работа № 5

Задание № 1.

Перепишите предложения и письменно переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов should, would.

1.This phenomenon should be described in detail.

2.They suggested that I should take part in this research.

3.Unless the scientists had developed atomic clock, we wouldn’t have had so accurate standard of time.

Задание № 2.

Перепишите предложения и письменно переведите их на русский язык, принимая во внимание, что инфинитивные и причастные обороты соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

1.This is the set of equations to be solved to understand the problem as a whole.

2.We suppose him to deal with edge effect in electric fields.

3.Light is proved to travel in straight lines.

4.For the investigation being conducted now the lack of such data is of no importance.

5.This is a device used for detection and measurement of light, its principle of action being simple.

Задание № 3.

Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения выделенных слов.

1.The transistor rapid development was due to the use of silicon instead of wire as the basic conductive material.

2.I began my career as a bookkeeper in a trading company.

3.Large computers, rapidly developing space technology as well as global microwave transmission systems required miniaturization.

Задание № 4.

Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы.


The Law of Energy Conservation

1.Heat, this most active, powerful and mysterious phenomenon of Nature, was once a really challenging problem to physicists-professionals as well as non-professionals. Among the first investigators of the problem were people of all walks of life: a peer of France Laplace and an English manufacturer of beer Joule, the French philosopher and writer Voltaire and an English acrobat, a musician and physicist Young, the War Minister Rumford and a French doctor Paul Marat, the leader of the French Revolution.

2.The first to estimate the mechanical equivalent of heat was Robert Mayer (1842). Soon afterwards it was also proposed by Joule and later by Von Helmholtz, a physiologist and a physicist. The same idea seems to have occurred to at least five other physicists or engineers.

3.The approaches of the three principal discoverers were different. Mayer was led to the conception by general philosophical consideration of a cosmically kind. Joule was led to the idea first by experiments aimed at finding out how far the new electric motor could become a practical source of power. Helmholtz in 1847 developing the Newtonian conception of motion showed that the sum of force and tension, what we would now call kinetic and potential energy, remained the same.

4.This is the principle of the Conservation of Energy in its most formal sense, but it was important in that it reconciled the new doctrines of heat with the older ones of mechanics. This process was largely completed by William Thompson (later lord Kelvin) in his paper “The Dynamical Equivalent of Heat” (1851).

Пояснения к тексту.

1.to occur – приходить

2.to estimate – оценивать

3.tension – напряжение

4.to reconsile – примирять

5.a peer of France Laplace – пэр Франции Лаплас

6.English manufacturer of beer Joule –aнглийский производитель пива Джоуль

7.Voltaire – Вольтер

8.Young – Юнг

9.War Minister Rumford – военный министр Рамфорд

10.Von Helmholtz – Ван Гельмгольц

11.Paul Marat – Поль Марат

12.Robert Mayer – Роберт Майер


11.Раздел 2

Методические указания по работе с текстами.

1.Вам следует самостоятельно подготовить перевод ряда текстов для предстоящей защиты на практическом занятии.

2.Каждый текст необходимо прочитать и перевести со словарем, обратив внимание на наиболее сложные предложения в тексте.

3.После каждого текста приведены в помощь трудные слова и выражения, а также даны вопросы для самопроверки понимания текстов.

4.Все незнакомые слова с переводом следует выписать в тетрадь, которой вы сможете пользоваться во время занятия, т.к. зачитывать сплошной перевод текста нельзя.

5.На занятии по требованию преподавателя Вы должны быть готовы прочитать и перевести любой абзац текста при помощи заранее выписанных вами незнакомых слов с переводом.

Список текстов:


MendeleyevPride of Russian Science

Albert Einstein

A House of Glass and Plastics

Our Star – the Sun

Better Metals are Vital to Technological Progress

Machine Tools – a Measure of Man’s Progress

Peaceful Atoms


Sources of Power

V. Kurchatov

Today’s Astonishing Computers

Astronomical Capital of the World

What is an Electric Current? Lasers Today and Tomorrow

1 курс

Mendeleyev - Pride of Russian Science

The list of spheres of knowledge which Mendeleyev's genius touched upon is enormous. Chemistry, physics, earth sciences, metrology, economics, metallurgy and much else. Mendeleyev's legacy comprises 25 volumes, a third of them devoted to chemistry.

D. I. Mendeleyev, the outstanding Russian scientist, was born in Tobolsk in 1834. In 1850 at the age of 16 he entered the Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg to study chemistry. Five years later he graduated from it with a gold medal and was invited to lecture on theoretical and organic chemistry at St. Petersburg University. To continue his


studies and research Mendeleyev was sent to Germany in 1859. While living abroad he made a number of important investigations.

The years 1868 was the beginning of his highly important work "Fundamentals of Chemistry". Working at the subject Mendeleyev analyzed an enormous amount of literature, made thousands of experiments and calculations. This tremendous work resulted in the Table of Elements consisting of vertical groups and horizontal periods. Mendeleyev was the first to suggest a system of classification in which the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic weights. The main idea of the Periodic System is the idea of periodic repetition of properties with the increase of the atomic weights.

Arranging all the existing elements in the Table Mendeleyev had to overcome great difficulties, as a considerable number of elements were unknown at that time and the atomic weights of 9 elements (out of 63) were wrongly determined. Thanks to his investigations Mendeleyev was able to predict not only the existence of a few unknown elements but their properties as well. Later the elements predicted were discovered.

More then 350 works created by Mendeleyev deal with a great many subjects. Combining theory with practical activities he carried out enormous research in coal, iron and steel industries in Russia. He died in 1907 at the age of 73.

The achievements in chemistry and physics at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century made it necessary to reconstruct the Periodic Table taking into account new discoveries.

Time is the severest judge in science. After more than 100 years of its existence, the Periodic Law has preserved its full value and is being constantly developed with each new discovery.

Notes on the text:

and much else - и многое другое

a number of - некоторое количество, ряд achieve v - достигать

achievement n - достижение amount n - количество, величина arrange v - располагать

coal n - уголь combine - соединять

consist (of) v - состоять (из) create v - создавать, творить deal with (dealt) v - иметь дело с determine - определять

enter v – поступать graduate v - заканчивать investigate v - исследовать

investigation n - исследование law n - закон

order - порядок

overcome (overcame; overcome) v - преодолевать predict v - предсказывать


repetition n - повторение

result in v - кончаться, иметь результатом, приводить к suggest v - предлагать

take into account - принимать во внимание

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What was D. I. Mendeleyev?

2.Were and when was he born?

3.What institute did he enter?

4.What subjects did he study at the institute?

5.When did he graduate from it?

6.When was he sent abroad?

7.In what year did Mendeleyev publish his Periodic Law of Elements?

8.What could the scientist predict thanks to his investigations?

9.Were these unknown elements discovered?

10.In what spheres of science did Mendeleyev carry out research? 11.When did he die?

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a well-known German physicist and mathematician, was born in Germany on March 14, 1879. His unusual ability to mathematics and physics began to show itself at a technical school in Zurich. At the age of 21, after four years of university study, Albert Einstein got a job as a clerk in an office. But already in 1905 he made revolutionary discoveries in science. He published three papers in the field of physics and mathematics. In the first he explained the photoelectric effect by means of Plank's quantum theory. The second paper developed a mathematical theory of Brownian motion. He presented his third paper on "Special Theory of Relativity" to a physical journal. Einstein expressed his theory in the equation E=mc2, roughly that energy equals mass times the square of the speed of light.

All over the world scientists read the work with great surprise. Few physicists understood its importance at that time. Everybody wanted to know as much as possible about the author. In which institute did he teach? In what laboratory did he do his research?

Einstein's fame among scientists grew slowly but surely. For a few years he lived in Prague where he worked as a professor. When he came to Prague, he often told his students: "I shall always try to help you. If you have a problem, come to me with it, we shall solve it together".

He liked questions and answered them at once, for there were no simple or foolish questions for him. He spoke much with his students about scientific problems and his new ideas. His advice to students was, "Don't take easy problems".

In 1921 Einstein got the Nobel Prize in physics not for the theory relativity but for a logical explanation of the photoelectric effect.


After the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia Einstein became a true friend of the young Socialist Republic. He established scientific contacts with his colleagues in Soviet Russia.

In 1922 he became a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences for his outstanding contributions to physics and mathematics.

On March 14, 1979 by UNESCO decision all people throughout the world celebrated the birth centenary of the great 20th century scientist.

Пояснения к тексту:

Albert Einstein - Эйнштейн, Альберт (1879-1955) Zurich - Цюрих (город в Швейцарии)

Plank - Планк, Макс (1858-1947), выдающийся немецкий физик

Brownian motion - броуновское движение; Brown - Броун, Роберт (1773-1858),

шотландский ботаник

Prague - Прага

Notes on the text: age n - возраст among prep - среди answer v - отвечать

become (became; become) v - становиться century n - век, столетие

come (came; come) v - приходить contribution n - вклад

decision n - решение discovery n - открытие easy a - легкий

equal v - равняться often adv - часто possible a - возможный question n - вопрос

relativity n - относительность research n - исследование slowly adv – медленно equation n - уравнение establish v - устанавливать explain v - объяснять

field n - область, сфера foreign a - иностранный get (got) v - получать

help n, v - помощь, помогать job n - работа

know (knew; known) v - знать make (made) v - делать speed n - скорость


teach (taught) v - учить, обучать tell (told) v - говорить, сказать together adv - вместе

understand (understood) v - понимать to be born - родиться

by means of - посредством solve v - решать (проблему)

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What was Einstein?

2.When and where was he born?

3.What discoveries did Einstein make in 1905?

4.In what equation did he express his theory of relativity?

5.Did many scientists of that time understand the importance of his discovery?

6.What prize did Einstein get in 1921?

7.What anniversary did people throughout the world celebrate in 1979?

A House of Glass and Plastics

The first house of glass and plastics was built in Leningrad. It should be said that the house is looked upon as an experimental construction and therefore nobody lives in it. Everything in this house - from the walls and the ceiling to the last screw - is made of plastics and glass. The building is given quite a modern appearance. Many enterprises were invited to discuss and take part in the construction as it was paid great attention to. The technology was worked out by engineers and architects of the Leningrad branch of Architecture and Civil Construction Academy.

The building itself is composed of eight plastic rings which form the walls end the ceiling. The house with all its equipment and furniture weighs not more than four and a half tons. The house is built at a two - meter height above the ground. It is mounted on a technical chamber, which houses the heating, ventilating and electric equipment and is made of glass blocks and mounted on a ferro-concrete foundation.

The outer walls are covered with a light coloured film of plastics. The outer and inner walls are as thick as 4 millimeters. The vacuum between them is filled with an excellent thermal and sound-proof material. The strength of the structure is influenced by many factors: design, materials, etc. The synthetic materials of which the house is made can be relied upon because of their high quality.

The whole structure weighs little because the entire thickness of the walls is 10 centimeters. The entire useful floorspace of this one-flat house is as 40 square meters.

The front wall of the house is made of non-breakable organic glass, which easily lets through the ultra-violet rays, so that one can take a sun-bath right in the house. If the weather is bad, one has only to switch on the lights in the bathroom and "mountain rays" from special lamps will fall on him.

Much attention was also paid to the interior of the house. With the help of synthetic draperies the room can be easily converted into a three-room flat. The room temperature


is always maintained at 19 degrees C with the help of air-stoves which are installed in the technical chamber.

No doubt that this experiment will be followed by others, for our designers look for the most convenient models of small houses.

Notes on the text: air n, v- воздух

appearance n - внешность attention n - внимание because cj – потому что because of – из-за

break (broke, broken) v – ломать, разбивать chamber n - комната

compose v - составлять convenient a - удобный excellent a - превосходный fill v - наполнить

designer n - проектировщик doubt n, - сомнение ferro-concrete a - железобетон floor n – пол, этаж

follow v - следовать foundation n - фундамент glass n - стекло

ground n - земля influence n, v - влияние inner a - внутренний install v - устанавливать last a - последний

let through - пропускать lights - зд. свет

maintain v - поддерживать outer a - внешний

pay attention to - уделять внимание quality n - качество

rely on (upon) v - полагаться screw n – винт, гайка sound n - звук

strength n – сила

switch on (off) v – включить (выключить) take into account - принимать во внимание take part - принимать участие

therefore adv - поэтому useful a - полезный weather n - погода


whole a – весь, целый work out v - разработать

Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Where was the first house of glass and plastics built?

2.By whom was its technology worked out?

3.What is the building composed of?

4.How much does the house weigh?

5.What is it mounted on?

6.Where is the heating, ventilating and electric equipment installed?

7.How large is the entire useful floorspace of this house?

8.What is the front wall of the house made of?

9.What is the normal temperature in the house?

10.Is this an experimental or an ordinary house?

11.Do any people live in it?

Our Star - the Sun

There are nine planets in the solar system:

Mercury - Меркурий

Venus - Венера

Earth - Земля

Mars - Марс

Jupiter - Юпитер

Saturn - Сатурн

Uranus - Уран

Neptune - Нептун

Pluto - Плутон

What do you know today of the nearest star which lies 150 million kilometers away?

The Sun is a mass of flaming matter, the temperature at its surface is above 5,500 degrees Centigrade, the temperature in the Sun's center is as high as 20 million degrees Centigrade. The Sun's diameter is 109 times that of the Earth and its mass is 330,000 times greater.

The illumination of the Earth by the Sun is 10 billion times stronger than that by Sirius, the brightest star of the northern hemisphere. But this does not mean that the Sun is bigger than Sirius: it is simply nearer the Earth.

Nine planets with their satellites revolve round the Sun due to the force of universal gravitation. It takes our Earth a little more than 365 days to revolve round the Sun.

The Sun is the most important body in the Universe for mankind. It provides us with light during the day and the light of the Moon is only the reflected sunlight.