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Физиология и биохимия / Тесты по лаб.раб / Агроэкология Часть1.doc
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Japanese Gardens

Japanese gardens derive their (1) … from a mixing and blending of different (2) …: (3) … , rocks, water, ornaments such as lanterns, water basins (tsukubai), bamboo fences and natural plants and surroundings

Part of the beauty of the Japanese gardens comes from the symbolic (4) … of religious Buddhism and Shinto beliefs.

The design of the Japanese gardens is based on three basic (5) …: reduced scale, symbolization, and borrowed view. Gardens in reduced scale represent famous scenes and places in small and confined spaces. Mountain views and (6) … are miniaturized using stones, sand and gravel. Symbolization is used in almost every Japanese garden. Gravel symbolizes rivers, groupings of stones and rock can represent islands. Shakkei or borrowed view is the use of existing (7) … and plants to supplement the garden. The garden design is made in such a (8) … that the existing scenery becomes part of the total design.

Task 16. Read and translate the text in the written form:

courtyard – внутренний двор

stroll – прогуливаться

crouching – зд. низкий, прижатый к земле

passage – проход

storage building – кладовка

contemporary – современный

Types of Japanese Gardens

There are three main types of Japanese gardens: tea gardens, courtyard gardens and strolling gardens.

Tea gardens. Contrary to what one could expect from the name, one does not drink tea in a tea garden. This type of garden has the following elements: Japanese lantern (toro), crouching water basin (tsukubai), stepping stones (tobi ishi), and a waiting place (machi-ai). Tea gardens are the passage to the teahouse where one performs the tea ceremony. It is a passage from the outside world to the inner world of the teahouse. The purpose is to have a peaceful mind before starting the tea ceremony. The tea garden is usually part of a larger garden.

Courtyard gardens are small gardens. The first courtyard gardens were made in the open spaces between the house and the storage buildings. The elements of a courtyard garden are similar to the elements of a tea garden, however more shade tolerant plants are used. The design principles of traditional Japanese courtyard gardens, are very suitable for contemporary small spaces on roofs or terraces.

Strolling gardens are large landscape gardens. Often existing landscapes are reproduced on a smaller scale, or an imaginary landscape is created. These are pleasure gardens, mostly built during the Edo-period. Most of these gardens are now public parks.

Unit 3 Container Gardening

Task 1. Read and memorize the words:

container gardening – контейнерное садоводство (озеленение)

awkward – странный

thrive – процветать

precept [‘pri:sept]– правило, принцип

crabapple – дикая яблоня

pique [pi:k] – задевать

trough [tr :f] – корытце, ванночка

pomegranate [‘p m,gr nit] – гранат

terra cotta – терракотовый

fragrance – аромат

barrel – бочка

pot – вазон, горшок

patio – патио, внутренний дворик

orchid [‘ :kid] – орхидея

stoop [stu:p] – крыльцо

cactus [‘k kt s] (cacti [‘k ktai]) – кактус (кактусы)

Task 2. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation and read the rhyme:

[ f]









trough cough









Of tough and bough and cough and dough

I take it you already know,

Of tough and bough and cough and dough.

Others may stumble, but not you,

On hiccough, thorough, laugh and through.

Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,

To learn no more familiar traps.

Task 3. Translate the words and the word combinations:

simple preceptto precept rules

dark colorto color the garden

great demandto demand good soil conditions

a nice shelterto shelter different plants

in the shade – to shade the flowers

an interesting experimentto experiment with flowers

Task 4. Form nouns of the following verbs:

to limit -

to contain -

to select -

to transport -

to imagine -

to consider -

Task 5. Read and translate the text:

Containers allow you to enjoy plants in areas where a traditional garden is awkward or impossible. Even with limited space in an urban apartment, you can grow fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs just about anywhere. Plants thrive on rooftops, decks, balconies, stairs and even on the stoop of your mobile home. And if you have a nice outdoor garden, you can vary your selection or save yourself the trouble of walking out to the yard on your sore ankle.

Container gardening also enables you to experiment with plants and to optimize or to control environmental conditions. If you live in New Hampshire, you can offer your sun-starved vegetables and herbs more light indoors or you can grow cacti or parsley in dry, well-drained soil that just doesn’t exist in your outdoor garden. And if you live in Arizona, you can shelter those Siberian crabapple plants.

And plants in containers can be moved easily. Whether it’s shifting your pots of gardenias from your front porch to your back door during the rainy or cold season or transporting them to a new home, your plants can go with you. You can also isolate plants that need to be treated with special pesticides.

Container gardening offers a wonderful opportunity to allow your creative imagination to run wild. You become the artist, while your containers serve as the canvases on which to paint your pictures.

As with all types of gardening, there are some basic guidelines to follow when planting in containers. Following a few simple precepts will make a vast difference in the results of your container gardening efforts. Container plants are somewhat more demanding because they are more dependent on the gardener for their needs. Fortunately, their needs are quite simple: appropriate soil, proper light, sufficient water, shelter from extreme heat or cold, and pest control if needed.

Now that we’ve piqued your interest in container gardening, you ask: How do I get started? Do I want to get a bunch of small containers or two really big ones? Can I place pots around my regular garden? Can I grow herbs and flowers or should I stick with one type of plant? Will someone trip over those small herb troughs near my narrow pathway?

To discover the answers to these questions, you’ll need to consider the geometry of your garden. You’ll also need to decide which containers and plants are appropriate for your home and garden. Soon those terra cotta pots of dwarf pomegranates and orchids or that old tires will grace your shady deck or bedroom windowsill with color and fragrance.

Even the smallest patio or porch can boast a crop of vegetables or a garden of flowers in containers. Planter boxes, wooden barrels, hanging baskets and large flowerpots are just some of the containers that can be used. The container gardener is limited only by his imagination.

Task 6. Answer the questions

1. Where can container plants be placed?

2. Why are container plants more demanding?

3. What are the needs of any plant?

4. What should you consider first when starting your own container garden?

5. What containers can be used for planting?

6. What is the gardener limited by?

7. What are the advantages of the container gardening?

Task 7. Translate the words in brackets:

1. Even with limited space in an urban apartment, you can grow (фрукты, овощи, цветы и кустарники).

2. Container gardening also (дает возможность) you to experiment with plants.

3. You can also isolate plants (которые необходимо обработать) with special pesticides.

4. Fortunately, their needs are quite simple: appropriate (почва), proper light, (достаток влаги), shelter from extreme heat or cold, and (защита от насекомых) if needed.

5. You’ll also need to decide which containers and plants are (подходящие для) your home and garden.

6. The container (садовод) is limited only by his (воображением).

Task 8. Put the words into three groups according to their meaning:

1. Containers: …, …, …

2. Plants: …, … , …

3. Places for container gardening: …, …, …

Crabapple, terra cotta pots, cacti, large flowerpots, pomegranates, rooftops, decks, balconies, orchids, stairs, hanging baskets, stoop, planter boxes, parsley, wooden barrels, tires.

Task 9. Translate into English:

1) традиционный сад; 2) городская квартира; 3) прекрасная возможность; 4) условия окружающей среды; 5) сухая почва; 6) дождливая пора года; 7) экспериментировать с растениями; 8) следовать правилам; 9) более требовательный; 10) подходящая почва; 11) подоконник; 12) достаточное количество воды; 13) выращивать фрукты и овощи; 14) несколько простых правил.

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