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Физиология и биохимия / Тесты по лаб.раб / Агроэкология Часть1.doc
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Test Units 1-5

Task 1. Match the words and their translations:

  1. compost

  1. семя

  1. foliage

  1. ручей

  1. stream

  1. решетка

  1. plant

  1. декоративный

  1. artificial

  1. водопад

  1. limestone

  1. растение

  1. trellis

  1. листва

  1. branch

  1. хвойный

  1. landscape

  1. аромат

  1. shrub

  1. известняк

  1. seed

  1. удобрять орг. удобрениями

  1. waterfall

  1. лиственный

  1. ornamental

  1. процветать

  1. thrive

  1. искусственный

  1. pot

  1. ландшафт

  1. fragrance

  1. удобрять

  1. coniferous

  1. мясистый

  1. deciduous

  1. кустарник

  1. fertilize

  1. ветка

  1. succulent

  1. вазон

Task 2. Match the two parts to make up as many word combinations as possible:

  1. to cultivate

  2. to release

  3. to decorate

  4. to prune

  5. to measure

  6. to move

  1. oxygen

  2. the tops

  3. soil

  4. the site

  5. the containers

  6. the room

Task 3. Choose the correct variant:

1. There (am/is/are) many flowering plants in (we/us/our) garden.

2. I (water/watered/am watering) (they/them/their) regularly.

3. My elder brother (like/is liking/doesn’t like) (I/me/my) container plants.

4. (They/them/their) are very nice people.

5. Last week he (go/went/goed) to the exhibition. (She/He/It) (was/were/is) very impressive.

6. Foliage of this plant (have/has/is having) very special coloring.

7. What are you (do/doing/did)? – I (am pruning/prun/pruned) roses.

8. Sally (did/was/were) happy when (she/her/his) friend gave (her/him/us) a bush of roses for (she/him/her) birthday.

9. Look at (our/his/her) shoes! (She/They/You) (look/looks/are looking) dirty. I think he (doesn’t clean/don’t clean/isn’t cleaning) (they/them/their) at all.

10. I (am/was/shall be) late for the bus yesterday so I (could/might/had to) take a taxi.

11. Polly (can/could/must) swim very well when she was only 10 years old.

12. My (friend’s/friends’/friend) gardens both (are looking/look/looks) very impressive.

13. Tom’s and Jerry’s (father/fathers/fathers’) (doesn’t work/work/works) for the same company.

14. You (shall be/are/was) ill. I think you (may/should/mustn’t) go to the doctor.

15. He (will be able/could/had to) to solve this problem as soon as he (will arrive/arrives/arrived) to the city next week.

Task 5. Look at the pictures. What types of gardening does each of them show? Explain you opinion:

У ч е б н о - м е т о д и ч е с к о е и з д а н и е

Анастасия Сергеевна Хроменкова

Английский язык

Часть 1

Методические разработки

Подписано в печать 2009г.

Формат 60841/16. Бумага для множительных аппаратов.

Печать ризографическая. Гарнитура “Таймс”.

Усл.печ.л. 2,32 Уч.-изд. л.2,18 .

Тираж 75 экз. Заказ Цена 3530 руб.

Отпечатано в отделе издания учебно-методической литературы и ризографии, художественно-оформительской деятельности БГСХА

г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5

Соседние файлы в папке Тесты по лаб.раб