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2.1.2 Model Implementation

N considers families of women and men working constantly and having the following characteristics:

cash capital to the k-th family at time

Initial level of adaptation k-th family;

The degree of identity in the second female family time

define function

Dynamics of capital describe the following difference problem


second part of the equation of (7.1) expresses respectively consumption and total household income, where

Function income men in the k-th family

Function income women.

- function of the flow of capital k-th family.

Function expresses the amount of resource in the source of income at time . Resource dynamics define the following equation

Where - growth / loss resource in the source with a certain periodicity. During the economic crisis ( there is a reduction in resource income source. During stable economic development in the source resource is gradually increasing.

We describe the rules of assessment and selection of the family of a strategy of adaptive behavior. We define the boundaries of crisis adaptability and tolerance for families: where the maximum specified level adaptation of the family, const - the maximum tolerance level specified family. Let specified maximum level of capital family and = const defined boundary of the economic crisis of the family. Situation assessment and selection of behavioral strategies are determined by the magnitude as follows:

(1). If it states that the k-th family is in search of a rich source of income and

(2). If then states that the family is living beyond its means, and the decision on cost reduction, i.e.

where minimum flow rate.

(3). If , it means that the family is well off and no changes are needed:

(4). If , then

Where the average level of consumption.

(5). If where

boundary of acute crisis for the family ir decay occurs to the second family, and calculations using equation (7.1), not further manufactured.

Condition (1) means that households with higher adaptation felt the changes in the economy in advance of the onset of acute crisis, and have time to sort out . Thus, the selected search strategy more money work.

Condition (2) describes a strategy to reduce costs, even when they reach the lowest level of subsistence. In other words, the family chooses the type of behavior «kink, will save on everything." If, however, it is impossible to reduce costs, then an adequate level of tolerance in the family a woman should look for work.

Condition (3) implies the choice of expectant strategy of adaptive behavior. Capital is large enough and the family selects the type of behavior " will live as before; we are still lacking. "

Condition (4). The family lives with an income greater than the average income for a family abroad. In this case, the family may increase their costs, and subsequently a woman can leave the job and devote himself to the household.

Condition (5). There is no possibility to select any of the strategies of adaptive behavior in a crisis. Consequently, the family cannot adapt to the crisis , it has insufficient funds for both spouses working in family consumption below subsistence minimum for survival and this leads to the disintegration of the family. Family disintegration is an index family maladjustment.

Analyze the conditions under which a change of identity of the women . Before the economic crisis , with increased family income increases the proportion of women who prefer family work, and vice versa. Thus, reducing the employment of women in social production , their focus on family values due to the fact that the men there is a possibility to earn good money and provide for his family sufficient capital .. Consumption family in this cases much above the subsistence level. Economic crisis breaks the established way of life, and in families where men have a sufficient level of tolerance to the professional activity of women to family survived woman with high creative energy and adaptive abilities go to work.

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