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5 Safety and labor protection

5.1 Characteristics of workplace

Writing a research paper on the topic of “Influence of temperature on the underground pipeline” was conducted in the laboratory on the third floor of the IITU building.

The total number of graduate students involved in this study – 9 students. From the basic equipment there are 10 working computers.

Parameters of the laboratory: total floor area is 35 square meter. Doors of the laboratory are 1 front door and 1 door to the server side and room height is 2.70 meters. The lighting in the room is 8 units of fluorescent ceiling location and there is set clock security, video surveillance in hallways, access control system. Personal computers are established and placed according to requirements of specifications of producers. The room also has a presence of fiber-optic lines dedicated Internet channel and a local computer network.

According to the order number 767 of 28 September 2010 on sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the operation of the PC, space per workstation PC users at any location is 4.0 square meters. Area per job laptop users and modern computers is 2.70 square meters [10].

If you calculate the area (Sspec.) premises attributable to one person as follows:


- room space

- engaged area by the bulky appointment and equipment

- the number of people working simultaneously on the premises

So, we can see that corresponding calculations will be coordinated with control requirements.

5.2 Analysis of dangerous and harmful industrial factors

The analysis and identification of hazardous and harmful factors for this room, equipped with computers and has no air conditioners, characterized by the following dangerous and harmful factors (Table 5.1):

Harmful factor and condition in which it occurs in Table 5.1




The increased value of the voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which may occur through the human body

There are 10 computers, 24 outlets in the room, which can cause electrical closing


The increased level of electromagnetic radiation

When working with computers


The increased level of noise in the workplace

When the majority of computers are used together


High air temperature of the working area

This room has no windows and artificial ventilation, which may be the cause of this factor


Low air humidity

In the same way because of the lack of windows and artificial ventilation


The reduced air ionization

This factor of production occurs because of continuous work on the computer and because there is no ventilation


The lack of natural light

The reason for this factor is the lack of windows


Insufficient illumination of the working area

This factor occurs in non-compliance the rules and norms of lighting


Increased ripple of luminous flux

This factor can occur in non-compliance the rules and norms of lighting

The computers are connected to the network with a voltage of 220V. The sources of electrical hazards can be computers, their cables, and also the outlet. Causes an electric shock may be electrical closing, rapid changes in voltage.

In the room construction of manufacturing equipment, driven by an electric power, has devise to ensure electrical safety (protective grounding, neutral grounding, isolation of current-carrying parts).

When preparing the work place with the removal of the voltage must be performed in the order the following technical measures:

  • make necessary disconnecting and taken measures to prevent the supply voltage to the place of work as a result of erroneous or inadvertent inclusion of switching devices;

  • on hand drives and on the remote control switching devices must be posted prohibiting posters;

  • check for voltage to the conductive parts that need to be grounded to protect people against electric shock;

  • set grounding (grounding switches are turned on, and where they are not available must be installed portable groundings);

  • demonstrative "Grounded" signs must be posted, if necessary workplaces and remaining energized current-carrying parts must be fenced, warning and mandatory signs must be posted.

The following is an engineering calculation to determine the level of electrical safety. It is necessary to determine the amount of current flowing through a person in an unfavorable and favorable situations in the cases of switching to a single-phase three-wire, three-phase network with voltage of V with isolated point .

a) Unfavorable conditions: a man touched one phase, he is staying on conductive reinforced concrete floor, and shoes are wet. Resistance: the human body ohms, shoes ohms, the reference surface of the legs (the resistance of the floor) ohms, insulation ohms.

b) Favorable conditions: a man stands on a non-conducting floor covered with linoleum ( ohms).

Solution. Let’s define the current through the human body (mA) according to unfavorable conditions

Let’s define the current through the human body (mA) for favorable conditions

Conclusion. Let’s compare the value of the current through a person with a current threshold (Table “Indicative thresholds of electric current”): in the first case (under unfavorable conditions) the current is close to the threshold current and is dangerous, in the second case (under favorable conditions) current passing through a person is not dangerous.

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