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How to change my life for the better?

If you want to change your life in the best side then do the following steps:1.Think about why and how you want to change your life. 2. Pick a starting point. Your outlook on life, your inside or outside. Family, friends?3. Talk to family/friends. Ask them what they like about you what they don't. Keep the good qualities and try to lose the bad ones.4. Change your outlook on life. If you think your life sucks, then do things you love to do to make your life positive. (GOOD THINGS ONLY, NOTHING BAD!!!).5. If you are in school, study hard so you can pass classes, with really high GPAs, so you can go to the college you want, or just to college at all.6. Don't spend your money on junk such as candy, chips etc. Save it for important things and emergencies7. Make your parents happy, which will make you happy.8. If you want to, keep a journal and just write or sketch things when you are bored. Also, when you are doing something you might think of something you won't want to forget write it down express your feelings!9. Try to look happy.10. Be nice.

Modern life is impossible without travelling and transport

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit foreign countries and different places of interest within their own country. It is very pleasant to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing and hear the cry of the seagulls. Trips on the Volga, the Dnieper, the Yenisei, the Black Sea are very popular today. Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.

Good manners are an important value to learn

Most experts will tell you that teaching good manners and respectful behavior all starts at home. Parents need to show their children how good manners are appropriate and should be followed.A lesson that many parents forget, is that they need to model what they want from their children. In other words, parents need to be watchful in what they say and do with each other in front of their children. Most children learn my imitating what they see. If you and your spouse are low and angry, your child will assume that is normal and mimic those behaviors themselves.Parents need to sit down and explain to their children what is expected of them concerning good manners, however if the parent is not reinforcing it with good manners themselves, the effort is useless. By showing your child good manners, you reinforce the expectations you have for your children.

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