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Падалко Н.М. English for Students Majoring in Hospitality Industry.doc
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Read and Discuss Text 2 my interest in hotel business

My interest in hotels started just after graduating from college with a degree in Retail Management, when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. It was suggested that my personality, very outgoing and friendly, would be a great fit for hotels. I felt the best start for me would be at the front desk. My career started in as a front desk agent where I was trained on the day shift, then moved to the evening shift. I enjoyed being one of the first impressions the guest had of my hotel, I was eager to learn as much as I could, tak­ing on all evening tasks, and other duties.

My supervisor noticed my enthusiasm, and early on in that same year, he rewarded me with the position of Guest History Coordinator. I was moved back to the day shift. My main focuses as Guest History Coordinator were sitting up the house each month for the repeat guests to our hotel and guests of the corporate frequent guest program and training all new Front Office Agents. What a kudos to me because I had only been at the hotel for three months. During my tenure, I added some other responsibilities to the position. Our hotel was the host of many NBA and NFL teams. These are very detailed and time-consuming groups. It was in my opinion that these types of groups needed someone dedicated at the front desk to take care of all their specific needs. That someone was me! I enjoyed molding these new responsibilities into my day-to-day job, and I held this position for 1, 5 years, at which time I was promoted to Transient Sales Manager. My room night goals were attained on a monthly basis, and I was able to increase the hotels' business due to my penetration of the local market.

I held this job for a short nine months, when a position of Front Office Assistant Manager became available. I always felt as though my true calling was in operations, so I jumped at the new opportunity. I love the fact that no day is ever the same. When a guest is upset, they come to the front desk, and I have the ability to turn their negative situation around into a positive one by my interaction with that guest. This job also has allowed me to be the one person in charge of the entire hotel after the department man­agers left for the evening and weekends. My day-to-day involve­ment does not stop at the front desk. Part of my responsibilities includes membership on the Heat Team, the in-house emergency response team trained to be the first persons at the site of an alarm or an emergency. However a shift ends, I am continually amazed at how many opportunities in the day I have to impact very impor­tant decisions that could affect the outcome of a guest's or group's stay at my hotel. It was over these 2, 5 years that I gained the per­spective I needed to lead at the front desk. I now see new employees-as eager and as fresh faced as I was. I feel it is my responsibility to motivate, train, and promote all qualified staff members. After all, I want to give each the same opportunities that were afforded to me!


  1. Retail Management – управление розничным предприятием

  2. outgoing - общительный

  3. fit for - соответствие

  4. shift (day or night) – смена

  5. Guest History Coordinator – координатор регистрации постояльцев

  6. repeat guest – постоянный клиент

  7. Kudos – похвала

  8. tenure – срок пребывания в должности

  9. time-consuming – отнимающий много времени, трудоемкий

  10. Transient Sales Manager – менеджер по продажам индивидуальных заказов

  11. penetration – проникновение

  12. calling – призвание

  13. interaction with – взаимодействие, диалог

  14. alarm – аварийная ситуация, тревога, опасность

  15. affect – влиять, затрагивать

  16. outcome – результат, итог

  17. gain – получать, добиваться

Task 1. Answer the following questions

  1. What degree did she get after graduating from college?

  2. Did she want to start at the front desk? Why?

  3. How did she start her career?

  4. What were the main focuses of a Guest History Coordinator?

  5. What other responsibilities did she add during her tenure?

  6. What did she feel about her calling?

  7. What ability does she have?

  8. What is she continually amazed at?

  9. What did she feel about new employees?

Task 2. Think and express your opinion

What does the career success depend on? Points to consider:

  • education, training, additional qualifications;

  • guest and employee relations;

  • personality;

  • disciplinary guidelines;

  • Communication management.