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Exercises in Word Study

Ex.1. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory.

Market all the potential customers for a product

marketing the identification of customer demand, and

the satisfaction of that demand by the development, distribution and exchange of goods and services

marketing research gathering, recording and analyzing of facts

related to marketing goods and services

consumer the person who uses the products or services

marketing concept the idea of fulfilling the needs of customer at a profit

marketing mix the combination of four marketing activities product

development, pricing, promotion and distribution

aimed at creating demand among the target market

Ex.2. Study the following additional definitions and translate them into your mother tongue:

product item a specific, unique product;

product line a group of similar types of product items

that are closely related;

product mix the total of all product items and product

lines offered for sale by a company;

brand a distinctive sign, trade-mark used to identify

a product or its manufacturer or dis­tributor;

wholesaler marketing intermediary that buys products from producers

and sell them to other wholesalers, retailers, or industrial


retailer marketing intermediary that sells directly to final


target market the market that appears most promising in

terms of highest and most probable profit margins

Ex 3. Find the following words and phrases in the text. Translate sentences containing them into your mother tongue.

Potential customers; to satisfy the needs of customers; to set the prices; the core of any marketing system; the right marketing mix; product strategy; life cycle; the costs and business expenses; current market price, distribution channel; a failure; promotion; sample; policy making.

Ex.4. Match the words in column one with their synonyms in column two:

goal charge, value

design specimen, pattern

price objective, aim

sample plan, project

to choose to produce, to turn out

to affect to improve, to add to the value

to manufacture to pick, to select

to enhance to influence, to touch

Finance and their functions

Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

assets активи (балансу), майно, капітал fixed assets основні фонди, капітал

current assets поточні фонди, оборотні фонди

intangible assets нематеріальні активи

accounts recei to approve the budget затверджувати бюджет

to balance the budget підбивати баланс, (з)балансувати

budgeting master budget зведений фінансовий кошторис

operating budt bad debt losses збитки, витрати від не платежів

cash-flow forecast прогнозування грошового потоку

collecting payments збір платежів

expenditure of funds витрати фондів,капіталу

expenses (syn. spendings) витрати, видатки

inventory forecasting financial needs прогнозування фінансових потреб

ledger головна бухгалтерська книга

liability(ies) (to) meet requirements задовольнити, виконати потреби, вимоги

(to) obtain funds добувати,діставати фонди

outflow of funds витік, відплив капіталів, фондів

revenue(s) прибуток (річний), виручка

tax implication втягнення податків, збір податків

tax computation обчислення, розрахунок податків

(to) be under scrutiny of бути під ретельним наглядом virtually (syn. actually) фактично