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44Allan Francovich, Gladio: The Foot Soldiers. Third of the total three Francovich Gladio documentaries, broadcasted on BBC2 on June 24, 1992.

45British political magazine Searchlight, No 47, May 1979, p. 6. Quoted in Herman and Brodhead, Bulgarian Connection, p. 50.

46Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, pp. 51 and 53. After his retirement in 1974 Muhsin Batur became a member of parliament granting him immunity from prosecution.

47Turkish daily Milliyet, March 23, 1976. Quoted in Kurtulus, September 19,1998.

48Turhan in Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 109.

49Komisar, A CIA Legacy.


51Turkish magazine Kurtulus Nr. 99, September 19,1998.

52Turkish left-wing newspaper Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), May 1998.

53Celik, Tiirkische Konterguerilla, p. 41 and Komisar, A CIA Legacy.

54Komisar, A CIA Legacy.

55Turkish extreme left-wing magazine, Devrimci Sol (Revolutionary Left), May 1998.


57Celik in his essay in Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, explains: 'Now the public has come to know that Catli was a top senior official of the Turkish Gladio section and that probably he was also connected to the international Gladio network. In 1992 he could pass customs unhindered in Miami together with Delle Chiaie and enter the United States' (ibid., p. 134). Celik most probably got the date wrong, not 1992 but 1982.

58Prominent among the books on the Turkish Gladio is the biography on terrorist Catli by the academic Dogan Yurdakul and the journalist Soner Yalcin. The nickname of Catli was 'Reis', Turkish for Chief: Reis. Gladio nun Turk Tetikcisi (Ankara: Oteki Yay Nevi, 1997). After Catli's death even his daughter, Gokcen Catli, announced that she was going to write a biography about her father, Gladio, Catli's work with the CIA, and 'the important events taking place behind the scenes'.

59 Quoted in the Berlin weekly Jungle World, January 20, 1999. Kirici was again arrested on January 10, 1999 in Istanbul. His memoirs appeared in May 1998.

60Turkish daily Yeniyuzyil, December 18, 1996.

61Komisar, A CIA Legacy.

62The best study in this context is certainly the book of Herman and Brodhead, Bulgarian Connection. Catli in his 1985 testimony in Rome revealed that he had been approached by the West German secret service BND who had promised him a large sum of money if he implicated the Bulgarian secret service and the KGB as the sponsor's of the Grey Wolves' attack on the Pope. In 1990, ex-CIA analyst Melvin Goodman admitted to the US Senate Intelligence Committee that 'The CIA had no evidence linking the KGB to the plot', and that only pressure from CIA higher-ups had made them skew their reports to lend credence to the theory that the Soviets were behind the plot to kill the Pope. Herman and Brodhead in their investigation discovered the Turkish Gladio when they noted: 'The most likely avenue linking the CIA to the Turkish Right runs through Turkey's "Counter-Guerrilla", a branch of the Turkish General Staffs Department of Special Warfare... it was headquartered in the same Ankara building that housed the US military mission, and... the training of officers assigned to this unit "begins in the US and then continues inside Turkey under the direction of CIA officers and military advisers'" (ibid., p. 61). Their source for this early understanding of the Turkish Gladio is the very good book by Jurgen Roth and Kamil Taylan, Die Turkei - Republik unter Wolfen (Bornheim: Lamur Verlag, 1981). See also Martin Lee, On the Trail of Turkey's Grey Wolves. Six-page essay available on the Internet: http://www.ozgurluk.org/mhp/ story33.html.

63Komisar, A CIA Legacy. In the late 1990s Bulent Ecevit under President Suleyman Demirel again became Prime Minister, already for the third time.


64 Jens Mecklenburg (ed.), Gladio: Die geheime Terrororganisation der Nato (Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997), p. 128.

65 Turkish magazine Kurtulus Nr. 99, September 19, 1998. Quoting Gunes, September 3, 1987.

66 German news magazine Der Spiegel: Spinne unterm Schafsfell: In Sudeuropa war die Guerrilla truppe besonders aktiv - auch bei den Militarputschen in Griechenland und der Turkei?, November 26, 1990, pp. 173-177.

67 Celik, Turkey's Killing Machine, quoting Cuneyit Arcayurek, Coups and the Secret Services, p. 190.

68 Kurkcu Ertugrul, Turkey: Trapped in a web of covert killers. In: Covert Action Quarterly Nr. 61, Summer 1997. Also online on the Internet: http://caq.com/CAQ/caq61/CAQ61turkey. html. The source of Ertugrul is Mehmet Ali Birand, 12 Eylul Saat 04:00 [September 12, 1980, 12:04] (Istanbul: Miiliyet Publishers, 1985), p. 1.

69Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 58.

70Turkish magazine Kurtulus Nr. 99, September 19, 1998, quoting Turkish daily Cumhuriyet, July 21, 1988.

71Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 53.

72German Newspaper Zeitung am Sonntag, September 14, 1980. Quoted in Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 78.

73Herman and Brodhead, Bulgarian Connection, p. 50.


75Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, pp. 74 and 75.

76Ibrahim Ciftci in an interview with the Turkish daily Miiliyet, October 13, 1996.

77Quoted by Vera Beaudin Saeedpour, editor of Kurdish Life and International Journal of Kurdish Studies. URL: http://www.lbbs.org/Kurdish.htm.

78Mecklenburg, Gladio, p. 125.

79Celik, Turkey's Killing Machine. His source is an interview with the President of the Turkish General Staff Dogan Gures in Turkish daily Miiliyet 5/6 September 1992.

80Turkish daily Miiliyet, November 13,1990.

81Celik, Turkische Konterguerilla, p. 40.


83Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 15.

84Swiss daily Neue Zurcher Zeitung, December 5, 1990.

85Komisar, A CIA Legacy.





90Asian and Bozay, Graue Wolfe, p. 139.

91Kelly Couturier, Security Forces Allegedly Involved in Turkish Criminal Gang. US daily Washington Post, November 27, 1996.

92Stephen Kinzer, Scandal links Turkish Aides to deaths, drugs and terror. US daily New York Times, December 10, 1996.

93Turkish daily Sabah, December 12, 1996.

94US daily New York Times, December 10, 1996.

95Turkish magazine Kurtulus, September 19, 1998.

96Turkish daily Radikal, January 10, 1997.

97Kurkcu Ertugrul, Turkey: Trapped in a web of covert killers. In: Covert Action Quarterly Nr. 61, Summer 1997.

98Hugh Pope, Turkey Promoted Death Squads and Drug Trafficking. Prime Minister's Probe of 1996 Car Crash Scandal Excoriates Rival Mrs. Ciller. In: US periodical Wall


Street Journal, January 26, 1998. The article fails to address both the US role in Turkey's Death Squads and the Gladio scandal. 99 Swiss daily Neue Zurcher Zeitung, May 13, 1998. And Eine Aktion der Koterguerilla. Der stellvertretende IHD Vorsitzende Reehtsanwalt Osman Baydemir zum Anschlag auf Akin Birdal. URL: www.nadir.org/nadit/periodika/kurdistan_report/9891/07.html. 100 Martin Lee, On the Trail of Turkey's Grey Wolves. Six-page essay available on the Internet: http://www.ozgurluk.org/mhp/story33.html. US researcher Lee researched extensively on Neofascism and published a book on the topic: The Beast Reawakens (Boston: Little Brown, 1997).


1International news service Reuters Western Europe, November 15,1990.

2Juan Arias, El laberinto ltaliano. Commocion por el descubrimiento de un 'ejercito paralelo' de anticomunistas pagado por la CIA. In: Spanish daily El Pais, November 11, 1990.

3After the attacks of September 11 2001 US lawyer Stanley Hilton had risen the far-reaching claim that the administration of President George Bush had deliberately allowed Al Qaida terrorists to attack the United States in order to strike fear to the

bones of the entire population of the United States, limit civil liberties, and convince the country of the very real danger of Islamic terrorism and the world community of the necessity of 'preventive wars'. This so-called LIHOP thesis (let it happen on purpose) has ever since challenged the dominant 'SURPRISE' thesis and even led to legal action. In June 2002 San Francisco-based lawyer Hilton in the name of families of the victims of 9/11 filed a seven billion dollar suit and declared that only legal instruments and the rule of law will be able to penetrate the secret warfare operations of the state. Compare Nafeez M. Ahmed, Geheimsache 9/11. Hintergrunde uber den 11. September und die Logik amerikanischer Machtpolitik (Munchen: Riemann Verlag, 2002), p. 229. Translation of the English Original: The War on Freedom (Joshua Tree: Tree of Life Publications, 2002). Ahmed, with his detailed research, puts forward the thesis that the Bush administration deliberately allowed the 9/11 attacks to take place in order to unite the country for preemptive wars abroad.



Note: All sources used in this book are indicated in the endnotes. This selected bibliography lists only books that deal with Operation Gladio or other stay-behind armies.

Agee, Philip and Wolf Louis, Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe (Secaucus: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1978)

Bale, Jeffrey McKenzie, The 'Black' Terrorist International: Neo-Fascist Paramilitary Networks and the 'Strategy of Tension' in Italy, 1968-1974. UMI Dissertation Services. UMI Number 9529217 (Michigan: Ann Arbor, 1996)

Barbacetto, Gianni, Il Grande vecchio. Dodici giudici raccontano le loro inchieste sui grandi misteri d'Italia da piazza Fontana a Gladio (Milano: Baldini & Castoldi, 1993)

Baud, Jacques, Encyclopedic du renseignement et des services secrets (Paris: Lavauzelle, 1997)

Bellu, Giovanni Maria, I giorni di Gladio (Milano: Sperling & Kupfer Editori, 1991) Bettini, Emanuele, Gladio. La republica parallela (Milano: Ediesse, 1996)

Blum, William, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA interventions since World War II (Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995)

Brozzu-Gentile, Jean-Francois, V affaire Gladio (Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1994) Bye, Ronald and Finn Sjue, Norges Hemmelige Haer - Historien om Stay Behind (Oslo:

Tiden Norsk Verlag, 1995)

Celik, Selahattin, Die Todesmaschinerie. Turkische Konterguerilla (Koln: Mesopotamien Verlag, 1999)

Colby, William, Honorable Men: My life in the CIA (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978)

Collin, Richard, The De Lorenzo Gambit: The Italian Coup Manque of 1964 (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1976)

De Lutiis, Giuseppe, Il lato oscuro del potere. Associazioni politiche e strutture paramilitari segrete dal 1946 a oggi (Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1996)

Fasanella, Giovanni e Sestieri and Giovanni Claudio con Pellegrino, Segreto di Stato. La verita da Gladio al caso Moro (Torino: Einaudi Editore, 2000)

Gijsels, Hugo, Network Gladio (Leuven: Utgeverij Kritak, 1991)

Graaff, Bob de and Cees Wiebes, Gladio der vrije jongens: een particuliere geheime dienst in Koude Oorlogstijd (Gravenhage: Sdu, 1992)

Igel, Regine, Andreotti. Politik zwischen Geheimdienst und Mafia (Munchen: Herbig Verlag, 1997)

Inzerilli, Paolo, Gladio. La Verita negata (Bologna: Edizioni Analisi, 1995)


Laurent, Frederic, L' Orchestre noir (Paris: Editions Stock, 1978)

Mecklenburg, Jens (ed.), Gladio: Die geheime Terrororganisation der Nato (Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997)

Moroni, Primo, Mario Coglitore and Sandro Scarso (edit). La notte dei Gladiatori. Omissioni e silenzi della Repubblica (Padova: Calusca Edizioni, 1992)

Muller, Leo, Gladio - das Erbe des Kalten Krieges. Der Nato-Geheimbund und sein deutscher Vorlaufer (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991)

Pansa, Giampaolo, Il Gladio e l'alloro: l' Esercitodi Salo (Milano: Mondadori, 1991) Peterlini, Hans Karl, Bomben aus zweiter Hand. Zwischen Gladio und Stasi - Suedtirols

missbrauchter Terrorismus (Bozen: Edition Raetia, 1992)

Prados, John, President's Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations since World War II (New York: William Morrow Inc., York, 1986)

Rowse, Arthur, Gladio: The Secret US War to Subvert Italian Democracy. In: Covert Action Quarterly, Nr. 49, Summer 1994, p. 3.

Serravalle, Gerardo, Gladio (Roma: Edizioni Associate, 1991)

Van Ussel, Michel, Georges 923: Un agent de Gladio Beige parle. Temoignage (Brussels: Edideurs La Longue Vue, 1991)

Vinciguerra, Vincenzo, Ergastolo per la liberta: Verso la veritd sulla strategia della tensione (Firenze: Arnaud, 1989)

Willan, Philip, Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy (London: Constable, 1991)

Willems, Jan de (ed.), Gladio (Brussels: Editions EPO, 1991)

Yale, Soner and Doagan Yurdakaul, Reis. Gladio nun Turk tetikcisi (Ankara: Oteki Yay Nevi, 1997)


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