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1.7. Combine the given phrases. Translate what is given in the right-hand column.

1) I have lived in this city

A) с детства

B) на протяжении 10 лет

C) с 8 лет

D) с тех пор, как мы купили здесь дом в 1990 году

2) I have waited for the boss

A) с 9 часов

B) 2,5 часа

C) с тех пор, как он позвонил мне

D) с тех пор, как мы закончили разговор с Джоном

3) They have been our business partners

A) уже 2 года

B) с прошлой осени

C) с тех пор, как познакомились

D) на протяжении многих лет

4) Steve has lived in Germany

A) с тех пор, как закончил школу

B) с детства

C) всю свою жизнь

D) 10 лет

5) I haven't seen Tom

A) последнее время

B) еще

C) с апреля

D) с тех пор, как мы переехали

6) The weather has been quite mild

A) с Рождества

B) уже несколько дней

C) целую вечность

D) с тех пор, как прошел дождь

7) They have known each other

A) долгое время

B) уже 10 лет

C) с тех пор, как пошли в школу

D) с 1990 года

8) He has been ill

A) уже 3 недели

B) с тех пор, как влюбился

C) с тех пор, как поел мороженое

D) с тех пор, как промок под дождем

1.8. Use adverbs or adverbial phrases given in the right-hand column instead of the underlined ones. Change the tense if necessary.

  1. She has just arrived.

A) the other day

B) today

C) just now

D) already

E) half an hour ago

  1. I have been to Paris recently.

A) 2 days ago

B) never

C) once

D) several times

E) lately

  1. Have you had a holiday this year?

A) just

B) ever

C) last year

D) a year ago

E) already

  1. I haven’t eaten any fruits recently.

A) just now

B) never

C) yesterday

D) the whole life

E) since I fell ill

  1. Has he driven a car yet?

A) before

B) ever

C) recently

D) today

E) last week

  1. I have already peeled the potatoes.

A) yesterday

B) just

C) the other day

D) several hours ago

E) just now

  1. I didn't see him two weeks ago.

A) lately

B) never

C) last Monday

D) recently

E) for ages

  1. She is always making mistakes.

A) never

B) just now

C) last month

D) just

E) today

  1. They don't often phone their parents.

A) never

B) just

C) last week

D) regularly

E) lately

  1. We are going to the cinema tonight.

A) just

B) just now

C) the day before yesterday

D) today

E) last Sunday

  1. Jane met her friends at the party.

A) never

B) already

C) last June

D) today

E) lately

  1. She never dances with you.

A) last Sunday

B) when you were children

C) for many years

D) since her birthday party

E) since you quarrelled

  1. She was playing tennis the whole morning yesterday.

A) never

B) since childhood

C) for 20 years

D) for many years

E) last summer

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