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Seminar 3 The Revolutionary Role of Generative Grammar in the Development of Modern Linguistics

1. N. Chomsky - the most influential linguist of the 20th c.

2. Generativism as a school of the modern linguistics

3. Generative grammar

4. The key notions of generative grammar

5.The versions of generative grammar


1. Бейлин Дж. Краткая история генеративной грамматики / Дж. Бейлин // Современная американская лингвистика: фундаментальные направления / под ред. А. А. Кибрика, И. М. Кобозевой, И. А. Секериной ; пер. с англ. – изд. 2-е, испр. и доп. – М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2002. – С. 13 – 57.

2. Fowler R. An Introduction to Transformational Syntax / R. Fowler. – L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973. – 178 p.

3. Freidin R. Foundations of Generative Syntax / Robert Freidin. – Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1992. – 365 p.

4. Haegeman L. English Grammar: A Generative Perspective / L. Haegeman and J. Guéron. – Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002. – 674 p.

5. LaPalombara L. E. An Introduction to Grammar: Traditional, Structural, Transformational / L. E. La Palolambara. – Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers, Inc., 1976. – 450 p.


Noam Chomsky and his revolutionary role in linguistics of the 20th c.

Noam Chomsky and his successors

The fundamental works in generative grammar

The school of generative grammar in Ukraine

Child’s acquisition of a language as a key problem of generativism

The recent versions of generative grammar

The Minimalist theory of N. Chomsky.

Seminar 4 Language Acquisition as a Linguistic Problem

  1. The notion of language acquisition in linguistics

  2. General Approaches to language acquisition

  3. L1acquisition and L2 acquisition: key features


  1. Негневицкая Е.И., Шахнарович А.М. Язык и дети / Е.И. Негневицкая, А.М. Шахнарович – М.: Издательство «Наука», 1981. – 110 с.

  2. Пинкер С. Язык как инстинкт / Стивен Пинкер.; пер. с англ. Е. В. Кайдаловой / общ. ред. В. Д. Мазо. – [изд. 2-е испр.]. – М.: Книжный дом “ЛИБРОКОМ”, 2009. – 456 с.

  3. Селіванова О. Сучасна лінгвістика: термінологічна енциклопедія / О. Селіванова. – Полтава: Довкілля – К, 2006. – 716 с.

  4. Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language / [ed. T. McArthur, R. McArthur]. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. – 700p.

  5. Meisel Y.M. First and Second Language Acquisition: Parallels and Differences / Jurgen M. Meisel. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. – 302p.

Seminar 5 Modern Linguistic Theories

  1. Functional linguistics:

  1. the linguists of the Prague linguistic circle;

  2. the main theories

  1. Pragmatics as a fast-developing linguistic discipline

  2. The field of psycholinguistics:

  1. history of development;

  2. problems under consideration;

  3. key concepts and theories.

  1. Sociolinguistics as a hybrid discipline

  2. Cognitive science in the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXIc.


    1. The current stage in the development of pragmatics in the world

    2. World-famous psycholinguists

    3. The role of N. Chomsky in the development of psycholinguistics

    4. The prospects of development of sociolinguistics

    5. Cognitive studies: key notions and leading figures


  1. Амирова Т. А. Из истории лингвистики ХХ века: структурно-функциональное языкознание (истоки, направления, школы): [учеб. пособ.] / Тамара Александровна Амирова. – М.: ЧеРО, 1999. – 106 с.

  2. Селіванова О. О. Сучасна лінгвістика: напрями та проблеми: [підручник] / Олена Олександрівна Селіванова.– Полтава: Довкілля-К, 2008. – 712 с.

  3. Aarts B., MacMahon A. The Handbook of English Linguistics / Baa Aarts, April Macmahon. – Blackwell Publishing 815 p.

  4. Aitchison J. Teach Yourself Linguistics / Jean Aitchison. – Lincolnwood, 1994. – 232p.

  5. Akmaijan A. et al. Linguistics. An Introduction to Language and Communication. – Cambridge, Mass., L., 2001. – 604 p.

  6. Dirven R., Verspoor M. Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics / Dirven Rene, Marjolijn Verspoor. – Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 2004. – 277p.

  7. Evans V. Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction / V. Evans, M. Green. – Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. – 830 p.

  8. Leech G. Principles of Pragmatics / Geoffrey N. Leech. – L., NY.: Longman, 1983. – 250p.

  9. Yule G. Pragmatics / George Yule. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. – 138 p.

  10. Radford A. et al. Linguistics: An Introduction / Andrew Radford and others. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. – 433 p.

  11. Richter B. First Steps in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics / Borbala Richter. – Budapest, 2006. – 212p.

  12. Whitaker H. Concise Encyclopedia of Brain and Language / Harry Whitaker. – Oxford, 2010. – 662p.