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Health effects of smoking cigarettes

Smoking is a process that involves burning the substance (usually tobacco) and inhaling the smoke (through cigarettes, cigars). Tobacco smoking is the most popular form of smoking, but there are less common drugs for smoking as well, like cannabis and opium. Since 2000 the researches have shown that 1.22 billion people smoke around the world. The health effects of smoking cigarettes have been recognized as destructive and in many cases lead to death . The ingredients in cigarettes affect the internal functioning of organs and the efficiency of the body’s immune system. Each cigarette shortens life by an average of 11 minutes. Approximately 7000 chemicals, have been found in one cigarette: 250 of them are poisonous, 70 are carcinogenic.

Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cancer. This risk is directly proportional to the length of time that a person continues to smoke and the amount smoked. Smoking the so-called "light" cigarettes does not reduce the risk. Even environmental smoking, or secondhand smoking, causes adverse health effects in people of all ages.

Cancer-causing agents (cancinogens) in tobacco smoke damage important genes that control the growth of cells, causing them to grow abnormally or to reproduce too rapidly.

Smoking affects the immune system functions by causing oxidative stress. This causes DNA mutation, leading to cancer and heart diseases. Smokers usually have less oxidants in their blood than non-smokers.

Nicotine , the highly addictive ingredient, reaches the brain in 7 to 10 seconds after smoke is inhaled. Nicotine has been found in every part of a smoker’s body, including breast milk. Carbon monoxide, which is present in cigarette smoke, binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, preventing these cells from carrying all the oxygen.

Cigarette smoke contains radioactive heavy metals which is believed to be one of the risk factors for lung cancer in smokers. Cigarette smoking has also been associated with sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. A number of studies have shown that smoking damages fertility and causes miscarriages.

Today one in four men and one in five women still smoke. There are many tools, systems, and programs available for quitting smoking. Smoking is so addictive that only less than 20% of the people successfully kick the habit. A smoker who tries to quit may expect one or more of these withdrawal symptoms: nausea, drowsiness, loss of concentration and irritability. There is more research showing the benefits of quitting, and the drawbacks of not quitting. There are a number of methods such as using e-cigarettes, nicotine patch, gums or lozenges, alternative treatment, self-help and support groups.


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is smoking?

  2. How many chemicals have been found in one cigarette?

  3. What does the oxidative stress cause?

  4. What is the highly addictive ingredient and how quickly does it reach the brain?

  5. Who are the second-hand smokers?

  6. What diseases can cigarette smoking lead to?

  7. How many people still smoke?

  8. What are the health effects of smoking cigarettes?

  9. What are the methods of quitting?

  10. What has cigarette smoking been associated with?

Exercise 8 . Find synonyms in the text :

To inhale- …

To affect- …

To cause- …

Inner- …

Stop - …

Disadvantage - …

Toxic- …

Carcinogen- …

Quickly- …

Harmful – …

Kick – ..

Exercise 9. Match the following terms with their proper definitions:

1. Nicotine






7.Heart attack

a) a colourless oily acrid toxic liquid that turns yellowish-brown in air and light: the principal alkaloid in tobacco

b) a substance, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene, that counteracts the damaging effects of oxidation in a living organism

c) any sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functioning, especially coronary thrombosis

d) the reaction of living tissue to injury or infection, characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and pain

e) any type of malignant growth or tumour, caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division: it may spread through the lymphatic system or blood stream to other parts of the body

f) the drug obtained from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which is smoked or chewed for its psychoactive properties. It produces euphoria and relaxation; repeated use may lead to psychological dependence

g) any substance used in or resulting from a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules, especially one derived artificially for practical use

Exercise 10. Find corresponding equivalents in English.

Хімікати, спричинити мутації ДНК, отруйні речовини, імунна система організму, речовини, що викликають рак, вдихнути в легені, симптоми отруєння чадним газом, пошкодити важливі гени, впливати на людський організм, наслідки для здоров'я від паління сигарет, привести до смерті, канцерогенний, ріст клітин, впливати на функції імунної системи, процес старіння, легені курців , токсичні інгредієнти в сигаретному димі, хронічне запалення, дихальні шляхи, кинути палити, містити радиоактивні важкі метали, окис вуглецю, впливати на функції імунної системи

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