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БЖД / Практика ЦЗ англ / Практика 3 англ.docx
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2. Regional centralized automatizated system notifications (rascn).


2 .1. Description of the existing regional ext ishnooblastno th District warning "signal on" (Figure - 2 .1).


The current warning system is based mainly on the equipment P-160, P-164,

and remote control equipment early release ADU-CV. Control of notification is coded commands remotely "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" pu l th Control P-162-I § Management Chief WS region through hardware P-160 and further equipment P-164 in rigid lines, and physical lines.

Equipment P-164 (P-160) provides:

- Circular call and broadcast voice information subscribers telephone network, devices which are connected to a particular set of equipment P-164 (P-160);

- Transfer of control signals on endpoints (inclusion and exclusion sirens);

- Transfer of control and voice information on amplifiers wired broadcasting.

Equipment P-164 (P-160) are mainly located in the linear hardware Facilities

(LAZ) exchanges. At the command of "1" from the transmitter P-164-D provides run counter circular calling P-164-C for transmission to subscribers of the telephone network voice information from elektroprohravachiv, which go into the racks P-164-P, P-164-D in turn taking management team and linguistic message from the receiver P-164-P, remote control unit P-164-U transceiver or P-160 (P-162).

Management has sirens resistant P-164-E through endpoints P-164-A teams to "2", "3".

At the command of "2" is launched sirens in continuous mode for three minutes. At the command of "3" is launched sirens in discontinuous mode for 3 minutes.

Signals com Andes Administration (K2, 3) on the P-164-E coming through P-164-D from P-164-U and U-160.

Signals for inclusion sirens coming in line for three minutes, then returned to the main line of communication to users.

At the command of "4" is provided launch rack P-164-C to transmit voice information that is broadcast from P-164-B, P-160 (P-162), P-164-P.

At the command of "5" is provided by launching device switching radio transmission unit P-164 through P-P-164-D for the transmission of speech Broadcasting network information broadcast from the P-164-B, P-164-P, P-160, P -162.

At the command of "6" is provided off (return to regular mode) devices included the commands "1" ... "5", and also checked performance of these devices without the inclusion of executive elements.

According to team management "1" ... "6" is selected lines to send commands and receive signals at the time of confirmation 3.8 ... 6 sec. The command "4" and "5" selection lines carried before entering the next command.

After the transfer of command "4" and "5" is provided by broadcast voice information.

Signals Command remote upra vlinnya are manipulated amplitude sinusoidal signal of frequency 1150 ­ ± 250 Hz.

To send six teams used six shestyelementnyh combinations that cyclically repeating:

1) 010001 - K1, 3) 100 001 - R3, 5) 110,001 - K5;

2) 011001 - K2, 4) 101 001 - K4, 6) 111 001 - K6.

Coded signals commands presented in line with the coincidence time 2,8 ± 0,6 sec., Which corresponds to 48 parcels remote control. In recognition of the encoded signal commands enough 24 parcels.

Signals confirm the parcel as tone frequency 1400 ± 200 Hz coming through communication channels of receivers that recognize the transferred command.

Signals speech information transmitted over the same lines as the remote control signals.

To alert the population, except of wires in th broadcast involved means broadcasting based FM radio stations and television transmitters in the VHF - FM range radioteleperedavalnoho regional center (ORTP C).

To inform the public about possible ES used tools

broadcasting companies (TRC).

Managing technical means warning and control of commands is filed with the remote control P - 162 - I prompt another item management chief CP region.


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