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Методичка по английскому. 1, 2 семестр.docx
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III. Работа над грамматикой

Местоимения some, any, no и их производные

Задание 1. Прочтите информацию на стр 113-114 учебника 1

Задание 2. Выполните упр 10-13 на стр 113-115

Занятие 12.

Этапы занятия:

I. Ознакомительное чтение. Прочтите текст, найдите информацию по различным видам микроскопов, их достоинствам и недостаткам.


Have you ever wished you could see little bit better - perhaps to read what someone else is writing from a distance or to recognize who exactly it is in the crowd at a football match? How frustrating it can be when you can't quite make out the print of the newspaper of the person opposite you on the train. This is how early scientists probably felt when they strained their eyes to decipher the detailed structure of organisms.

The light microscope opened up a new world of structural detail for biologists, but the wavelength of light limits the light microscope to distinguishing objects which are 0.2 µm or further from each other. This ability to distinguish two objects close together rather than to see them as a single image is called the resolving power or resolution.

So in 1933 the electron microscope was developed. This instrument works on the same principles as the light microscope except that instead of light rays, with their wavelengths in the order of 500 nm, a beam of electrons of wavelength 0.005 nm is used. This means that the electron microscope not only magnifies objects more, it also has a resolving power many thousands of times better than a light microscope.

The light microscope uses glass lenses to focus the light rays, and the electron beam of the electron microscope is focused by means of powerful electromagnets. The image produced by the electron microscope cannot be detected directly by the naked eye. Instead, the electron beam is directed on to a screen from which black and white photographs can be taken.

II. Устная речь. Развитие ок -7, ок-11

Применение интерактивной методики проблемного обучения – студенты получают задание проанализировать текст с целью выявления достоинств и недостатков различных видов микроскопов. В качестве речевой опоры для составления монологического высказывания может служить следующая таблица:

Light microscope

Electron microscope



Cheap to purchase and operate

Expensive to purchase and operate

Small and portable – can be used almost anywhere

Very large and must be operated in special rooms

Unaffected by magnetic fields

Affected by magnetic fields

Preparation of material is relatively quick and simple, requiring only a little expertise

Preparation of material is lengthy and requires considerable expertise and sometimes complex equipment

Material rarely distorted by preparation

Preparation of material may distort it

Natural colour of the material can be observed

All images are in black and white



Magnifies objects up to 2000×

Magnifies objects over 500 000×

The depth of field is restricted

It is possible to investigate a greater depth of field