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PCE V Ivanchouk / Unit 5 Art.doc
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Additional Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Below are two descriptions of different cultural movements. The texts have been gapped for the purpose of exercise. Replace the relevant words into their original places.

orthodox, accomplished, fleeting, ensuing, championed, representation, subdued, precursors, brushwork, rendering, depictions, accustomed, hostile, acceptance, doctrinaire, retained

The direct ____________ofimpressionismwere the English landscape painters Constable and Turner. When Monet and Pissarro first saw the work of these men, in 1871, they were particularly impressed by Turner's____________of atmosphere and his____________of the diffusing effects of light on solid objects.

Edouard Manet showed that subtle ____________of light can be____________as well by the juxtaposition of bright, contrasting colours as by shadings of intermediary tones. Notable French contemporaries who____________the impressionists included such literary figures as Emile Zola, Charles Baudelaire and many others. Long____________to the conventional academic style, the press and public were____________to the new style. During____________years, however, impressionism gradually won____________.

Monet alone was ____________in applying what had become impressionist theory. He painted many series of studies—the cathedral of Rouen, haystacks, a lily pond, and poplars—each study painted at different times of the day and in different seasons. Pissarro used a____________palette and concentrated equally on the effects of light and on the structure of forms. Sisley, although greatly influenced by Monet,____________his own delicacy of style. Degas, who was not an____________impressionist, caught the____________moment, especially in ballet and horse-racing scenes. Renoir preferred to paint the female form rather than pure landscapes. Morisot's subtly painted landscapes gained strength from____________rather than colour.


suggestions, renowned, catalyst, originated, underlie, interchangeably, expressiveness, discarded, latent, charged, dubbed

Symbolist Movement____________in France in the late 19th century. In literature, it encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings, and values by means of symbols or____________rather than by direct statements. Symbolist writers____________rigid rules of versification and the stereotyped poetic images of their predecessors. Symbolist visual arts refer to the use of certain pictorial conventions (pose, gesture, or a repertoire of attributes) to express a____________allegorical meaning in a work of art. Symbolism served as a____________in the development away from representation in art and toward abstraction. Inspiration was found initially in the work of the French painters Puvis de Chavannes, Moreau, and Redon, who used brilliant colours and exaggerated____________of line to represent emotionally____________dream visions, inspired by literary, religious, or mythological subjects. Their followers included the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh,____________for his use of color to express emotions, and the French painters Paul Gauguin and Emile Bernard. This style they____________synthetist,orsymbolist(using the two terms____________), in opposition to the analytic approach of impressionism. Symbolism, with its concern for the subjective, allusive employment of colour and form, can be seen to____________successive later 20th-century art styles.

  1. Return to the two descriptions in the previous exercise and answer the questions that follow. Make use of the language of the passages, as well as the functional exponents in the box below.

  1. What is the quintessence of the two trends?

  2. Where is the difference in their depictions?

  3. How are these conceptual points exemplified in pictures that you know?

  4. What are your preferences?

  • … was/were most concerned with/concentrated on/wrapped in/referred to…;

  • … in the first place/first and foremost/essentially;

  • … logically/reasonably/therefore/thus/consequently/as a consequence/as a result/in the outcome;

… look up to/have great respect for/am impressed by/fond of/in love with/fascinated by/captivated by/intrigued by/bored stiff by/sick to death of/sth doesn't get through to me/ am indifferent to/ignore sth.

  1. Explain the meanings and give examples of usage of the following words from the text above. Use the chart below.




Example of usage other than in the text

orthodox, fleeting, champion (v), subdue, precursor, depiction, renowned, catalyst, underlie, latent, dub, doodle, scribble, trace, study, snap, shot, cartoon, caricature

  1. Study the synonyms and fill in the gaps in the sentences below.

a) sketch, trace, draw, scribble, doodle

  1. The children were ________ pictures of flowers from life.

  2. She toured The Czech Republic, visiting and ________ castles.

  3. He always ________ on his notepad when attending meetings.

  4. Janet can't draw a real picture yet but she enjoys ________ with crayons.

  5. The children ________ the map of the country and then wrote in the names of the places they had visited.

b) sketch, illustration, drawing, painting, study, picture

  1. Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' is one of the most famous ________ in the world.

  2. The museum has an impressive collection of early 20th cen­tury Polish ________.

  3. On the wall was a ________ of a woman's head by Renoir.

  4. That isn't the finished picture - it's just a rough ________.

  5. The new encyclopaedia is full of colour ________ and pho­tographs.

  6. Renoir did several ________ of small plants and flowers.

c) snap, mug shot, shot, photo/picture, photograph

  1. Ansel Adams' ________ of the American wilderness are now worth a fortune.

  2. Did you take any good ________ while you were in Prague?

  3. The cortege went past so quickly that she only had time to take a couple of ________.

  4. The police showed me some ________ and I had to say if any of them looked like the man who assaulted me.

  5. I've got some ________ of my family, if you care to see them.

d) landscape, caricature, portrait, cartoon

  1. The artist Hans Holbein was best known for painting ________.

  2. Con­stable is probably England's most famous ________ artist.

  3. The ________ shows a group of elephants trying to get into a phone-box.

  4. We had our ________ drawn by a street artist while we were on vacation at the seaside.

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