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8. The ablaut in the Indo-European languages and Germanic languages.

The vowels played an important part in the grammar of Proto-Indo-European, because of the way they alternated in related forms (as in Modern English sing, sang, sung), and this system descended to Proto-Germanic. There were several series of vowels that alternated in this way. Each member of such a series is called a grade (ступінь), and the whole phenomenon is known as gradation or ablaut.

Ablaut is an independent vowel intergange unconnected with any phonetic condition; different vowels appear in the same environment,surrounded by the same sound.

  • The rise of ablaut is partly connected with the movement of z stress: In PIE the accent was free, in Germanic it was retracted to the initial syllable of voice

  • Ablaut was inherited by PG from PIE.

  • The Germanic l-ges employed both types of Ablaut – Qualitative and Quantitative.

  • In the Germanic languages it was most consistently used in building the principal forms of the verbs.

There are 3 types of ablaut: ( p.70)

  1. quantitative (altenation of short & long vowels).

IE e>zero, o>zero, short e> long e, short o> long o.

Gr. pater- patros(gen.)

Lat. sedo – sedi

Germ. e>zero, a > zero, short e > long e, short a > long o

OE ber – beron

  1. qualitative ( the vowels differ in quality- change of front vowels into back)

IE e>o

везу-возити; нести-ноша.

Germ. i/e > a, i>u

Got. drigkan- dragk

OE þencan- þank

Merowingi – Nibelungi

  1. qualitative – qualitative

IE e> o> zero.

Рус. беру- сбор-брать

Germ. i/e > a, a >long o

OHG beran – barn- giburt

OE faran – for – foron – faren

There are 5 classes of ablaut:

I: i: - ai – i – i

II: iu – au –u – u

III: i – a – u – u

IV: i – a – ē – u

V: i - a – ē – i.

Ablaut is used in strong verbs in Gothic l-ges.

9. The Proto-Germanic phonology. The vowels.

Indo-European language-based system consisted of five vowels and five short and long A,O,U,I,E. Vowels a, o, e are mainly stressed syllables, so they are called essential, loud I, U were originally only in unstressed syllables, because it is believed that they developed during the reduction of diphthongs. Unstressed long vowels were reduced in neutral sound, called “shva” and indicate on the sign…/ /

The early period of Germanic sound system was characterized by a clear difference between short and long vowels.

Vowel Triangle Front Back

( lift ) High i u

Mid e o

Low a

There were 8 monophthongs and 3 diphthongs in PG.

Diphthongs: /ai/, /eu/, /au/.

IE short /a/ and /o/ merged in PG short /a/.

IE long vowels were unchanged. /i/>/i/, /u/>/u/. IE long /a/ and /o/ merged in PG long /o/.

In Early PG there were 4 long vowels: /i/, /u/, /o/ /e/. Then appeared /a/.

Long diphthongs were unstable in IE and turned into short diphthongs or long vowels

Features :

  • strict differentiation of short and long vowel phoneme

  • tendency to positional assimilative changes

  • the contrast of short and long vowels is supported by different directions of their change

  • while long vowels generally tended to become closer and to diphthongize, short vowels, on the contrary, often changed into more open sounds :

/ \ u i / \ u i/

\ o e / \ o e/

\ a / \/ a/

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