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28. Simple and composite sentence characteristics in Old Germanic languages.

Syntax of OGL isn’t fully explored. But it is considered that the structure of a simple sentence in OGL is the same as in the ModernGL. There were a couple of differences due to the morphological peculiarities of the Old L-ges.

Simple sentence

  • The predicate was the obligatory feature of a sentence. The verb was absent only in a case when the same verb was used in the preceding sentence.

  • The verb always took the 2nd place. It took the 1st place only if a sentence does not have a subject.

  • Usually a sentence had both a subject and a predicate, but there were numerous cases of a sentence having only one or the other.

  • The attribute and the object didn’t have a fixed position, could precede or follow the subject

  • Those parts of the sentence which express smth new and important were located after the predicate

  • At first, the words order was free but later.. there was the model OV or SOV (S – subject V – predicate O – object) not like SVO as in Modern English.

Composite s-nce – was appeared in the latest developmental stage of the IE l-ge or after the collapse of IE community.:

  • Compound clauses

  • Subordinate clauses (Subordinate clauses were introduced by the subordinate conjunctions)

  1. Complex s-ces start their formation in PIE, but we see only the initial stage: i.e. there already existed subordinate clauses but there were not enough specialized conjunctions

  2. the subordinate s-ces emerged on the basis of combination of simple sentences;

  3. the subordinate clauses appeared on the basis of a simple sentence, when it was complicated by infinitive or participial constructions with the help of subordinate and insubordinate conjunction .

  4. There were mostly coordinative -сурядний(which was expressed with the help of the conjunctions) rather than subordinate conjunction.

Deviation: inversion of the main parts of the sentence, reverse WO of the main and dependent parts.

29. The concept of the comparative method: reconstruction and asterisk. P 20.

In linguistics, the comparative method is a technique for studying the development of languages by performing a feature-by-feature comparison of two or more languages with common descent from a shared ancestor.

The comparative method was developed over the 19th century. Key contributions were made by the Danish scholars Rasmus Rask and Franz Bopp and the German scholar Jacob Grimm. The first linguist to offer reconstructed forms from a proto-language was August Schleicher 

The common or hypothesised language that serves as a common ancestor is called a proto-language, or sometimes, a parent language. In this case the divergent continuations are frequently referred to as daughter languages. A parent language and its daughters constitute a language family.

The RECONSTRUCTION of the parent language is undertaken, when linguist run out of actually documented texts. It’s a hypothesis about the specific form of the proto-language that could have changed into the documented daughter launguages

The ASTERISK (*) is the sign that shows that a letter or a word was reconstructed

The ARCHETYPE is a reconstructed hypothetical form of the proto-language (but not documented)

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